Chapter 178: Inferior to his size!
"How do you know this old woman? You have to ask Doctor Qiao. Doctor Qiao asked the old woman to prepare the two bowls of medicine for you."

Mrs. Chen walked into the house with her crutches. She turned around and saw that Chen Tingting had not followed her. "Why are you in such a daze? Come in quickly."

"Yeah." Chen Tingting's voice sounded like a mosquito, and she walked away with her head down.

Aunt Chen sighed heavily and banged her cane on the ground, "What are you doing with your head down like this? Lift your head up, otherwise what will happen if you fall down in a while?"

"Oh." Chen Tingting slowly raised her head and looked towards the bed unconsciously.

When she saw Jun Mohan looking this way, she was so frightened that her body became weak and her hands couldn't help but tremble.

At this time Luo Jiuli came over, she put her arms around Chen Tingting's shoulders, "This is Aunt Chen, and this is Aunt Chen's daughter Chen Tingting. They have taken us in these two days."

"From yesterday to today, men in black came to the village twice. If it weren't for their help, we would probably have been caught."

Jun Mohan's eyes followed Luo Jiuli closely. After hearing her introduction, he reluctantly moved his eyes away and glanced at the two people who came in.

When her eyes fell on Chen Tingting, Chen Tingting's body trembled unconsciously.

Just when she thought she was about to die, Jun Mohan glanced at her as if he didn't recognize her, and nodded politely, "Aunt Chen, Miss Chen, I'm the next..."

"Jia Qi!" Luo Jiuli interrupted Jun Mohan loudly.

Several eyes looked at her.

She smiled awkwardly, "Hehehehe."

He stiffly explained again, "My husband's surname is Jia Qi. The reason why he is called this name is because he is the seventh eldest son in the family, so the sum of his surname and ranking is his name, Jia Qi."

"Hehehe, maybe this name is a bit random, but..." Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, and an idea flashed in his mind, "But I think this name is quite grand and nice, hehehehehehe ,right!"

As Luo Jiuli spoke, he winked at Jun Mohan while Mrs. Chen wasn't paying attention.

damn thing!
In order to hide his identity, she told a lot of lies.

She was going to betray someone at this time, and if Mrs. Chen found out that she was actually telling lies, where would she put her face?
Chen Tingting's body trembled even more.

The princess dared to interrupt the prince!
It's over!It's over!
Chen Tingting lowered her head and was scared to death.

Unexpectedly, the expected rage did not come, and what followed was actually a chuckle.

"Haha, is that right? My husband has always disliked the name because it sounds unpleasant. I didn't expect my wife to think so. In this way, I don't have to feel inferior to this name anymore."

Luo Jiuli felt rows of black lines hanging on his forehead, "..."

Damn it!Possessed by the drama spirit!
Still feel inferior!
Inferior to his size!
Didn't he choose this name casually? ! ! !

"Hey! It's just a name, what's the big deal! Look, in our village there are people called Goudan, Big Dog, and Hei Niu. Compared with them, your name is much nicer. , there is nothing to feel inferior to, don’t the older generation often say, it’s easy to make a living with a cheap name!”

Aunt Chen said and sat down nearby, put the crutches aside, and looked at Jun Mohan with her yellow eyes, "Well, your face looks much better than in the daytime. Young man, your body is good! Even Mr. Qiao said that you are Mo expected to wake up the day after tomorrow, but I didn’t expect to wake up today.”

"Not bad." Jun Mohan's expression was indifferent, but he didn't have the forbidding coldness that he usually treated others with.

At least it seems polite.

"Jia Qi, thank you very much, Mrs. Chen, for taking me and my wife in."

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows.Oh yo yo!
Why didn't I see it before? It turns out that this bitch can talk quite a bit.

"What's there to thank you for? Anyone who sees someone in trouble will help. We can only help with a little effort. What's more, with the relationship of Doctor Qiao, there is no way we can just stand by and watch."

Aunt Chen does not take credit, but Luo Jiuli cannot help but be grateful. She has already remembered this kindness in her heart, and she only waits to return to the capital before repaying her kindness.

"Ating, quickly bring the medicine to this young man to drink." Aunt Chen looked at Luo Jiuli, "There is also Jiuli for you. I have to watch you finish drinking it."

"Okay." Chen Tingting calmed down.

The prince spoke to Miss Chen, as if he did not recognize her.

She held up the plate with the soup and motioned to Luo Jiuli to take her bowl of soup and drink it first.

Luo Jiuli didn't move, so Chen Tingting had to carry it to the bed first and bowed to remind, "Right, the bowl on the right is yours."

Chen Tingting's salute gesture made Jun Mohan frown.

Feeling Jun Mohan's scrutiny, Chen Tingting's already lowered head lowered even more, and her heart was beating rapidly.

Oops, did the prince recognize her?
"Thank you, Miss Chen. However, I have some inconvenience. I can't use the decoction myself. If you can help me, just put it aside. My wife will feed me something later."

Jun Mohan's words made Chen Tingting breathe a sigh of relief, and she bowed again, "Yes."

Putting the decoction aside, Chen Tingting quickly turned around and brought the remaining bowl to Luo Jiuli, "This bowl belongs to you, Miss Luo."

Luo Jiuli frowned tightly and did not express his resistance.

"Girl, you're so old, and you're still afraid of taking medicine! Didn't you drink it quite simply this morning? I've prepared all the sour plum candies!"

Aunt Chen took out something wrapped in paper from her arms, pulled it open and saw two sour plum candies lying in it.

Luo Jiuli, "..."

Why is this method of coaxing her to drink medicine so familiar? ? ? ?
But seeing the sour plum candy, Luo Jiuli also thought about it.

She ran over, squatted in front of the basin of dirty clothes, and turned over them.

"You kid, why are you going through the dirty clothes if you don't want to drink medicine?" Aunt Chen said and looked at Chen Tingting, "A-Ting, please remember to take all the dirty clothes away from the room and wash them out early tomorrow morning."

"I know, grandma." Chen Tingting responded.

"Found it!" Luo Jiuli put the messed up clothes back into place, stood up, and happily said to Aunt Chen with a small gourd as big as a thumb, "Aunt Chen, I don't need to take medicine anymore, just have this! "

Aunt Chen, "What is this????"

"This is the pill that Master Qiao specially asked Xiao Zuo to make for me overnight." Luo Jiuli walked up to Aunt Chen, pulled off the stopper, and put it close to Aunt Chen's nose, "Can you smell this?"

Aunt Chen is old and her sense of smell is not very sensitive.

But the smell of sour plum candy was stronger, and Mrs. Chen smelled it almost immediately, "Sour plum candy?"

"Yes!" Luo Jiuli took back the small gourd and stuffed it, "These are the sour plum candy pills that Xiao Zuo specially made for me."

(End of this chapter)

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