Chapter 186 Vomited a lot of blood
Wei Yan said 'hmm' and silently drank the sugar water from the bowl.

Aunt Chen looked at him with a loving look on her face, "Young man, is there any marriage at home?"

No matter how slow Wei Yan reacted, when Mrs. Chen asked to this extent, he also responded.

He raised his head and met Aunt Chen's eyes, "We are not married yet, but we already have a fiancée at home."

After saying this, his ears turned red.

Fortunately, it was late at night and the candlelight was red. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't be able to tell.

"Oh!" Aunt Chen was disappointed, "When are you going to get married?"

"Next year." Wei Yan's ears became redder and redder.

Aunt Chen nodded clearly, "It's already August, next year will be here soon."

Wei Yan, "Yeah."

Several people in the room were chatting, but Luo Jiuli didn't say anything.

Wen Yi and Kuang Yan were floating beside her, and you said to each other, "Sister-in-law Wang, when you went to find Master Qiao just now, Mrs. Chen woke up as soon as you walked on the front foot."

"She saw a fire in our house and came to knock on the door. The person who opened the door was Brother Wei. He was wearing night clothes. Aunt Chen thought that Brother Wei was with the group of men in black during the day. Just treat him as a bad guy and beat him with a cane."

"Yeah." Kuang Yan nodded in agreement, pointing his short finger at Chen Tingting who was standing by the side, "Fortunately, this sister heard the noise and ran out to stop Aunt Chen, otherwise Brother Wei would have been beaten!"

Luo Jiuli looked at Chen Tingting, who kept her head down and couldn't cheer up, and felt relieved.

No wonder Aunt Chen has been saying that she misunderstood Wei Yan ever since she came back.

Although she didn't ask, she was wondering, now she knew why Aunt Chen said that.

The same goes for Chen Tingting. She has kept her head down since she came back. As long as no one talks to her, she can stay silent.

Presumably, it was because Wei Yan recognized him.

The man in black, Lao Wu, floated out of the room. Before Luo Jiuli could ask, Wen Yi spoke first, "How's it going?"

Wen Yi naturally asked about Jun Mohan's situation.

The man in black, Lao Wu, said, "I'm still administering acupuncture and vomiting a lot of blood."

"What!" Wen Yi was worried about Jun Mohan. She didn't care to continue chatting and drifted out of the main room and went inside.

Luo Jiuli was also nervous, but she resisted the impulse and did not rush into the house like Wen Yi.

After all, she is different from Wen Yi. Wen Yi is a ghost. Even if she goes into the house and yells, Qiao Su can't see her and won't be distracted at all.

But if it were her, just a small action of pushing the door open might disturb Qiao Sushen, causing him to inaccurately place the needle.

Xiao Zuo sat opposite Luo Jiuli, put down the bowl of sugar water, and casually raised his eyes to see that Luo Jiuli's face looked wrong.

He asked, "What's wrong with Sister Luo? But where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Xiao Zuo's words caused everyone in the room to focus their attention on Luo Jiuli.

Aunt Chen, "You girl, why is your face so pale? Could it be that you caught the cold just now when you went out?"

Wei Yan, "What's wrong, madam?"

Luo Jiuli looked sad and worried.

She shook her head, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"So you are worried about Brother Jia's injury?" Xiao Zuo speculated to himself, and then comforted Luo Jiuli, "Sister Luo, it's fine if you don't trust my medical skills, but can you still worry about Master's medical skills?"

"If I were really worried, I would have already rushed in." Luo Jiuli took a sip of the sugar water, looked at Xiao Zuo and said, "It is precisely because I am worried that I am still sitting here." "This It’s almost the same, let me just say, anyone can disbelieve in Master’s medical skills, but it is absolutely impossible for Sister Luo to disbelieve in Master’s medical skills.”

Xiaozuo waved his hand, picked up the sugar water and touched the bowl with Luo Jiuli.

"Anyway, Sister Luo, rest assured that Master will definitely cure Brother Jia."

"Let's just put our hearts back in our stomachs, drink this bowl of sugar water, and wait for Master to come out."

Luo Jiuli said 'hmm' and looked at the sugar water in front of him without moving.

Xiao Zuo took back his hand and drank all the sugar water in the bowl while blowing.

"Huh? Grandma, sister, sister Luo, brother Xiaozuo, why are you all sitting here??"

Chen Wang rubbed his eyes and came out of the room on the left, yawned drowsily, and looked at the people sitting in the main room with tearful eyes.

There are two rooms on the left and right sides of the main house. The doors of the rooms are located inside, and they are connected when opened.

Originally, Aunt Chen and Chen Tingting slept in the room on the left and the other in the room on the right, but after Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan came, they occupied Chen Wang's room.

Chen Wang had no place to sleep, so he squeezed into the room on the left with Aunt Chen.

Seeing Chen Wang coming out, Aunt Chen waved to him, "A Wang, come to Auntie."

Chen looked over. Aunt Chen lovingly held her youngest son in her arms and rubbed his head, "It's not even bright yet, why are you up?"

Chen Wang didn't reply immediately. He held it in for a while and then said, "Urgent urination."

"Hahahahaha, that's it. Then go, go, go, come back after peeing and go back to sleep."

Aunt Chen half-pushed Chen Wang from her arms and sent him outside.

"Yeah." Chen Wang responded, went out and turned left into the kitchen.

Behind the curtain in the corner of the kitchen is the latrine.

Chen Wang came back from going to the hut and asked again, "Mom, it's not even bright yet, why are you all sitting here?"

"And brother Xiaozuo, are you here to teach Awang how to trap animals?"

Chen Wang, who had just fallen asleep, lost a bit of the sensible and strong look on his face, and had a bit more of the childishness that a person of his age should have. He looked very cute.

With Chen Wang's normal mind, when he saw so many people sitting together without sleeping in the middle of the night, he would have guessed that something had happened.

But now, Xu was still awake and his mind hadn't turned around. He thought Xiao Zuo was here to teach him how to make a beast trap.

Xiao Zuo shook his head, "No."

"You kid, who's not sleeping in the middle of the night? Why don't you come here to teach you how to make a beast trap?" Aunt Chen waved to Chen Wang.

Chen Wang obediently walked over and leaned into Aunt Chen's arms.

Aunt Chen touched his head and said, "It's Sister Luo's husband who has a fever, and your Grandpa Qiao is still giving him acupuncture in the house!"

Aunt Chen coaxed softly, "Ah Wang, be good, go and get some sleep. Master will return to the village early tomorrow morning, and you still have to go to school."

Chen Wang glanced at everyone in the room, "But Awang doesn't want to sleep, and Awang also wants to wait here for Grandpa Qiao to come out."

"No." Aunt Chen refused and said sternly, "Master, I have been away for more than a month, and you have fallen behind a lot in your homework. If you don't sleep well now and doze off in school, I will punish you."

"Oh! Ah Wang knows!" Chen Wang puffed up his face, glanced at the bowls on the table, bit his lower lip, and said coquettishly, "Mom, Ah Wang also wants to drink a bowl of sugar water."

Aunt Chen responded with a smile, "Okay, okay, let you drink! But..."

(End of this chapter)

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