Chapter 182 Wei Yan is here
Jun Mohan curled his lips, looked at the decoction in Luo Jiuli's hand and said, "My husband just wants to test whether this decoction is poisonous. Why are you blushing? Could it be that you are thinking wrong?"

"..." Luo Jiuli's face suddenly turned redder, "Get out!"

"Hahahahahaha." Jun Mohan laughed heartily.

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

This guy is so cool!
After she goes back, she must make up for this kind of words!

The two of them drank the medicine while playing around.

Jun Mohan remembered and asked, "Who is Mr. Qiao?"

"My brother's master, luckily I met him in Chenjiacun this time, otherwise you would be doomed."

Luo Jiuli blew out the candle and groped her way onto the bed. Just like before, she was ready to sleep with Jun Mohan.

Before he fell asleep, he heard Jun Mohan say, "Do you dislike your husband?"

"How do you know?" Luo Jiuli didn't even think about refuting, and directly admitted, "I can't tell, but you are quite self-aware."

Jun Mohan felt aggrieved, "It's okay. My husband doesn't dislike my wife. My wife, please come over and sleep with your husband!"

"Your brain circuit is quite strange! Why do I have to sleep with you if you don't dislike me?"

"According to what you say, there are many people I don't dislike, so why don't they all sleep with me?"

Luo Jiuli didn't bother to care about him, so he lay down and wrapped himself in quilt to sleep.

However, who would have expected that not long after his eyes closed, there was a shuddering voice from the other end, and the bed sank under the weight of gravity.

It was Jun Mohan who got up.

Luo Jiuli opened her eyes, and her vision was pitch black. She looked in the direction of Jun Mohan, "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Why will the wound open in a while? Well..."

In the darkness, a touch of warmth accurately blocked Luo Jiuli's mouth.

It took a long time for the chat to end.

Luo Jiuli breathed in the fresh air. Jun Mohan took her into his arms and kissed her gently on the corner of her forehead, "How can you be so stupid and forget how to breathe?"

Because of Jun Mohan's injuries, Luo Jiuli did not dare to struggle, "You are stupid, your whole family is stupid, I just didn't react at the moment!"

Jun Mo smiled coldly, "Yes, yes, my husband and the whole family are stupid."

Luo Jiuli, "Except me."

Jun Mohan said, "The wife is the most important person to her husband, how can she be removed? She should be the first."

"..." Luo Jiuli said, "Get out!"

"If you don't get out, I will stay with my wife for the rest of my life!" Jun Mohan put his hand on Luo Jiuli's waist harder.

"... I'm still shameless on you. Be careful of your injuries. If you really bleed, I won't care about you."

"It's okay, this is your right hand."

"Hey! That's not what you said just now!" Luo Jiuli turned over and faced Jun Mohan, his face bulging with anger, "Don't you feel pain when you move? You can't even pick up a spoon. Really? Aren’t you going to be injured even when you walk?”

The more Luo Jiuli talked, the angrier she became, and the more she talked, the more she felt that she had been deceived by Jun Mohan again.

She gritted her teeth, "Liar!"

Jun Mohan clasped the back of Luo Jiuli's head with his big hand and gently brought it to his chest, "Husband, this is not called a liar, but called... fun!"

Luo Jiuli put her ear against Jun Mohan's chest, and her chest trembled when he spoke, like a ray of electricity gently hitting her heart.

Neither light nor severe, neither itchy nor painful, numb and numb like a cat scratching, extremely uncomfortable.

Luo Jiuli's voice softened. He clearly retorted, but he didn't have any momentum at all, like a little girl acting coquettishly, "Bah! Damn it, why don't you save some face! You're obviously a liar!"

Jun Mohan, "I'm not a liar."

Luo Jiuli said, "He is just a liar." Jun Mohan said, "Really not."

Luo Jiuli said, "It's true."

Jun Mohan said, "No."

Luo Jiuli, "Yes."

Jun Mohan said, "Okay, okay, my lady says yes."

Luo Jiuli said, "That's pretty much it."

The moon was above the branches, the mist was cold, and the entire Chenjia Village fell silent.

Several dark shadows quietly entered from outside the village.

The leading man in black made a gesture, and the men in black behind him quickly divided into several teams and dispersed.

'Woof woof woof! ! ! '

'Woof woof woof woof! ! ! '

The dogs in the village barked. Some people got up at night and took a look around. When they found that there was nothing, they picked up a stone and threw it at the dogs.

He screamed and cursed: "What do you mean in the middle of the night! If you keep asking the labor and management, I will peel off your skin and eat it as dog meat in the morning!"

'Woof woof woof woof! ! ! '

The dog barked with no intention of stopping, so the owner was so angry that he picked up a stick and beat the dog.

"Still barking! The labor and management asked you to keep barking! barking, barking, barking, stop barking!!!"

The cursing owner did not notice that while he was beating the dog, a dark shadow quickly passed across the roof and merged into the night.

'Woof woof woof, eh~'

The dog of this family finally stopped barking, but then the dog of the other family started barking.

'Woof woof woof woof! '

Wen Yi heard the noise drifting out of the house and saw two masked men in black appearing on the roof, and her heart tightened.

Just as he was about to float back and wake up Luo Jiuli, one of the masked men in black spoke.

"Commander, my brothers have searched most of Chenjia Village, but they haven't found the master. Is it possible that the news coming over there is false?"

"Impossible! That person wants to bring down his opponent. It is impossible for him alone, unless he joins forces with his master. Now that his master is useful to him, he will not want anything to happen to his master, so he cannot give us false news. Keep searching!”

The rough voice of the man in black made Wen Yi extremely happy, "Brother Wei!"

"Yes!" Another man in black responded, raising his sword and breaking a hole in the wooden roof under his feet.

"Brother Wei is here! Brother Wang and Sister-in-law Wang are finally safe!!!" Wen Yi floated back to the room excitedly and shouted to Luo Jiuli, "Sister-in-law Wang! Wake up, wake up!!"

Luo Jiuli was exhausted from running back and forth during the day. In addition, his physical condition was not good, so he slept very deeply, and Wen Yi could not wake up no matter how much he shouted.

"Sister-in-law Wang, wake up, wake up quickly!" Wen Yi couldn't wake up Luo Jiuli, so she turned around and called Jun Mohan.

But she was a ghost. Jun Mohan couldn't even see her, so how could he hear her voice.

So, she decisively gave up calling Jun Mohan and continued to call Luo Jiuli, "Sister-in-law Wang! Sister-in-law Wang!! Brother Wei is here to save you. Wake up, wake up!!!"


Luo Jiuli's thin voice made Wen Yi think that she had finally woken up. However, the former just turned over and then there was no movement.

"..." Wen Yi pursed her lips, "Sister-in-law Wang! Wake up, wake up!"

Kuang Yan came out of the safety buckle, floated to Wen Yi's side, held her hand and said with a sweet voice, "Sister Luo walked for a long time today, she must be exhausted."

(End of this chapter)

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