Chapter 191 Men Are Fickle

"They are not afraid of losing their heads!"

Luo Jiuli chuckled, "Maybe these are the emperor's tacit approval!"

"Oh, no, it would be better to say that the Emperor acquiesces, it is better to say that the Queen Mother acquiesces!"

In the past, Luo Jiuli always felt that the emperor was really stupid and kept inserting spies into Prince Yi's Mansion. On the one hand, it was because of the Queen Mother's signal, and on the other hand, he was afraid of Jun Mohan.

But now that I think about it, the emperor probably never thought of becoming an enemy of Jun Mohan. At least he would never fall out with Jun Mohan until he was freed from the Queen Mother's control.

As for the more than 20 women in the palace, most of them are probably the Queen Mother's spies.

Of course, it is unknown whether or how many of them were unknowingly replaced as the emperor's informants.

Among the soldiers, the one with the most twists and turns in his mind was undoubtedly Kang Xiang.

Wei Yan was a very nervous person. When he heard what Luo Jiuli said, he darkened his face, "Since they are all the Empress Dowager's spies, wouldn't they threaten the prince's safety? They are so humble that they have to send a letter immediately. Jing, tell Lao Kang to get rid of all those women before the prince returns."

Wei Yan said that he was about to leave, and Luo Jiuli called out hurriedly, "Hey, come back, come back!!! What are you doing!!!"

Wei Yan stopped and turned around, "I have humbled myself to send a message to Lao Kang, asking him to be careful and not to fall for the tricks of those women."

"Put him down! Kang Xiang is also a strategist after all. He has a lot of twists and turns in his mind. I can see through things. How can Kang Xiang not see through them?"

Luo Jiuli's words made Wei Yan stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to react. He seemed to have remembered something and murmured in a low voice, "No wonder! No wonder!! So that's how it is!!!"

Luo Jiuli, "Huh????"

"Before returning home, Lao Kang kept telling me that I should be more careful when speaking in the mansion. It is best not to speak at all, especially to those beauties, Concubine Xiao and..." Wei Yan looked at Luo Jiuli and said the last few words in embarrassment, "With you, Princess."

Luo Jiuli, "Me???"

"Yeah." Wei Yan nodded and explained with a naive smile, "Because I am humble and can't speak with my brain, I must be afraid that I will say the wrong thing and cause trouble for the prince for no reason, so he gave me all these warnings, and also... I hope the princess won’t mind.”

"Before I returned home, I wasn't familiar with you, and I had never even met you. It's good to be defensive, so why bother talking about it." Luo Jiuli expressed his understanding, "What if I really are the opposite of you?" , you were unprepared for me and were tricked by me, it would be more of a loss than a gain."

He was relieved to know that Luo Jiuli didn't mind Wei Yan.

He clenched his fists pretending to be angry, "This old fox Kang has already noticed that something is wrong with the people in the house, but he didn't tell me directly!"

"What if I didn't do what he said and just got into a heated relationship with those women and someone else took words out of me? What would that be like?!"

"Hmph! Old Fox Kang! If I go back, I will beat him up!"

Luo Jiuli smiled, "I thought you should have known."

Otherwise, on the day she just returned home, how could she have a dark face and force Xiao Ruoling and his servant to come to her yard and give them such a big blow?

What else can I say? Next time, it won’t be something that a dozen big boards can solve!
Tsk, tsk, tsk, now that I think about it, I'm afraid it was because of Kang Xiang's words that he didn't look good to them and looked fierce!
"Hehehe..." Wei Yan sneered and tried to make up for it, "Well, actually I know a little bit about my humble position, but I know a little bit about it hehehehe."

"Heh, heh, heh." Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "It depends on whether I believe it or not."

"Really, I know a little bit about my humble position. Haha, I know a little bit." Wei Yan blushed and his ears turned red when he lied. He thought of something, changed the subject and asked seriously, "Since the princess has seen all the situations clearly, what about the princess?" Will you leave?"

"I won't." Luo Jiuli said bluntly, "If one day I really leave, it will never be because Jun Mohan loses power, and because I don't love him anymore, or he doesn't love me anymore. , when it’s time to let go, I will leave and travel around the world, calling myself home all over the world.”

"Princess, don't worry, the prince will never let you down!" Wei Yan expressed his loyalty to Jun Mohan.

"Oh, men are all fickle. No one can predict what will happen in the future." After Luo Jiuli finished speaking, he stopped staying long and walked inside.

Wei Yan looked at Luo Jiuli entering the room.

There was a moment of silence, "…………"

Are all men fickle? ? ? ?

Did he remember it wrong? ? ?

Aren’t women all fickle? ? ?
Luo Jiuli originally planned to squeeze in with Chen Tingting and let Wei Yan sleep in the same room with Jun Mohan.

But Wei Yan refused no matter what, insisting that he would be on duty all night and stay outside.

Luo Jiuli had no choice but to let him go.

Before going to bed, Luo Jiuli touched Jun Mohan's forehead and felt that the fever had obviously subsided a lot before he lay down peacefully.

However, not long after he lay down, there was movement outside the door.

"Commander Wei."

Chen Tingting's slender voice was a little trembling, it was fear.

Wei Yan held his sword and leaned against the pillar. He glanced at Chen Tingting who was walking into the courtyard. Without any nonsense, he asked directly, "What's the matter?"

Chen Tingting weakly pleaded, "I want to see the princess."

Wei Yan looked back at the dark room and said to Chen Tingting, "The candle has been extinguished. The princess has rested. Why, please come back tomorrow. If you have anything to say, please let me know at dawn tomorrow."


As soon as Chen Tingting said two words, a "squeak" sound came from the closed door, and the door was opened.

Luo Jiuli came out of the house, looked at Chen Tingting in front of him, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "I knew you would come to me."

"I'm bothering you late at night, please forgive me, Princess!" Chen Tingting said happily.

"It's okay!" Luo Jiu left his hand and walked towards Chen Tingting, "You must have a lot to say to me when you come here. It's cold in the courtyard, and your voice seems a bit loud. Don't disturb the sleeping room here. People, let’s talk in another place.”

"Yes!" Chen Tingting stood up and followed Luo Jiuli to the kitchen.

"Princess!" Wei Yan stood up from the pillar and called out worriedly.

Luo Jiuli turned around and said comfortingly: "It's okay, just stay there and keep an eye on Jun Mohan. I have something to say with He Meiren. It's inconvenient for you."

"Yes, but..."

The reason why Wei Yan insisted on staying outside the door was because he was worried about the Chen family and Chen Tingting.

After all, what kind of good person can someone be who can use someone else's surname to enter the palace as an informant?
Therefore, now Luo Jiuli actually wants to be alone with Chen Tingting, Wei Yan is naturally worried.

He wished he could protect Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan every moment.

"Okay, I just suffered internal injuries. I'm not dead or unable to move. She's just a weak woman. What can she do to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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