The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 181 How about the lady inspecting the goods? ? ?

Chapter 181 How about the lady inspecting the goods? ? ?

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Well, he's not pretending to cry, he's just acting!

Tsk, tsk, tsk, I really can’t tell, this little kid is pretty good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

"Miss Luo, Mr. Jia, the sheets and quilts have been changed, and you can go to bed." Chen Tingting approached with the changed sheets and quilts, and bowed to Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan.

"Okay." Luo Jiuli nodded, "Thank you."

"Miss Luo, you're welcome. These are what I should do." Chen Tingting glanced at the untouched decoction on the table and reminded in a low voice: "This medicine must be used while it is hot, so as not to lose its potency after cooling."

Luo Jiuli hummed and looked down at Jun Mohan, "I'll help you go to bed to rest."

"Okay." Jun Mo responded coldly, finally willing to let go of Luo Jiuli's hand.

"Can I help?" Chen Tingting asked.

"No need." Jun Mohan refused, "My wife can do it alone."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

I can not! ! ! !
How heavy is your meow, but you don’t even know the number between AC and AC in your mind?

"Concubine, then I will leave." Chen Tingting leaned over and left, not forgetting to close the door.

As soon as Chen Tingting left, Luo Jiuli said, "I can do anything on my own. How much do you weigh? You don't have any idea???"

She almost gave up her old waist!

Jun Mohan curled his lips, "My husband thinks that he is not as heavy as a big stone slab!"

"????" Luo Jiuli, "Big stone slab?? What big stone slab????"

Naturally, it’s a big slate that breaks the big stone in the chest!

Jun Mohan thought to himself, but said nothing about it, "I won't tell you."

"..." Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "You bitch, you keep talking about it all day long. If you don't want to talk about it, just don't talk about it! I don't want to know yet!"

"My wife is so brave!" Jun Mohan stood up with Luo Jiuli's help, "How dare you insult the royal family!"

"Dogs are meant to curse." Kuang Yan floated to Luo Jiuli and taught him a lesson like a little adult: "Sister Luo, you can't curse either! It's wrong to curse! We can't curse, otherwise we will be caught by bad guys. Let’s go!”

"Bah! I'm not swearing, I'm just stating the facts!"

There is no need for outsiders to speak in Luo Jiuli.

She supported Jun Mohan and walked to the bed. Whether it was an illusion or not, the weight on her body seemed to be lighter this time than before.

As she walked away, she had time to say, "What does it mean to insult the royal family? I don't do it. Let's not say whether the dog is insulting people. Even if it is, then I am just insulting you. Don't put such a big label on me. "

"Yes, yes, yes." Jun Mo smiled coldly, "It's because the husband has wrongly blamed the wife. He scolds me when he scolds me alone. The husband allows the wife to scold me for the rest of my life!"

"Eh!" Wen Yi felt that she didn't have the chance to see it, so she entered the safety buckle with a hiss.

The man in black, Lao Wu, also imitated Wen Yi's voice and followed him into the safety button.

Kuang Yan's eyes rolled around, looking very cute, as if he had no idea what was going on.

It was Wen Yi who shouted, "Kuang Yan, come in quickly, don't delay the birth of my princess' nephew."

"Oh!" Kuang Yan responded, and then followed him into the safety buckle.

Luo Jiuli didn't know whether it was from heat or embarrassment, her cheeks were red. She struggled to support Jun Mohan to lie back on the bed, picked up the soup again and sat on the bedside.

"Bah! Who wants to scold you for the rest of your life!"

"I'm too lazy to tell you so much, just drink the medicine quickly."

"You can't drink this medicine!" Jun Mohan frowned, "Maybe it's poisoned!" "..." Luo Jiuli, "You're quite precious about your life."

"Of course." Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli with a smile, "I want to keep this life for my husband, but I have to keep it to accompany my wife for the rest of my life."

Luo Jiuli pouted, "I don't want your company."

"My wife agreed."

Jun Mohan's words made Luo Jiuli look confused, "What did I respond to? I didn't respond."

"In the past, when I called Madam A-Li, A-Li would not respond, but now, A-Li responds." Jun Mohan raised his lips, and a smile seemed to overflow from his eyes.

"..." Luo Jiuli said, "I can do it if I want to, and if I don't want to do it, I shouldn't do anything!"

"I am the princess you are marrying. As long as we don't reconcile, I will accept your calling me your wife. What's wrong? No?"

"It's okay, it's okay. I wish my wife would respond to my husband's request, but..." Jun Mohan paused slightly.

Luo Jiuli said, "It's just what? Don't be like Xiao Zuo, a grown man who is always mumbling when he talks."

"I've just called you my husband for so long, wife. Shouldn't I also call you husband, husband?"

Jun Mohan said the last two words very softly, with a slight upswing at the end, which was very touching.

'boom! ', something suddenly exploded in Luo Jiuli's mind.

"Husband, husband, you are so big! What a beautiful idea! Take the medicine!"

Jun Mohan looked at the spoonful of medicine that Luo Jiuli handed to his mouth, but did not drink it.

Instead, he moved his gaze upward to Luo Jiuli's face.

He acted as if Luo Jiuli was going to poison him.

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

What a special expression!
"Can I still poison you?"

"If the lady wants to poison my husband to death, I'll enjoy it as sweet as honey!" Jun Mohan opened his mouth to drink the medicine. The medicine tasted bitter and astringent, and spread out in all directions.

Luo Jiuli didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then fed him another mouthful, "Did you really not recognize it, or were you pretending not to recognize it?"

Jun Mohan, "Huh????"

"Okay, I think you really didn't recognize her." Luo Jiuli said while feeding her, "Chen Tingting is He Meiren."

Jun Mohan said, "What a beauty? From whose house??"

"Don't act stupid, you!"

Looking at Luo Jiuli's eyes and the tone of his voice, Jun Mohan understood, "In this palace????"

"Otherwise?" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and couldn't help but sarcastically said, "There is a rumor that King Yi has a photographic memory. You...can't even remember your concubine. Is it true? Bar!"

"Damn it!" The voice of Lao Wu in black came from the safety button, "She is really King Yi's concubine! Tsk tsk tsk!!! I didn't expect that my famous Erwu Shuangsha Laowu would also make a mistake one day!"

"I have a photographic memory, but it depends on where I use it!" Jun Mohan raised his eyebrows at Luo Jiuli, "For example, my wife, she was deeply impressed by her husband the first time they met. Heart."

"If I remember correctly, the first time we met was at Chang Yucheng's grave, so you recognized me as a woman the first time we met?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"That's not true." Jun Mohan shook his head.

"Isn't that great? You took me to your heart the first time we met. Come on, it's so fake. Unless you... have a broken sleeve???"

"...No." Jun Mohan smiled mischievously, "How about Madam inspecting the goods???"

"Bah!" Luo Jiuli blushed in embarrassment, "Let's test your head in public!"

(End of this chapter)

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