Chapter 189 Qiao Yuluo

"It doesn't matter if you take five days off and two days off on weekdays. You still have to take the days off you need."

"Oh my, this is such a good treatment!" Aunt Chen clapped her legs happily, "It's not like the owner of the roasted seeds and nuts shop in town, who doesn't let anyone take a day off for a month. He wants to squeeze people dry."

"Last time, Xiaomei was about to die of illness. The owner didn't allow her man to come back and see her. He was so evil! He even threatened that if he dared to come back and see her, he would no longer be in the store."

The aunt shook her head as she spoke, "It's really unlucky to have such a black-hearted boss!"

"Auntie, I've finished drinking." Chen Wang stood up and wiped his mouth.

Aunt Chen glanced at the empty bowl in front of him and said, "Hey, good boy! After you finish drinking, go to bed. I won't wake you up until dawn tomorrow."

"Yeah." Chen Wang nodded.

Knowing that Sister A could come back to see her more often in the future was all because of Luo Jiuli's help, he sensibly thanked Luo Jiuli before going back to the room to sleep.

At this time, a "squeak" sound came from the courtyard, and the closed door finally opened.

Qiao Su came out of it with the medical kit on his arm. Before he could wipe the sweat off his forehead, Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan came forward to greet him and asked anxiously, "How is it? Is he okay?"

"I'm here, what can happen to him!" Qiao Su spoke arrogantly, wiping the sweat from his forehead and walking towards the main room with his hands behind his back.

Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan were about to open the door and go in when Qiao Su's voice came again, "It's not suitable to have too many people in the house. If you want to enter, just let one person in, and don't let anyone else in."

Wen Yi followed Qiao Su out. She floated by the door, "Sister-in-law Wang, don't worry, brother Wang is no longer feverish and everything has returned to normal."

Luo Jiuli felt relieved and gave up pushing the door together with Wei Yan, catching up with Qiao Su again and following him towards the main room.

"Mr. Qiao, you've finally come out. Come here and sit here." Aunt Chen greeted warmly, "A-Ting, hurry up and make a bowl of sugar water for Mr. Qiao."

"Yeah." Chen Tingting responded.

When Qiao Su entered the main room, Xiao Zuo wisely took the medical box from his shoulder and put it aside.

After Qiao Su sat down, he squeezed his shoulders again and said, "Master, thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your hard work."

Luo Jiuli followed Qiao Su into the house, sat down opposite him, and asked, "What's going on with my husband? Why did he vomit so much blood? Hasn't his poison been cured?"

“I didn’t vomit blood when I didn’t get the solution, so why am I vomiting blood now???”

Aunt Chen called her husband in Luo Jiuli, not Jun Mohan.

Qiao Su, Xiao Zuo and Wei Yan were not surprised as to why Luo Jiuli did not open the door and knew that Jun Mohan vomited blood.

Because they all know Luo Jiuli's ability, and they all know that Luo Jiuli can see things they can't see.

It must have been something they couldn't see that told Luo Jiuli after seeing what was going on in the house.

Aunt Chen and Chen Tingting were confused, but they didn't ask.

Chen Tingting put the brewed sugar water in front of Qiao Su and said, "Dr. Qiao, drink some water."

Qiao Su hummed, took the sugar water, blew it on, and drank it before saying, "The seven-day drunkenness is cured, but there are other poisons in his body."

"Other poisons??!!" Luo Jiuli was surprised and looked at Wei Yan.

Wei Yan was Jun Mohan's personal soldier and followed him all the way back to the capital from the border. He should know exactly where Jun Mohan was injured and when he was poisoned.

However, Wei Yan shook his head and expressed that he didn't know. He really didn't know.

On the way back to Beijing from the border, they did encounter assassins.

However, Jun Mohan was not injured, and the food he ate came from the hands of them.

Logically speaking, there is no chance of being poisoned!Could it be that......

Wei Yan suddenly thought of this possibility, and was shocked and unbelievable in his heart!

"Yes." Qiao Su continued, "That kind of poison is extremely cunning and well hidden. If it hadn't happened earlier this time, and the antidote for seven-day drunkenness contains your blood, which is invulnerable to all poisons, Control, I'm afraid that when the poison actually takes hold, my meridians will be severed, and I will die violently, and there is no cure!"

"What!" Luo Jiuli felt a chill running down his spine. He suddenly felt frightened and continued to ask, "What kind of poison is that? Is it so powerful that you haven't even been able to find out my pulse?"

Wei Yan's face didn't look very good either.

Who is it?He actually succeeded in poisoning the prince while they were watching with so many pairs of eyes.

"I have never seen this kind of poison." Qiao Su shook his head, with excitement and regret on his face.

What was exciting was that there was such a strange poison in the world that could escape his eyes.

Unfortunately, the pills made from Luo Jiuli's blood were so effective that the poison was cured before he could study them.

Yes, that's right, after taking the medicine, in addition to being drunk for seven days, this tricky poison was also cured.

It's just that this kind of poison is too tricky. Even if the poison is detoxified, it still has to struggle and cause harm to people before it can give up.

"You don't even know what poison it is!" Luo Jiuli felt an even colder feeling in his back.

At this moment, she seemed to finally understand clearly how dangerous Jun Mohan's situation was!

Qiao Su seemed to know what Luo Jiuli was worried about, and said with relief: "Okay, girl, don't worry, my teacher will always be there for me. If anything happens in the future, just send a message to my teacher. No matter where my teacher is, I will definitely meet you." Come to you as quickly as possible."

"Yeah, yeah." Little Zuo Zuo squeezed Qiao Su's shoulders and nodded in agreement, "Me too. If Sister Luo needs anything from now on, if you send me a letter, I will come to find you even though we are thousands of miles apart."

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "..."

Even across thousands of mountains and rivers, I am determined to find her.

Those who didn’t know thought they were talking about love!

Roll your eyes to roll your eyes, be speechless to be speechless, of course you are still moved when you are moved.

She said, "Thank you! Thank you Master Qiao, thank you Xiao Zuo."

Xiao Zuo waved his hand, "Harm! We two brothers and sisters, why do we need to say thank you!"

Luo Jiuli, "Brother and sister???"

"Uh hehehe." Xiao Zuo scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "They are siblings, brother and sister hehehehe."

Luo Jiuli said, "That's pretty much it."

"Okay, now that the matter has been settled and the sugar water has been finished, I will go back to sleep." Qiao Su put down the bowl, stood up and walked out the door.

Xiao Zuo stepped onto the medical kit and hurriedly followed.

Aunt Chen stood up on crutches and called Chen Tingting, "A-Ting, hurry up, go and see off Langzhong Qiao."

"It's okay, it's okay. Madam Chen, you can sit down. Ating doesn't need to go either. I'll go and see her off. I'll go and see you off."

Luo Jiuli said and chased after Mrs. Chen without waiting for her response, followed closely by Wei Yan.

After walking some distance outside the house, Qiao Su turned around, looked at Luo Jiuli and said, "This poison is very similar to Qiao Yuluo from Fenglan Kingdom."

"Qiaoyuluo!! Is it the secret and private poison of the Fenglan Kingdom royal family???"

(End of this chapter)

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