The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 190 My little Liren has a beautiful mouth, a sweet heart and a kind heart

Chapter 190 My little Liren has a beautiful mouth, a sweet heart and a kind heart

Luo Jiuli had heard about this poison when he traveled with Bai Hua.

"That's right, it's just that the poison in Jun Mohan is better hidden and more dormant than Qiao Yuluo." Qiao Su stroked his beard, "At least I had contact with Qiao Yuluo as my teacher, and I can detect it even if I detect her pulse. , But this poison, if it were not seen from the onset and the poisonous blood that was forced out, I might not have known about it until now."

Qiao Su reached out and patted Luo Jiuli on the shoulder, "That boy is also blessed with great fortune. If he hadn't married you, he would have turned into a corpse long ago due to the two poisons. How could he have gained any life from it?"

Qiao Su said and looked at Wei Yan who was following Luo Jiuli, "My Xiaoli has a sweet mouth and a kind heart. Your prince is alive this time, all thanks to Xiaoli."

"When your prince wakes up, you have to tell him to be nicer to Xiao Li. If one day I find him bullying Xiao Li, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Although Wei Yan didn't know who Qiao Su was and he was usually reckless, but judging from Qiao Su's ability to say "My family is Xiaoli", it seemed that the relationship between the two was high.

He clasped his fists and bowed respectfully, "Old sir, don't worry, I will definitely take your words to you!"

It has become a habit to quarrel with each other on weekdays, but now that Qiao Su suddenly praised him like this, Luo Jiuli felt a little embarrassed, "Oh! Master Qiao! Why did you talk about this!"

Luo Jiuli's unusually coquettish little daughter's attitude made Qiao Su laugh out loud, "Your father's birthday will be in two days. I will have to rush to the capital early tomorrow morning. Your internal injuries have not healed, so it is not appropriate for that kid to move for the time being. You will stay in the village for half a month for the time being, and then leave when your injuries are almost healed."

"As for your father, he must be worried about you falling off the cliff and disappearing. You can live in the village with peace of mind. When I see your father, I will tell him personally about your news."

"Yes." Luo Jiuli nodded, "Then remember to tell him that his birthday gift will be made up for when I return."

"Okay!" Qiao Su responded and left with Xiao Zuo.

Every time I passed a place, I would be startled and the dog would bite.

In front of the door, cicadas chirped.

After Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan sent Qiao Su away, Xiao Zuohou did not enter the house immediately.

Wei Yan looked at Luo Jiuli, "The princess suffered internal injuries when she fell off the cliff?"

"Yes." Luo Jiuli said, "It's okay. Master Qiao gave me the medicine. It will be fine in seven days at most."

"If I had known that you had suffered internal injuries, I would not have let you go to the doctor alone. Chenjia Village has been targeted by the Queen Mother's people. If something happened to you, the prince would have blamed me for failing to protect you if something happened to you. .”

"Things have already happened, and nothing happened to me. Let's go in first."

Luo Jiuli said that he was going inside.

Wei Yan stopped her, "Princess!"

Luo Jiuli turned around, "Huh? What's wrong??"

Wei Yan, "Isn't that Chen Tingting the beauty in the mansion?"

"Yes, it's He Meiren." Luo Jiuli turned around, looked at Wei Yan and joked with a smile, "I can't tell, you have a pretty good memory. Chen Tingting is a beauty, but even your prince hasn't seen it. come out."

Wei Yan chuckled, "Your Majesty has a photographic memory, how can I be compared to your humble position?"

In fact, the reason why Wei Yan remembered Chen Tingting was because the last time the prince had just returned to the house, a group of beauties hugged Xiao Ruoling and went to the courtyard together, shouting that they wanted to see the prince and serve him.Among them, besides Xiao Ruoling, Chen Tingting talked the most.

Every sentence was inseparable from complimenting Xiao Ruoling, saying that Xiao Ruoling had a noble status and that the only person who should serve the prince most was Xiao Ruoling, and no one else was qualified.

These words were the first to be spoken by Chen Tingting.

Wei Yan certainly remembered the person who took the lead in speaking.

"Since she is a daughter of the Chen family, how could she enter the palace as a daughter of the He family?" Wei Yan was puzzled.

"All the beauties in the mansion are the daughters of high-ranking officials in the imperial court, or at worst they are concubines or cousins." Luo Jiuli asked back, "How many of them do you think are the real daughters of high-ranking officials or concubines? ? "

"This..." Wei Yan shook his head, "I don't know how humble my position is."

"Then let me put it another way and ask, do you think if they are the daughters of real dignitaries, who would be willing to come to the palace and be a little beauty?" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms and boasted: "That's also my temperament Well, their life will be so comfortable, what if I have a bad temper?"

"They are just little beauties!"

"Even if it is given by the emperor himself, if he is not favored, he will be worse than a maid!"

"If I have a bad temper, even if I just find a reason to beat them to death, no one would dare to say anything bad about me. Instead, they will praise me as a powerful person."

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, "So, having said all that, do you think that if they were really the daughters of high-ranking officials, those grown-up old men would really send their daughters to the mansion to suffer?" If it were you, Do you know?"

"Of course I can. Your Majesty is a passionate man who is upright and upright. What if you can become his woman, even if you are a concubine?" Wei Yan said without hesitation. When he talked about Jun Mohan, his eyes were full of admiration.

"Do you think everyone is like you?" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "It's true that Jun Mohan has military exploits and is loved by the people! All women in the world are obsessed with him and want to marry him. That’s right!”

"However, Jun Mohan's existence has already threatened the imperial power. Even if he doesn't think so or do it, how can a person in a high position not be on guard against it?"

"Everyone knows that the emperor and the queen mother want to get rid of Jun Mohan. If the common people can't understand it, how can those old fritters in the court not understand it?"

Wei Yan snorted, "Those old fritters naturally know what they are doing."

"Yes." Luo Jiuli continued, "Now that they can see it clearly, they will know that no matter how powerful Jun Mohan is now, he will be defeated in the future. Even a dog can bully him and humiliate him. So, how could they send their real daughter to the palace?"

Wei Yan nodded in agreement, "So, all the beauties in the mansion are fake?"

"It can't be said that they are all false, at least there are still one, two, two or three that are true."

Luo Jiuli didn't know exactly how many were real and how many were fake.

Because she had never thought of staying in the palace for a long time before, and she never cared whether those people were real or fake. It had nothing to do with her anyway.

If those people hadn't come to greet her from time to time, she wouldn't have known that those people didn't come from wealthy families without looking at their faces.

"There are more than twenty people, and at most three or four are real..." Wei Yan was shocked, "Those officials are too courageous! How dare they replace the marriage granted by the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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