Chapter 180 Good kids don’t curse.

Didn't it mean that the prince was very unhappy with the princess? ? ? ?


Luo Jiuli put his hand on Jun Mohan's shoulder and half hugged her. Seeing Chen Tingting frozen on the spot, she asked, "But you want my help?"

"Ah ??? No, no, no need, no need." Chen Tingting returned, holding the bed sheet and bedding, and the action was picked up first, "I, I can!"

Luo Jiuli hummed, "Thank you."

"No, you're welcome." Chen Tingting turned her back to Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan, always feeling hot on her back, as if she was being watched by someone.

She speeded up nervously, only to become more and more confused.

After tucking the quilt into the quilt, my feet were in the wrong position, like a rope that couldn't be pulled apart.

"You really don't need my help?" Luo Jiuli asked again.

"No, no, no, really no." Chen Tingting shook her head repeatedly.

The man in black, Lao Wu, floated in front of Chen Tingting and asked in confusion, "What does she seem to be afraid of?"

The man in black, Lao Wu, didn't know Chen Tingting's identity, but Wen Yi did. "Of course I'm afraid that Brother Wang will find out her identity."

"Huh??? Afraid that King Yi will find out her identity!! What identity? Does she have any relationship with King Yi????"

The black man came closer to look at Chen Tingting's face, "No way! She's good-looking, but she can't be compared to my aunt!"

"And isn't she just a peasant girl? Could it be possible that she could also be King Yi's concubine?"

I have to say that the man in black, Lao Wu, hit the mark, but neither Wen Yi nor Luo Jiuli paid any attention to him.

The man in black, Lao Wu, circled around Chen Tingting, crossed his chest with one hand, and put the other hand on his chin as if thinking.

After thinking for a while, he came to a conclusion, "Well...she can't be King Yi's concubine, otherwise how could King Yi not recognize her."

"Besides, there are rumors that most of King Yi's concubines have made military exploits on the battlefield. The emperor's gifts are all the daughters of ministers. How could she, a peasant girl, become King Yi's concubine?"

The more the man in black, Lao Wu, talked, the more he felt that his analysis was reasonable.

He raised his head and looked at Wen Yi and Luo Jiuli with a look of approval, "How is it? Am I right?"

Wen Yi put his hands on his hips and rolled his eyes at him, "I'm so mean to you!"

"..." Lao Wu, the man in black, snorted, "If you don't tell me, don't tell me. Why are you so cruel? I'm not interested in your royal secrets!"

Kuang Yan tugged on Wen Yi's sleeves, "Cousin, we can't curse! Mother said it's wrong to curse!"

"......Well, I'm not scolding you, I just think his head, hair, eh, yes, I just think his hair looks good, ah, for your head, I'm complimenting him, his hair is right, Nice hair.”

Wen Yi's random fabrication almost made Luo Jiuli laugh.

Kuang Yan blinked twice, "Is this what you mean???"

"Of course that's what it means. Cousin, I'm a princess, how can I still lie?" Wen Yi puffed up her chest confidently.

"Okay." Kuang Yan nodded, took Wen Yi's hand with his little hand, looked up at her, his grape-like eyes bent, "Then cousin, I'm so mean to you!"

When Luo Jiuli heard this, he couldn't help but said, "Pfft!" 'For a moment, I laughed out loud.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha." The man in black, Lao Wu, burst out laughing, "Hahahahahahahahahahaha."

Wen Yi: "..." She brought it upon herself...

Jun Mohan raised his head from Luo Jiuli's waist and looked up at her, "Madam, did you think of something funny???"

Chen Tingting also looked back.

Luo Jiuli suppressed a smile and shook his head, "No."

Who is Jun Mohan? He is a god on the battlefield, and any slight change in mood cannot be hidden from his eyes.

Even Luo Jiuli didn't say anything. He followed her line of sight and looked at the empty sky, and he had an idea in his mind.

Kuang Yan opened his eyes wide and looked at Lao Wu, the man in black who was laughing, Luo Jiuli who was holding back his laughter, and Wen Yi who was stunned on the spot.

He blinked and asked in a low voice, "But I made a mistake???"

"Hahahahahaha, no, you are right, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha." Lao Wu, the man in black, laughed until his stomach hurt.

He was always criticized by Wen Yi, and this time someone finally took revenge for him!
Wen Yi didn't even bother to look at him, and reached out to touch Kuang Yan's head, "You are right, but only adults can say this sentence that children cannot say."

"Why???" Kuang Yan asked.

"Because..." Wen Yi thought for a while, but really couldn't think of any good way to explain, so she waved her hand and said shamelessly: "Oh! There are so many reasons. Anyway, just listen to your cousin. From now on But you are not allowed to say this, especially not to your cousin, do you understand?"

"Oh!" Kuang Yan nodded obediently.

Just when Wen Yi thought the topic was over, Kuang Yan looked into Wen Yi's eyes and suddenly asked, "Then, is this sentence a curse?"

"No." Wen Yi replied without thinking, but her eyes looked away from Kuang Yan's eyes with a guilty conscience.

"Okay!" Kuang Yan chose to believe Wen Yi. He took Wen Yi's hand and shook it, "Then cousin, promise me that you won't say curse words in the future, okay?"

"No!" Wen Yi refused without thinking. She glanced at him and said, "Although you are my cousin, we have only known each other for half a day. Why should I listen to you?"

Kuang Yan pursed his lips, and his big black and white eyes slowly gathered, "My mother said that children who curse are all bad children. We can't be bad children, otherwise there will be people who specialize in cleaning up bad children and take us away." .”

Kuang Yan shook Wen Yi's little hand again and said coquettishly, "Cousin, let's not be bad boys, okay?"

"...The little brat can also use the trick of bitter meat."

Wen Yi pulled out her hand in disgust, Kuang Yan blinked, and tears burst out of his eyes and flowed down his cheeks, "Cousin..."

"Oh! OK, OK!!! Don't cry. Don't cry. I don't curse people. I won't curse people anymore, okay?" Wen Yi gave up.

Kuang Yan shed his tears easily, and raised a smile the next moment, "Okay!"

"..." Wen Yi gritted her teeth, "You brat, you lied to me! You actually faked crying!"

Kuang Yan chuckled, "Cousin, I really cried, my tears are still there!"

Kuang Yan wiped away the tears still hanging on his face, floated up a little, and looked at Wen Yi's level. He stretched out his wet hands in front of Wen Yi's eyes.

"Look, the tears are still there. I'm really crying."

"My mother said that those who lie to others are also bad boys, so I won't lie to others!"

Wen Yi: “…………”

That's true, but why does she always feel that something is wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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