Chapter 179 Something is wrong with this family!

"I was originally going back to the capital today, but Master Qiao was afraid that I wouldn't drink the medicine on time, so he asked Xiao Zuo to make this pill for me."

Luo Jiuli looked at the dark bowl of decoction in Chen Tingting's hand, "This pill has the same effect as this decoction, so I can just take this pill and don't need to drink the decoction!"

As he spoke, Luo Jiuli pulled open the stopper again, poured a pill into the palm of his hand, and swallowed it without drinking any water.

" this enough????" Aunt Chen didn't quite believe it, and said earnestly: "You can't deceive me, you have to think about your own body."

"Well, that's enough." Luo Jiuli nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, I still cherish my body very much. After all, I don't think my life is too long. How could I even go to the hospital just to avoid taking medicine?" I don’t care about my body.”

"But Doctor Qiao didn't tell me?" Aunt Chen asked worriedly, "Can it really work? Are the medicines really the same in their effects? What if something goes wrong if you don't take the medicine, and Doctor Qiao comes to trouble me later?" How to fix it!"

"Don't worry, it won't happen, it won't happen!!! The effects of the medicine are exactly the same. If you don't believe it, just ask Master Qiao tomorrow and you will know!" Luo Jiuli put away the small gourd, "Can I really heal my body?" Don’t worry about it.”

"Well, aunt believes in you, but you can't lie to aunt."

Aunt Chen stood up with a cane, and Luo Jiuli helped her up, "How could I lie to you? I never lie."

The man in black, Lao Wu: “…………”

Wen Yi: “…………”

Do not lie? ? ? ? ?
So, when did Brother Wang change his name to Jia Qi? ? ? ?

Why doesn't she know?
Luo Jiuli helped Aunt Chen to go out and Aunt Chen said, "Okay, okay, if there is anything to give to you within two steps, go back quickly. You have to drink your husband's medicine while it's hot."

"Okay." Luo Jiuli let go of Aunt Chen's hand and watched as she walked a few steps before closing the door and falling back to the bed.

Jun Mohan thoughtfully placed a spoon in the medicine bowl.

Luo Jiuli picked up the medicine and wanted to feed it to Jun Mohan, but Jun Mohan turned his head away and refused to drink. His brows were furrowed with a solemn look on his face.

Luo Jiuli's face was filled with questions, "What's wrong????"

Jun Mohan turned back to look at Luo Jiuli and said firmly, "There is something wrong with this family!"

"Huh???" Luo Jiuli was suspicious, "What's wrong? What's wrong??"

"Have you noticed Miss Chen?" Jun Mohan asked.

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli nodded, "What's wrong with her??"

"You have always told the Chen family that my king's name is Jia Qi, right?" Jun Mohan asked again.

"That's right!" Luo Jiuli nodded, his expression turned rather resentful, and he glanced at him, "Didn't you say this name when you lied to me? I thought I couldn't reveal your identity, so I just used it. !”

"That's not the point." Jun Mohan shook his head, "The point is that the Chen family doesn't know my identity, but when Miss Chen brought the medicine just now, did you notice that she saluted me? It was still standard. Royal concubine etiquette!”

Yuan Sheng's etiquette was strict, especially for the royal family. Even if the main wife and concubines performed the same ceremony, there were still subtle differences.

For example, when bowing in the main room, the left hand is on top and the right hand is on the bottom.

But for the concubine's room, the right hand is on top and the left hand is on the bottom.

Luo Jiuli, "..."

Why should she salute him? ? ?
Is it still a concubine ceremony? ? ? ?

Could it be... An idea flashed in Luo Jiuli's mind. Her apricot eyes widened, and she was about to say something, but was interrupted by a knock on the door, 'Dong, dong, dong! '.

Then Chen Tingting's voice came from outside the door, "Miss Luo, I'm here to get the dirty clothes and the dishes and chopsticks."

'Squeak~' Luo Jiuli opened the door and turned sideways, "Come in!"

Chen Tingting stepped through the door and nervously bowed first to Jun Mohan and then to Luo Jiuli.

"Okay, no need to be polite. The clothes are by the window. Go get them!" Luo Jiuli passed by Chen Tingting, sat on the bedside, and picked up the medicine bowl again, "The bowl and chopsticks are on the table. I have this medicine in my hand." You don’t need to worry about the bowl and spoon, I will take them out myself when he finishes drinking."

"Yes." Chen Tingting picked up her things, bowed to the two of them, and walked out. When she reached the door, she suddenly remembered something. Before closing the door, she said to the two people inside, "Auntie said that your sheets and bedding need to be changed, concubine. Me, I’ll come back later.”

Luo Jiuli nodded, "Thank you."

The reason why Aunt Chen was not allowed to help change the sheets and bedding in the afternoon was because Aunt Chen had difficulty with her legs and feet.

As for her, although she had never changed any sheets or bedding, she was at least nimble and thought she was smart, so it shouldn't be a big problem if she fumbled around.

However, although the problem is not big, she is lazy!

Now that Chen Tingting is here, she... is too lazy to explore anymore!
Chen Tingting leaned over and stepped back, leaving the door open.

When she put down the things in her hands and returned to the room, Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan didn't say a word, and they still didn't drink the soup.

Luo Jiuli helped Jun Mohan stand up slowly, and Jun Mohan almost half of his body was pressed against Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli gritted his teeth and supported him. Chen Tingting saw this and wanted to help him, but Jun Mohan refused: "No! I... I have contact syndrome, please forgive me, girl."

Chen Tingting: “…………”

Contact syndrome? ? ?What is it? ? ? ?

The men in black, Lao Wu and Kuang Yan, also asked the same question. Wen Yi rolled her eyes at them, "It's just mysophobia. Except for Mrs. Wang, Brother Wang will feel disgusted when he touches any woman, including me!"

Wen Yi felt extremely aggrieved when he said the last three words.

Luo Jiuli was surprised when he heard this. He... really had some kind of contact syndrome! ! ! ! !
Well, the reason why he didn't catch her in the secret passage of the princess's mansion last time was really because of Roush's contact syndrome! ! ! ! ? ? ? ? ? ?
So, she misunderstood him? ? ? ? ! ! !

Luo Jiuli finally supported Jun Mohan to sit down on the stool. The stool had no backrest, so Jun Mohan excused his chest pain and insisted on holding Luo Jiuli's waist and leaning against her.

Luo Jiuli looked at Jun Mohan, who had his hands around her waist, and was speechless for a while, "Both hands are raised, are you sure this won't hurt more?"

"No." Jun Mohan shook his head seriously, then leaned his head over and took a deep breath.

The lady smells so good!

Just lost some weight!
When he gets back, he will definitely tell the kitchen to make more delicious food for his wife!

"..." Luo Jiuli said helplessly, "Okay! As long as you are happy!"

Anyway, the real pain wouldn't hurt her.

Chen Tingting looked at the two of you and me, loving each other, and was stunned for a moment, forgetting what she was here for.

This shameless person who insists on relying on the princess is really... a prince! ! ! ? ? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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