The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 194 Silver, silver is the most important thing

Chapter 194 Silver, silver is the most important thing

Chen Tingting shook her head, "I have never tried to leave the house openly and then secretly escape, but..."

"Who would have thought that those people were worried about me. Even though they had removed the people who were guarding me, they actually secretly arranged for people to disguise themselves as traders outside the house to guard them, fearing that I would sneak away. .”

"I left the house several times in a row, and they all followed me closely. As time went by, one day Eunuch Chen asked someone to send me a letter. The letter said that my mother was sick and needed money urgently, so I asked him to Think of a way to send some money back."

"From the day I entered the capital, Eunuch Chen told me not to tell anyone in the village what I was doing in the capital, so I lied and claimed that I worked in Jinyi Fang."

"The people in the village are all pure-hearted. They will believe whatever I say. Everyone knows that I went to the capital and worked in Jinyifang. It is a very good place."

"After the letter came that my mother was ill, I contacted Eunuch Chen several times and got together outside the palace. I asked Eunuch Chen to lend me money. Eunuch Chen borrowed it. His only request was that I could stay in the palace with peace of mind."

"At that time, Princess, you had only been in the palace for a year. Eunuch Chen persuaded me that the prince was fighting in the frontier and he didn't know when he would come back. He wanted me to stay at the palace from that time and wait for the prince to come back. I am still considered an old man in the house, and the prince will not execute us lightly no matter what, not to mention that we are beauties personally gifted by His Majesty."

"If you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, even if we are beauties and speak softly, your Majesty's face is there, and the prince can't do anything to us."

Luo Jiuli laughed, "Oh, His Majesty's face? How much is it worth?"

The emperor's real power has long been eclipsed by the queen mother, and even government affairs must obey the queen mother's will.

To put it bluntly, Jun Mohan has an army of 30 men. What if he wants to topple the dynasty, not to mention beauties?
All the elites in the Xuanjia Army are equal to ten. Which general in the capital can defeat him?

"I am just a peasant girl. She only needs to eat and drink enough every day. I never know anything about court matters or intrigues. As for what you said, whether the emperor's face is worth anything is not that important. Whether my life can be preserved as Eunuch Chen said, or whether I can survive, is not that important."

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows and asked Chen Tingting, "Life is not important, so what is the most important?"

"Silver, money is the most important thing." Chen Tingting added, "My mother was ill at that time, but I was short of money, so I had to agree to the conditions proposed by Eunuch Chen."

"Didn't he say that he would give you ten taels of silver per month? There was a year between the time you entered the capital and the time you entered the palace. If you give ten taels of silver per month, the total is 120 taels. Excluding food and drink, you should have saved some money. .”

Luo Jiuli's words made Chen Tingting unable to stop shaking her head.

"Ten taels of silver a month sounds like a lot, especially to me. Before I set foot in the capital, ten taels of silver was really a sky-high price."

"But after arriving in the capital, I realized that ten taels of silver is actually nothing, especially to me who had just arrived in the capital and had not yet entered the palace."

"It costs money to manage the servants around you, and it also costs money to smoothen the relationships after arriving at He Mansion. Otherwise, you will inevitably be..."

Chen Tingting didn't say the last few words, but she understood them all.

If you don’t give money to the people around you, you will inevitably be scolded by others!

"I am in He's house, and I only occupy the position of a concubine in He's house in name. As a concubine of a wealthy family, I have to pay for everything, including the treatment and the honors I deserve. OK."

"This..." Luo Jiuli said, "I can't tell Master He is quite stingy." Chen Tingting was amused by Luo Jiuli's words and burst into tears, "Yes, he is quite stingy."

"As a concubine from a wealthy family, you can't wear too poor clothes, so you have to spend the money to buy clothes yourself!"

"Also, when I go out on weekdays, I get along with young ladies of the same status. If you give me a silver hairpin, I have to give you a silver bracelet. All the money comes and goes."

"With all this going back and forth, there won't be any money left."

Luo Jiuli nodded clearly.

Yes, I have to send servants, socialize with people and give gifts. I only have a mere ten taels per month, so what can I do!

"The days before entering the mansion were like this. After entering the mansion, it will be a little better. There is only one maid for each beauty. There are many things that the maid can't handle alone, so I have to do it myself. But I am used to doing this in the countryside. , it doesn’t matter if it’s a little bit hard or a little tiring.”

"At least in the house, I don't have to worry about what gifts to give to people, I just need to live my life in a down-to-earth manner."

"What does mental tiredness mean compared to physical tiredness? I would rather be physically tired, not to mention washing clothes and sweeping the floor from time to time, which is not considered tired."

"Eunuch Chen has never looked for concubines in the palace over the years. It's just that the prince has been looking for more concubines these days when he returns to Beijing. Princess, you are tolerant to the concubines in the palace. It's rare for me to be at ease."

"In the mansion, there is no need to worry about interpersonal relationships, or whether I am hungry or not. In addition to the subsidies from the mansion, Eunuch Chen will also give me ten taels of silver every month, and I will divide the silver into a small sum. The trustee took some of them home to my mother-in-law, and my life was very comfortable."

"The period after I entered the mansion was the most peaceful and comfortable period in my life. It seemed that this period was the only period I lived for myself. But... I didn't expect that it would end so soon. .”

"Why is it the end?" Luo Jiuli put his hand on Chen Tingting's shoulder and spoke firmly, "Maybe this is the beginning of another new life for you! A good beginning!! A beginning of living for yourself!!! That's it too. The beginning of truly fighting for yourself!!!!”

Chen Tingting was stunned for a moment after hearing the sonorous and powerful words.

"A new life? Live for yourself?? Fight for yourself???"

She spoke very slowly, almost every word, as if she was chewing the meaning of her words carefully.

"That's right." Luo Jiuli patted her shoulder, "Your life has just begun, how can it end?"

"Yes, my life has just begun, there is no end!" Chen Tingting repeated Luo Jiuli's words.

There seemed to be a different kind of power in her words, which made her look extremely determined, with a fire burning in her eyes, that was - the fire of hope.

"Well, come on!" Luo Jiuli made a cheering gesture with his hands clenched into fists.

Chen Tingting looked at Luo Jiuli in confusion, and followed her movements with her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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