Chapter 185 How old is this young man?
"No need." Qiao Su shook his head and refused.

Xiao Zuo, "Master, then I..."

"You also go out." Qiao Su took out a long, wrapped thing from the medical kit.

Untying the knots, rows of silver needles appeared in front of everyone with a cold light.

"Okay, everyone, let's go out. Don't disturb Doctor Qiao here while he performs acupuncture." Aunt Chen walked out first with her cane.

Chen Tingting and Xiao Zuo followed closely behind.

Luo Jiuli stood at the door and looked at Wei Yan, who was guarding the bed with a worried look on his face and said, "Let's go. If you don't leave, your master will suffer a lot more."


Before the word "Princess Wei Yan" came out of her mouth, Luo Jiuli interjected: "Madam."

She glanced at Aunt Chen who was walking not far away.

Wei Yan understood, "Madam, Master's injury..."

"Let's talk after we get out. Don't disturb Master Qiao's acupuncture here."


Wei Yan strode out, and Luo Jiuli walked at the end, taking the door behind him.

Aunt Chen, Chen Tingting and Xiao Zuo were already seated in the main room.

Under the eaves, Wei Yan looked at the closed door and asked, "Madam, is this doctor's medical skills feasible? Do you need me to return to Beijing immediately to bring an imperial doctor?"

"If even he can't cure Jun Mohan, even if you bring ten imperial doctors, it won't work."

Luo Jiuli was not exaggerating, but Qiao Su really had this strength.

Although Qiao Su specializes in poisoning, his medical skills are not bad either.

Of course, compared to Luo Yaozhi, his medical skills are still inferior.

After all, there are two masters and apprentices, one specializes in poison techniques and the other specializes in medical techniques.

In terms of medical skills, Qiao Su could not compare with Luo Yaozhi.

But when it comes to poison skills, Luo Yao is far inferior to Qiao Su.

In short, no matter what, Qiao Su's medical skills are not much better than those of the imperial doctors in the palace.

Wei Yan believed in Luo Jiuli, and he didn't mention the doctor's matter anymore, "Master's injury??"

Luo Jiuli simply said, "An arrow was hit in the chest, and the tip of the arrow was drunk for seven days..."

"Seven days of drunkenness!" Wei Yan frowned, clasping his fists and blaming himself: "It's all my fault for not protecting the master and his wife that day, please punish me!"

"Okay, what are you doing!" Luo Jiuli asked Wei Yan to stand up and patted his shoulder, "Don't blame yourself, the poison has been cured, and the matter is over."

"Besides, weren't you also tripped by an assassin that night? Otherwise, you would have protected us."

"Then again, even if I really have to punish you, I won't be the one to punish you. I will have to wait for Jun Mohan to wake up and punish you himself."

"By the way, how did you find this place?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"It was Pei Yong who came to pass the message." Wei Yan said, "It seems that some master calculated it using the horoscope of the prince's birth date."

If before returning to Beijing, someone had told him that he could calculate life, death, and direction using birth dates, Wei Yan would never have believed it.

However, he returned to Beijing and saw what Luo Jiuli was capable of.

That's why, after searching Chenjiacun along the river, he went back and searched again.

Luo Jiuli asked, "Master? Whose?"

Wei Yan shook his head, "I don't know."

Even if Wei Yan didn't know, Luo Jiuli had a guess in his mind.Combined with the conversation between Grandma Wu and the young eunuch at Qianqiu Pavilion that night, it seems that the master was the one hiding behind the Queen Mother.

As for how Jun Mozhe obtained the position calculated by the master, it is not difficult to imagine.

After all, on the surface Jun Mozhe is still the weak and incompetent man who wants Xiao Hui to make up his mind in everything.

They were in the same group. Even if Xiao Hui acted behind Jun Mozhe's back, Jun Mozhe must have been dormant for many years. He should have placed one or two people beside Xiao Hui to find out the news. It shouldn't be a difficult task.

"Are Zi Su and Mo Yu safe????"

Wei Yan said, "They are fine, Madam, don't worry."

"Ah That's good."

Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan went to the main room, and Chen Tingting boiled a pot of water to make sugar.

Aunt Chen pushed one of the bowls of prepared sugar water in front of Luo Jiuli and said, "Jiuli, come and have a bowl of sugar water, and the young man behind you, come and have a bowl too. I was really sorry just now. It was my misunderstanding." is you."

"Well, thank you, Mrs. Chen." Luo Jiuli took a few sips of the sugar water and put it aside.

No matter how much Luo Jiuli didn't like sweets, he still managed to take a few sips out of human sophistication.

But Wei Yan was different. He was used to death on the battlefield. He was upright and straight-forward. When it came to sweets he didn't like, he said bluntly, "Thank you, ma'am, I won't drink these."

Aunt Chen thought Wei Yan didn't drink because he was embarrassed, so she picked up the bowl and put it in his hand, "Drink, drink, drink. You must drink. When you come to Auntie's place, it's just like at home. Don't be polite. If you drink more and it's not enough, don't worry. enough!"

Wei Yan, who was not embarrassed at first, actually became embarrassed because of Aunt Chen's warm words, "Well, then okay!"

Wei Yan pretended to drink wine, and raised his head to take a sip. Fortunately, Aunt Chen stopped him in time, "Oh, oh, oh, drink slowly, this water is just boiled, it's very hot!"

"Oh!" Wei Yan put down his hand in embarrassment and scratched the back of his head, "Okay!"

"Come on, come here, sit and drink." Aunt Chen patted the stool next to her to greet Wei Yan.

Wei Yan glanced at Luo Jiuli who was standing and saw that she was not sitting down, so he had no intention of sitting down.

Luo Jiuli noticed Wei Yan's gaze, walked towards this position, and said at the same time: "Sit down!"

Wei Yan then followed and sat down on the edge.

Although Wei Yan is big, he is not like that fat man who is covered in flesh. He has a strong physique, with slightly bulging muscles under the black cloth.

Aunt Chen looked at Wei Yan who was drinking sugar water with a smile on her face, her eyes full of satisfaction.

She smiled and asked, "How old is this young man?"

Wei Yan raised his head from the bowl and said, "Twenty to five."

Wei Yan didn't think there was anything wrong, but Luo Jiuli faintly noticed that something was wrong.

She glanced at Chen Tingting, who was standing by the side with her head lowered.

With a woman's sixth sense, if she was right, she felt that Mrs. Chen must have taken a liking to Wei Yan and wanted him to be her son-in-law.

Sure enough, the next moment Aunt Chen's question went deeper, "Where is your home? Who else is there?"

Wei Yan said truthfully, "My hometown is in Xuanzhuang, and there is no one else in my family except me."

Aunt Chen, "Oh? What about your parents??"

"There was a severe snowstorm in my hometown many years ago. My father, mother, and many relatives died in the snowstorm."

Wei Yan became depressed when he mentioned the snow disaster that caused him to lose many relatives.

"That's it!" Aunt Chen thought for a while, "If the snow disaster in Xuanzhuang is serious, I seem to remember that it happened more than ten years ago, right?"

Wei Yan, "Well, it's exactly the tenth year."

"Hey! I know about that snow disaster!" Aunt Chen looked pitiful, "People have to look forward to the future, so you have to express your condolences!"

 It’s New Year’s Eve!It’s New Year’s Eve! !Happy New Year, little Kana! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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