Chapter 193 We need money!

"..." Luo Jiuli was speechless and held his forehead, no longer trying to make excuses, "Jinyifang belongs to my family."

The words are casual, but they cannot resist the arrogance.

The expression on Chen Tingting's face was shocked at first, and after a while it looked like it was the way it was and should be.

"Then, where is the prince?"

"You don't need to worry about him, I will tell him." Luo Jiuli looked at Chen Tingting, "It's you, the people who sent you to the palace have worked hard, but now you want to come out, will they let you go? ??”

Chen Tingting lowered her head in embarrassment, "Send, the person who sent me to the palace is gone."

Luo Jiuli, "Gone?? Dead???"

"Yeah." Chen Tingting nodded.

"Who is that person? Can you tell me what happened between you?"

Afraid that Chen Tingting wouldn't know where to start, Luo Jiuli reminded: "For example, how did you meet? Who introduced you or what? How did he make you willingly enter the palace as an informant? And the informants in the palace can compare with that person Does it matter??"

"It turns out that you, the princess, know all these things!" Chen Tingting laughed to herself, "Thankfully, I thought we were well hidden in the house. I never thought that we were just clowns!"

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows and did not deny it, "Your reasons for entering the mansion are all kinds of strange. Even Jun Mohan rewarded two beauties with entering the mansion when he killed the enemy for the first time. Everyone in the world can see it clearly. Do you think How can you hide it from me? Or how can you hide it from Jun Mohan??"

Luo Jiuli thought for a while and nodded clearly, "In your eyes, I am just a weak and sick person who cannot take care of himself. He can only take a few breaths after taking two steps before he can continue walking."

"Well... sick people have no brains, right? I understand that, but..."

"Jun Mohan is also the God of War after all. I have no brains, but he must have brains. Aren't you afraid that he will kill you in anger to vent his anger??"

"How can we not be afraid!" Chen Tingting's eyes were filled with sadness, "But what if we, the children from poor families, are afraid? We need money!"

"As long as we have money, we are willing to trade our lives for it!"

Luo Jiuli couldn't accept this, because her living conditions had always been very good, whether in modern times or ancient times.

She has never been poor, so she cannot understand why Chen Tingting values ​​money more than life.

However, don’t tell others to be kind if you haven’t suffered from them.

In the same way, she has never been in her position or experienced what she has experienced, so naturally she cannot criticize her behavior.

"The person who sent me into the house is Eunuch Chen." Chen Tingting finally returned to the topic.

Luo Jiuli, "Eunuch Chen??"

"Yes." Chen Tingting nodded, "That's the chief chamberlain from before, the famous person next to the emperor."

"Many years ago, he returned to his hometown in fine clothes and wanted to take his mother and younger brother to the capital to enjoy life. We have known each other since childhood. He saw that I was doing well and that my life was not good, so he asked me if I would like to go with him. He wanted to make a fortune for himself in Jingcheng, and he also said that as long as I let him go, he would pay me ten taels of silver every month."

Luo Jiuli, "So you went?" "Yes." Chen Tingting nodded, "At that time, my family was so poor that I had no rice to cook with. When I heard that I had ten taels of silver per month, I naturally nodded and agreed without hesitation. .”

Chen Tingting said, "You must know that even if you work as a slave in a rich family, you only get three or four taels of silver a month. Ten taels of silver is a sky-high price. How could I not agree?"

"I remember that it was only two years since you entered the palace. It should have been three years ago when Eunuch Chen came to pick up his mother. So you went to the capital three years ago?"

Luo Jiuli knew why this day was so clear. It was naturally because of the ghost who was killed by Chen Goudan earlier.

After Yinghun finished talking about the victim, Luo Yaozhi came to Chenjiacun and naturally found out something.

What's more, Eunuch Chen came back as an imperial envoy at that time, so even if there was no need to check, he would still have an approximate time when questioning the victim.

"Well, it was almost exactly three years." Chen Tingting recalled, "No matter how well-off I was, I was still just a peasant girl. Her figure and appearance were simply not comparable to that of a rich and noble girl, not to mention a rich and noble girl. Even a concubine can’t compare.”

"After Eunuch Chen brought me to the capital, he first rented a small courtyard for me in the capital, arranged for two servants to take care of my daily life, and specially invited the nuns from the palace to teach me the etiquette and rules of the palace. .”

"When I had learned almost everything, Eunuch Chen took me to Mr. He's mansion to recognize my relatives. A concubine was lost in Mr. He's mansion. After I went there, I became that concubine."

"After living in He Mansion for about half a month, good news came from the border, saying that a small country was making a sneak attack late at night. I can't remember exactly which country it was and what my name was. In short, as soon as the good news arrived, I was sealed. Why was the beauty sent to the palace?"

Chen Tingting said seriously, and Luo Jiuli listened carefully without interrupting.

"Actually, the two years that the prince stayed in the mansion before he returned to the capital were the most peaceful and comfortable days that I have ever lived in my entire life."

Chen Tingting's voice continued, with nostalgia in her eyes, "Before I came to Beijing, I often starved at home because I didn't have enough food to eat. After I came to Beijing, during those days in the small courtyard, they didn't allow me to go out, and there was only my concubine in the courtyard. I was alone, and I didn’t know exactly what they wanted me to do at that time, so I was so isolated and panicked.”

"It wasn't until I entered the He Mansion that I realized that they were going to send me to Prince Yi's Mansion to be an informant. I haven't liked lying since I was a child. I knew that my acting skills were poor, so I started to think about running away."

"But they have trained me for so long, how could they let me escape so easily? They arranged a lot of guards around me, and they did not remove the guards until I was sent to the palace on a soft sedan."

"Later, even after entering the palace, I still wanted to escape. However, the palace was heavily guarded. I couldn't escape for a while just by myself."

"So, I started wandering around the mansion. On the surface, I like to move around, but in fact, I am checking the spots to see when the guards in the mansion will change shifts, and I want to sneak away during their shifts."

Check out the spot? ? ?

So troublesome? ? ?

"..." Luo Jiuli was speechless, "Well... I seem... I have never prohibited you from entering or exiting the house."

"Just tell the housekeeper and just leave the house openly and run away. Why go to such trouble and step on it."

Before Jun Mohan returned to the mansion, there were guards on duty in shifts, but they were not so strict.

Those guards were useless to Luo Jiuli, who was highly skilled in martial arts, but they were indeed a big problem for Chen Tingting, who had no power to restrain a chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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