Chapter 184: Just a weak woman
'Bang bang bang! '

Luo Jiuli knocked on the door and Xiao Zuo's voice came quickly.

"Who is it?"

"Bang, bang, bang, it's me, open the door!"

Xiao Zuo could hear Luo Jiuli's voice and yawned as he opened the door, "It's not even bright yet, why is Sister Luo here?"

Seeing Luo Jiuli's anxious look, he asked, "But what happened?"

"Jun Mohan has a fever, where is Master Qiao?"

As soon as Luo Jiuli finished speaking, Qiao Su came out wearing some clothes, yawning as if he hadn't woken up and said, "Little girl, what are you doing here before dawn? Do you want me to be my teacher?" Go to sleep!"

"Master, I spent all night refining the antidote yesterday. It is not the behavior of a gentleman to disturb someone's dreams in the middle of the night!"

"Harm! What kind of gentleman is not a gentleman? I am just a weak woman!" Luo Jiuli waved his hand and urged: "Master Qiao, please come with me quickly. Jun Mohan has a fever!"

Luo Jiuli didn't say much nonsense, pulled Qiao Su and walked out.

Qiao Su held on to his clothes and said, "Why are you so anxious, little girl? You just have to go as a master. Quickly let go and let me put on your clothes."

"Oh oh oh! Good!"

Luo Jiuli let go, and Qiao Su had time to put on the clothes on his shawl.

He turned back to Xiao Zuo who was still standing at the door and said, "Why are you so dazed? Hurry back to the house, put the medical kit on your back and follow the master!"

"Oh okay! It's coming, it's coming!!" Xiao Zuo hurried back to the house, put the medical box on his back, closed the door, and quickly caught up with the two of them.

Luo Jiuli walked at the front, "You two are gone, what about those men in black during the day???"

Xiao Zuo said, "Master poisoned them, threw them in the woodshed, and tied them up. If they can't escape, don't worry."

Luo Jiuli said, "That's good."

"After Master left, did Jun Mohan wake up?" Qiao Su asked.

"Yes, I'm awake." Luo Jiuli nodded, "Not long after you left, the man in black came. Not long after the man in black left, Jun Mohan woke up."

Qiao Su, "Have you eaten anything since you woke up?"

The food and medicine Jun Mohan ate were all fed by Luo Jiuli himself.

So when Qiao Su asked, Luo Jiuli said without hesitation, "I drank a bowl of porridge when I first woke up, and then had a bowl of white rice and green vegetables at dinner. I drank a bowl of medicine before going to bed. That's what you asked Aunt Chen to do." I also took the bowl of water and the pills you gave me."

"Well, the food is light, no questions asked..."

Qiao Su paused slightly as he spoke, stopped, and looked around with sharp eyes, "Who is it!?"

Although Luo Jiuli couldn't use his internal power these days, his senses were still much better than ordinary people.

Almost as soon as Qiao Su finished speaking, she noticed something moving in the dark surroundings.

A rare and murmuring voice made Luo Jiuli become wary, "Who is there? Come out!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a group of men in black appeared in front of several people.

They knelt down on one knee, clasped their fists and shouted in unison, "I see you, Princess!"

They are there.At the junction of the main road and the small road, the village dogs kept biting when they heard the noise.

'Woof woof woof woof! ! ! '

"Damn dog! What are you calling! Shut up!"

“I don’t know how to stop or stop in the middle of the night!”

The host didn't sleep well and was cursing.

After a while, there was no sound, and the barking of dogs also fell silent.The men in black in front of him were all masked. Luo Jiuli asked uncertainly, "Are you secret guards?"

"Yes!" One of them took off his mask, revealing Zhang Luo Jiuli's familiar face, "My subordinate, Mo An, meets the princess!"

"Okay, no courtesy, please get up!"

"Thank you, Princess!" The secret guard stood up.

"You don't have to be so polite in the countryside." Luo Jiuli looked at Mo An and asked, "Are you going to meet Wei Yan?"

Mo An replied, "Yes!"

"That's good, let's go together!" Luo Jiuli said.

Mo An shook his head, but said, "When we hide in the dark, we are walking with the princess."

Mo An said that before Luo Jiuli could react, he made a gesture, and then a group of secret guards disappeared in front of several people.

Luo Jiuli ignored them and continued walking forward.

Xiao Zuo walked to Luo Jiuli, looked up and looked left and right, "Wow! The martial arts of these secret guards are so good! Look, there is no movement at all! They are so well hidden!"

"Nonsense!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes at him, "You don't even know who their master is! He is the famous King Yi!"

"It is said that like a master, like a servant, although they cannot surpass Jun Mohan, they should not be far behind!"

"Then they should have appeared on purpose just now!" Xiao Zuo said, "Otherwise, with their current hidden strength, even Master might not be able to discover their existence."

"Perhaps!" Luo Jiuli glanced at Qiao Su who was walking forward, and added awkwardly, "However, it cannot be separated from Master Qiao's keenness!"

"That's right!" Qiao Su's arrogant voice came from the front.

Luo Jiuli and Xiao Zuo looked at each other and smiled.

'Woof woof woof! ! ! '

As soon as they arrived at the door of the house, Xiao Huang's voice came from the courtyard.

The door to the main room had been opened at some point, and the candles on both sides were lit. Through the papered windows, the flickering candles could still be seen.

Luo Jiuli made a silent gesture towards Xiao Huang, "Xiao Huang, be good, hush!"

Looking at the brightly lit candles in the rooms on both sides, she thought to herself, are everyone awake? ? ?
As if to confirm her thoughts, the door on the left was opened from the inside.

It was Mrs. Chen who was holding a cane and wearing clothes, "Here comes Mr. Qiao Zuo, come in quickly, the young man's whole body is hot and tight!"

Qiao Su walked in front, Luo Jiuli and Xiao Zuo walked behind, waiting for Xiao Zuo to walk in before her.

Aunt Chen glanced at Luo Jiuli, "You girl, you dare to run to the west of the village alone in the middle of the night. If something happens, how will I explain to Mr. Qiao!"

"Aren't I afraid of disturbing your sleep?"

Seeing Luo Jiuli enter the house, Aunt Chen asked Chen Tingting who was standing aside to close the door quickly.

She said to Luo Jiuli, "What's wrong with disturbing your sleep? It doesn't matter once or twice. It's not as important as your girl's thoughtfulness."

"Even if you don't wake me up, old lady, then you should wake up Ating and ask her to accompany you to the west of the village. Otherwise, you will be alone, and aunt will have to worry!"

"Yes, yes, yes, don't worry, Mrs. Chen, I promise, this situation will never happen again!"

Seeing that Luo Jiuli sincerely admitted his mistake, Aunt Chen said nothing. She walked over with a cane and said to Wei Yan, "Young man, I was really sorry just now. Aunt Chen thought you were..."

Qiao Su sat on the edge of the bed, took Wanmai's hand away, interrupted Aunt Chen and said, "You all go out first, I need to give him acupuncture."

"Master Qiao, I can take action." Luo Jiuli said.

(End of this chapter)

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