Chapter 183
"Cousin, be good, we can't quarrel with Sister Luo!"

"My mother said that we are not allowed to make any noise when others are sleeping, otherwise we will be rude and bad children!"

"..." Wen Yi was speechless for a moment, "Then did your mother ever say that you are really wordy!"

"Hmm..." Kuang Yan thought for a while and replied seriously, "No! Mother always praises Xiaobao as a good boy!"


Wen Yi rolled her eyes and ignored Kuang Yan.

She kept shouting for Mrs. Wang to wake up, but she was very confused in her heart.

Brother Wang has good martial arts and amazing internal strength.

Normally, if there was movement outside the door, he would have woken up long ago, but why didn't he react at all now?

Luo Jiuli was sleeping deeply, and in a daze he heard someone shouting in his ear, "Sister-in-law Wang, wake up, wake up quickly!"

She originally planned to ignore it, but the voice next to her ears seemed to stop shouting only if she answered.

Luo Jiuli sighed heartily, opened his eyes and looked at the darkness in the room, "What's the matter? Tell me quickly, don't disturb my beauty sleep, okay???"

"Sister-in-law Wang, you finally woke up!!!" Wen Yi was so excited that she was floating in the air, "It's Brother Wei! Brother Wei and the others are here to save you and Brother Wang!!!"

Luo Jiuli woke up from his drowsiness instantly, "Wei Yan! Where is he?"

Wen Yi said, "It's right outside on the roof, go and have a look!"

"Okay!" Luo Jiuli was about to stand up, but was held by the hand on his waist and could only sit up halfway.

She shook Jun Mohan gently and said, "Jun Mohan, get up, get up, Wei Yan is here, let's go out and have a look."

Jun Mohan didn't respond, and Luo Jiuli put more force on his hand, "Jun Mohan, wake up, wake up."

Jun Mohan still didn't react at all. Luo Jiuli's heart skipped a beat and she tremblingly stretched out her hand to feel his breath.

In the darkness, he couldn't see his position clearly, and his fingertips hit his chin, which was a little hot.

She groped and moved her hand upward, past her lips, and her fingertips finally came into contact with his hot breath.

Luo Jiuli breathed a sigh of relief.

Just be alive!Just be alive! !
She continued to move her hand up, covering Jun Mohan's forehead, which was hot.

I have a fever!
Luo Jiuli came to the conclusion, and his heart started to rise again unconsciously.

After all, he had just detoxified today and now he had a fever. At this time, he could not relax his vigilance.

Afraid of touching Jun Mohan's wound, Luo Jiuli pulled away his hand on her waist as gently as possible, sat up, carefully got out of bed, lit the candle and walked out.

'Woof woof woof woof! ! ! '

Xiao Huang stood in the courtyard, his head pointing toward the main house and barking.

Seeing Luo Jiuli open the door, Xiao Huang turned his head and looked at her, his brown pupils shining in the moonlight.

It barked twice at Luo Jiuli, and then barked twice in the direction of the main house, as if to tell Luo Jiuli that there were bad people there.

Luo Jiuli stepped out, closed the door smoothly, put his index finger between his lips, and made a silencing gesture to Xiao Huang, "Shhh!!!"

'Woof woof~'

Dogs are human beings, so they don’t bark and just calm down.

Luo Jiuli smiled, walked closer and knelt down to touch its head, "Xiao Huang is so good!"

"Sister-in-law Wang! Brother Wei and the others are here!!" Wen Yi floated to Wei Yan's side and waved to Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli raised his eyes and could barely see something black moving there under the moonlight.

If Wen Yi hadn't said it was Wei Yan, those who didn't know would have thought the leaves were moving due to the wind.As Wen Yi finished speaking, Wei Yan also raised his eyes and saw Luo Jiuli squatting in the courtyard and playing with his dog.

There was joy in his eyes, and he flew down, "Princess!"


Xiao Huang was about to scream again, but Luo Jiuli made a silent gesture in time when he saw this, "Shhh!" 'That stopped it.

Seeing Wei Yan flying down, another man in black also flew down, pulled off the black cloth covering his face, clasped his fists and bowed towards Luo Jiuli, "Princess!"

Wei Yan also pulled off the black cloth covering his face.

Luo Jiuli said 'hmm' and gently pinched Xiao Huang's neck, "Good boy, Xiao Huang, don't bite me anymore!"

Xiao Huang let out a "Woo~" and squatted on the spot, wagging his tail, very well-behaved, as if he was replying to Luo Jiuli, "Yeah, I'm good, I won't make trouble, don't worry!" '

"Xiao Huang is so good!" Luo Jiuli praised, then stood up and walked into the house, "Let's talk inside."

"Yes!" Wei Yan bowed and told the secret guard beside him: "Go and notify Mo An. There is no need to look for him."

"Yes!" The secret guard responded and disappeared.

Wei Yan followed Luo Jiuli into the house.

He looked at Jun Mohan lying on the bed and asked worriedly, "My lord, what is this???"

"I have a fever." After Luo Jiuli finished speaking, he was afraid that Wei Yan wouldn't understand, so he added, "It's just a fever."

"How could this happen? I heard that the prince was hit by an arrow..."

"We'll talk about this later." Luo Jiuli interrupted Wei Yan and explained: "He was poisoned before and recovered today. Now he has a fever. He cannot relax his vigilance. He must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise... "

"Then I will go find the doctor now."

Wei Yan was about to leave, but Luo Jiuli stopped him and said, "Hey, come back, come back, it's late at night, and it's the countryside. Where can you go to find a doctor?"

Wei Yan stopped, looked back at Luo Jiuli, and asked anxiously, "What should we do?"

"I know where the doctor is. You keep an eye on him here. I'll come in with a basin of water later. You wet a handkerchief and apply the water on his forehead to cool him down. Wait until I get back with the doctor."

"This..." Wei Yan hesitated, there was no reason for the girl to go out alone in the middle of the night to find the doctor.

"Whatever this is, listen to me." Luo Jiuli turned around and went out to get a basin of water. He still used the same handkerchief he had in the afternoon.

She soaked the handkerchief in water and wrung it out, folded it into a long square and applied it to Jun Mohan's forehead. "You stay here, and every once in a while you feel the handkerchief getting hot, take it off and re-wet it with water and wring it out." He puts it on."

"Okay!" Wei Yan looked at Luo Jiuli, "Be careful!"

"Yes." Luo Jiuli nodded, "Don't worry, the assassins who came first have been subdued by Master Qiao, and the village is very safe!"

The roads in the village were not complicated. It was just in the morning and Luo Jiuli still remembered how to walk.

She followed the route in her memory and walked quickly towards the west of the village under the bright moonlight without even lighting a torch.

In fact, it was not that Luo Jiuli had never thought of asking Wei Yan to go find Qiao Su. She was guarding Jun Mohan in the house.

Because Wei Yan can use Qinggong, he will arrive at the thatched cottage earlier than her, which can also save some time.

But then he thought about it, Qiao Su didn't know Wei Yan, Wei Yan was wearing night clothes, and what happened to those men in black during the day.

What if Qiao Su directly rewarded Wei Yan with a packet of poisonous powder.

By then it will be self-defeating and many of them will be gone.

Therefore, after much thought, Luo Jiuli felt that it would be better for her to go out and invite Qiao Su herself.

(End of this chapter)

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