Chapter 187 Anxious Mother Chen
"But what?" Chen Wang looked into Aunt Chen's eyes and asked.

"But you have to promise grandma to go to bed after drinking the sugar water, okay?"

"Okay!" Chen Wang agreed.

"What a good boy!" Aunt Chen said with a smile on her face, she rubbed Chen Wang's head vigorously and said to Chen Tingting, "A-Ting, make another bowl of sugar water for Awang."

"Okay." Chen Tingting's voice was very soft, as if she didn't want to attract attention, especially Wei Yan.

However, Wei Yan still looked over.

Chen Tingting's hand holding the teapot trembled. She didn't dare to look at Wei Yan, so she could only pretend to be calm and ignore him.

However, I don't know whether Wei Yan's eyes were too intense or Chen Tingting was too nervous because of her guilty conscience.

The more she tried to ignore Wei Yan's gaze, the more she felt that two holes had been poked in the place where Wei Yan was staring at her.

Her hands were shaking more and more, and the hot tea splashed out of the bowl. Fortunately, she escaped in time, otherwise she would have been burned.

Luo Jiuli realized something was wrong and coughed twice before Wei Yancai finally looked away and rescued Chen Tingting from the fire and water.

Chen Wang watched the water splash out.

He also watched Chen Tingting avoid it.

But he was afraid that Chen Tingting would pretend to be strong, so he worriedly asked, "Sister, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Chen Tingting shook her head, put the brewed sugar water at the bottom of the bowl on an empty spot, and told Chen Wang, "Be careful, the water is hot."

"Don't worry, sister, I know." Chen Wang grinned, got up from Aunt Chen's arms, and sat in the empty seat beside the sugar water.

Aunt Chen tilted her head and looked at the water splashing all over the table. She took Chen Tingting's hand and turned it over and over in distress, "You kid, are you burned anywhere? If you are burned, be sure to tell Auntie not to talk to Awang." Just the same, if you fall down and worry about grandma, just bear it by yourself, and be very strong."

"You told my mother-in-law, so she can give you medicine. You'll get better quickly if you give me medicine. Do you know?"

Feeling Wei Yan's eyes looking over again, Chen Tingting pulled back her hand nervously, "Auntie, I'm fine, I'm really fine."

"Alas!" Aunt Chen sighed heavily, "You two children just have to be strong!"

"In the first two months, Awang fell down on the way back from school. His ankles were swollen. He didn't say anything. I saw him limping and asked him what was wrong. He said he was fine. He just squatted when he went to the hut. My feet have been numb for a long time. If I hadn’t seen him when he was washing his feet at night, I might not have noticed it.”

Aunt Chen looked at Chen Tingting and said, "You too, you have been working in Jinyifang for a year or two, and including this time, you have only come back twice. Each time, you said in your letter that you are living a good life, and you don't know how to come back during the holidays. have a look."

"When I was young, my mother-in-law and your father also had a hard time working outside the home. How could my mother-in-law know what you are thinking?"

"Don't think that every time you say yes in a letter, grandma will believe it. Grandma's heart is clear!"

"If you are really doing well, come back more often. If you are really busy and your boss won't let you go, then it's okay for us not to take this job!"

"Tell me, you only come back twice in a year or two, and you don't come back to visit during the holidays. Your brother and I are the only two orphans and widowers in the family. Are you relieved?"

Chen Tingting, "Auntie, I..."

"Okay, okay, grandma is just complaining!" Aunt Chen said, "You ask people to bring a lot of money home every month, which shows that the owner of Jinyifang is also a good one."

"But what's the use of just having money? I hope you and Awang can live well and don't always focus on money. The most important thing for Awang now is his studies. For you, the most important thing is your marriage. !" "When we get married, live peacefully, and then give my mother a fat grandson, how wonderful it is, isn't it?"

When Chen Tingting heard Aunt Chen mentioning that she was working in Jinyifang, Chen Tingting was already anxious, for fear that Wei Yan would expose her.

She was also afraid of the punishment Wei Yan would receive after telling Jun Mohan that she married into the palace as a daughter of the He family.

When she thought about this, she could not think of listening to what Aunt Chen said later.

Aunt Chen asked, and she responded, "Yes."

"Yeah, yeah, it's good that you know. According to Aniang, although the owner of Jinyifang is good, it's not good if he is so busy every day that he has no time."

"Why don't you quit this job when you return to Beijing this time?" Aunt Chen suggested.

Chen Tingting responded listlessly, "Yeah."

"Really?" Seeing Chen Tingting agree, Aunt Chen stopped training and raised a smile happily, "Do you really want to quit this job??"

"Ah? What??" Chen Tingting seemed to have come to her senses and looked at Aunt Chen with confusion, "Auntie, I was thinking about something just now. What did you just say?? My daughter didn't hear clearly."

"I knew you girl wouldn't agree so easily." Aunt Chen reached out and poked Chen Tingting's forehead, "I told you not to go to Jinyifang to work. Although the salary is a lot of money, you won't have time to spare. Even Auntie I don’t have time to spare even the days I want to prepare for your marriage. Seeing that you are getting older, my mother-in-law is very anxious!"

"Oh! Mom, as I said, I really can't quit that job. My boss treats me very well. Now the store is short of people. How can I just leave, right?"

Is Prince Yi's Mansion a place where people can come and leave whenever they want?

"You girl, you use this as an excuse to frustrate me every time!" Aunt Chen sighed, "Oh! I'm not saying that you have to resign and go home now, but you can mention this to the owner of Jinyifang first. Let the boss find someone first, and then you can leave after he finds someone, right?"

"Aniang! If my daughter doesn't work in Jinyifang, how can we have enough food at home on weekdays!"

Chen Tingting tried to persuade Aunt Chen with money, but Aunt Chen waved her hand, "Harm! You don't have to worry about this!"

"In the past two years, I haven't used the money you brought back every month. I've kept it for you! Just feel free to go home!"

"This, Auntie." Chen Tingting was so anxious that she almost cried, "I really can't leave Jinyifang."

"It's just a job, why can't I quit?" Aunt Chen slapped the table with a black face.

Chen Tingting, "Yes, but Aniang, didn't you say yesterday that our employer is good to us and that I must never let him down? You also let me go to work with peace of mind! Why now..."

"Now Aniang is thinking about your marriage. Nothing is more important than your lifelong event!"

Aunt Chen said sincerely, "You are fine now, but when you get older, all the good men will have been picked out by others, leaving only crooked melons and cracked dates. What will you do then?"

Chen Tingting, "Aniang, I, this, I..."

"This matter is actually not difficult to solve." Luo Jiuli suddenly interrupted.

"What do Jiuli mean by this??" Aunt Chen looked at Luo Jiuli, "Do you have any good ideas?"

 happy New Year!happy New Year! !Happy New Year to everyone! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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