Chapter 177 Humph!Sister Luo is so bad!
Aunt Chen asked Chen Tingting to give her the bowl and to prepare the dishes for Xiao Zuo herself, "This pheasant meat is so delicious! Aunt Chen has bad teeth and ate several pieces. If you take it back and eat it, you will definitely regret it." Damn it, I sent such delicious food to my aunt’s house.”

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Zuo said, "It's just some pheasant meat. If you really like it, there are a few left at home, so I can bring them to you."

"Oh, I have to do it!" Aunt Chen was very happy that Xiao Zuo had such a heart, "You two masters and apprentices don't farm or farm, so you can't catch this pheasant anytime you want, you guys , it’s better to keep these things and eat them slowly, which is the long-term solution.”

Mrs. Chen handed the packed dishes to Xiao Zuo. Xiao Zuo carried them out and walked to the courtyard. He looked at the broken door and said, "This door is waiting for me to repair it for you tomorrow."

Aunt Chen just sat down and stood up again when she heard Xiao Zuo's words, "There's no need to go to such trouble, I can do it myself."

"No trouble."

Xiao Zuo carried the dishes and continued to walk out. Luo Jiuli followed him and saw him out, "Are those people dead?"

Xiao Zuo paused slightly, turned around and looked at Luo Jiuli, grinning in the night, "Guess!"

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "If you like to talk, don't say it. If you don't say it, I'll knock you down! Get out of here!"

"People are hurt, but you still treat them like this! Humph! Sister Luo is so mean!"

Xiao Zuo's artificial voice made Luo Jiuli's scalp tingle.

"If you miss, just say it!"

She raised her fist and threatened. Xiao Zuo was frightened and immediately returned to normal, "Not dead, not dead yet."

"Huh???" Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, indicating for him to continue.

"That is, Master is afraid that after everyone is dead, those who want to kill you will send people again, so he left some alive and controlled them with drugs so that they can continue to contact the people behind them."

Xiao Zuo said, "This way, you will be much safer. It will not be too late to leave Chenjiacun after your injuries have recovered."

"Master Qiao is interested." Luo Jiuli nodded, "Thank you Master Qiao for me."

"Damn it!" Xiao Zuo patted Luo Jiuli on the shoulder, "Master has always treated you as his own granddaughter and daughter. If I really say that, he will not beat me to death!"

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, turned to the side, and avoided the hand he put on her shoulder. Before Xiao Zuo could cry out in grievance, she spoke in disgust, "Get out of here, go back, don't waste any more time, you Master Qiao is hungry even if he’s not hungry!”

"Hmph! Woman!" Xiao Zuo bared his teeth at Luo Jiuli and turned to leave.

The moonlight is like water, full of stars.

Luo Jiuli watched Xiao Zuo leave before returning to the main room.

She made a bowl of rice and some vegetables to feed Jun Mohan inside the house.

Chen Tingting bit the tip of her chopsticks and said, "Wang, no, it's Miss Luo. Miss Luo, do you want me to help you feed her?"

'Ouch. As soon as Chen Tingting finished speaking, someone kicked her foot lightly.

Aunt Chen glanced at her, "This is a couple's hobby. What are you going to do? What's going on? Eat the rice in your bowl quickly, and then wash the dishes. Don't mix in all the food. No."

Chen Tingting was afraid of being recognized by Jun Mohan, so she didn't want to go at all. She just asked politely. Now when she heard Aunt Chen say this, she immediately responded without thinking, "Oh!"

Luo Jiuli smiled and refused, "No, I can do it alone."

Jun Mohan leaned on the bedside, watching Luo Jiuli come in, his eyes that seemed to have been tempered by ice melted like icebergs and became brighter.

"Who can show you that you are smiling so coquettishly at night!" Luo Jiuli sat down by the bed, put a piece of green vegetables and rice and fed it to Jun Mohan's mouth. Seeing that he didn't open his mouth, she reminded her with her voice and movements, " Ah! Open your mouth and eat!"

Seeing Luo Jiuli actually coaxing him to eat, the smile in Jun Mohan's eyes became even greater.

He took the rice into his mouth in one gulp and said while eating, "There are only two of you and me in the room. As a husband, I will smile for my wife to see." "That's not necessarily true! Who said there are only two of you and me in the room!"

"There are also things you can't see. There are several floating on the side!"

Jun Mohan knew that Luo Jiuli could see ghosts, so Luo Jiuli did not shy away from mentioning this to Jun Mohan.

Wen Yi floating beside: "..."

Kuang Yan floating by the side: "…………"

The man in black, Lao Wu, who had just emerged from the security buckle, said, "..."

Invisible things!thing! ! !
What is a thing! ! ! !
They are nothing! ! ! !

"I can't see them, so I pretend they don't exist." Jun Mohan curled his lips, "And, even if they are here, so what, why don't I, the king, laugh?"

"No one alive can do anything to me, let alone a few ghosts after death."

A few of them spoke with disdain, but no one dared to refute.

Wen Yi: “…………”

Hold it, hold it! ! ! !
He is the king's brother, so he can't bite!Can't bite! !
Kuang Yan: “…………”

Um? ?What did King Yi mean by what he just said? ? ?
His mother said that he should learn everything from King Yi, so he had to take note of it quickly.

However, what did King Yi say just now? ? ? ? ?

The man in black, Lao Wu: “…………”

Tolerate! ! ! !

You can't beat him while you're alive, and now you're dead and you're afraid of the purple flames that come out of him from time to time. It's so damn frustrating! ! !
Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, put the food to his mouth, and said calmly, "You should be lucky that you are a member of the royal family, otherwise, without that sub-dragon vein, with your level of hatred, I'm afraid you would have been killed long ago. They're torn to pieces!"

"Even if this king is not a member of the royal family, he must still be an extremely noble being!" Jun Mohan raised his head, "As long as this king is righteous, there is nothing to be afraid of! What need to be afraid!!"

"..." Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly, "You are quite confident in yourself."

Jun Mohan seemed to not understand the meaning of Luo Jiuli's words, "That's natural."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Well, he is the boss, as long as he is happy!

The two chatted, one fed the other, and the bowl of rice quickly ran out.

'Dong-dong-dong! ! ! 'There was a knock on the door.

"Here we come." Luo Jiuli put down her bowls and chopsticks and went over to open the door. The smell of Chinese herbal medicine that hit her nostrils made her frown slightly. She looked at the two bowls of black soup medicine held by Chen Tingting, "This..."

"Don't worry, it's not all yours." Aunt Chen, who was standing nearby, said, "Only the bowl on the left is yours, and the bowl on the right belongs to your husband."

"Doctor Qiao said that just like you, your husband must drink this decoction for seven days in a row."

Luo Jiuli turned sideways to let them into the room, "Didn't Master Qiao give me the pills my husband wants to take? Why do you still need to drink this decoction?"

(End of this chapter)

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