Chapter 196 Who is the little master?
Luo Jiuli continued smoothly, "Eunuch Chen is already the head of the internal chamberlain. There are very few mothers who have a higher status than his."

Not just very few, it can even be said to be none.

Apart from the Queen or the old ladies in charge of the Queen Mother, there is no one else who can compare with her in the palace.

In fact, if one wants to have a higher status than the chamberlain, the master must have a higher status than the emperor.

Based on this condition, the queen was far excluded, leaving only...

Luo Jiuli had an idea, and Chen Tingting was still recalling, "After that nanny came in, she arrogantly told Eunuch Chen not to forget her master's instructions, saying that she was becoming more and more disobedient recently. , it’s all my fault that Eunuch Chen didn’t inform the matter in time, and asked Eunuch Chen to find a way to control the person, and also said that the young master was about to return from a disaster, and he would be indispensable for his benefits in the future.”

What if, as she thought, the person who came to deliver the message was Nanny Wu who was beside the Queen Mother.

So, are you becoming more and more disobedient? ?Are you talking about the emperor? ? ?

Could it be that the Queen Mother had already discovered that the Emperor was clumsy? ? ? ?

Eunuch Chen was the person placed by the Queen Mother next to the emperor. She said that the emperor was becoming more and more disobedient and wanted Eunuch Chen to find a way to control him, which she could understand.

But who is the little master in the words?

Still coming back after all the calamity! ? ? ?

Luo Jiuli recalled inexplicably what the dead men in black said before falling off the cliff.

——Luo Jiuli asked, "Who do the Xiao family want to save by taking me back? Xiao Ruoyan?? Xiao Hui?? Xiao Ruoling?? Xiao Penguang???"

Shadow said, "No, no, no."

Jun Mohan asked, "Has that person ever appeared in front of the world?"

"Never appeared." Yinhun replied.


Luo Jiuli suddenly felt a chill running down his spine. He held the dead branch in his hand and with a little force, it broke with a 'click'.

The person who has never appeared in front of the world but made the Xiao family risk their lives to catch her and save her, and the little master who is about to return from the disaster...

Could it be that they are the same person? ? ?

"Are there any useful clues?" Luo Jiuli looked at Chen Tingting and asked.

Chen Tingting shook her head first, then seemed to remember something and said, "At that time, I just thought these words were strange, so I wrote them down. Also, because of Eunuch Chen's special status, he was the emperor's confidant and helped the emperor deal with the prince and his concubine. The body can understand.”

"However, such a nanny suddenly appeared and said such strange words. I felt strange, so I secretly speculated on the identity of that nanny, wondering who could give orders to the head chamberlain. Eunuch Chen spoke like this."

"So..." Luo Jiuli threw away the dead branch that was broken into two sections, "Did you guess who that nanny was?"

"Well, the Queen Mother worships Buddha all the year round. If the people around you follow her for a long time, they will naturally be affected by a lot of cigarettes and candlelight."

Chen Tingting's words only confirmed Luo Jiuli's suspicion.

She raised her eyebrows, "Do you think that nanny is someone close to the Queen Mother?"

"That's right, that nanny passed by me when she left, and I smelled the scent of incense and candles on her body. In addition, there are rumors that the Queen Mother is compassionate and worships Buddha all the year round, so..."

"So you suspect that that person is someone close to the Queen Mother." Luo Jiuli stood up, looked down at Chen Tingting and said, "There are many people in the world who worship Buddha all year round, and they may not necessarily be people close to the Queen Mother. As far as I know, A few days ago, a concubine moved back from Qing'an Temple, and she is also worshiping Buddha in the palace every day and praying for the late emperor!" Luo Jiuli patted Chen Tingting on the shoulder and walked out, "Okay, I'm here Got it, that’s the end of the matter. If you don’t want to get into trouble, don’t mention it again. It’s getting dark, so hurry up and go back and relax for a while!”

Luo Jiuli walked to the door and suddenly remembered something. He looked back at Chen Tingting who was still sitting there, "The Eunuch Chen who sent you into the house is dead, but there should be others behind him. Those who are alive People won’t cause trouble for you??”

Luo Jiuli's words made Chen Tingting feel warm in her heart.

With a smile on her lips, she shook her head. "Will not."

"So sure?" Luo Jiuli adheres to the spirit of helping people to the end and sending Buddha to the West. "Okay, if you really have anything, remember to tell me in advance. I will help you if you can."

"Yes." Chen Tingting responded, stood up and faced Luo Jiuli Fu Shen, "I thank you, Princess."

There was a shimmer in the dark sky, and day was about to break through day and night.

Wei Yan was leaning against the pillar with his sword in his arms. When he saw Luo Jiuli coming out of the kitchen, he straightened up, cupped his fists and bowed to her, "Madam."

"Yes." Luo Jiuli responded. She stood under the eaves and stretched out, looking at the dim light in the distance. Her tone was quite resentful, "It seems that I won't be able to sleep for long, so I have to get up!"

She made fists with both hands facing each other, and twisted her waist left and right, "Oh, it's so hard every day! I can't let anyone sleep!"

Luo Jiuli put down his hand and yawned again.

She walked towards the house, and when she passed Wei Yan, she stopped and turned her head to look at him, "By the way, Old Wei, Jun Mohan's silent poisoning is really strange. Remember to send a message to Old Kang and ask him Check it out."

Let's see who it is that dares to secretly poison her man.

It is still a more sinister poison than Qiao Yuluo.

Forget it for others, dare to poison her man and treat her as if she doesn't exist? ?
Luo Jiuli's title didn't make Wei Yan feel anything was wrong.

Anyway, the prince called them this way on weekdays when no one was around.

However, when the poison that kills people is mentioned, Wei Yan's eyes are filled with flames.

"Madam, don't worry. I will send a message to Lao Kang right away. I will definitely catch that man and cut him into pieces! His bones will be shattered and his ashes will be scattered!!"

The rough sound is very loud, especially in the silence of the night, it is even more deafening.

Luo Jiuli reflexively glanced in the direction of the main room and saw that there was no movement in Aunt Chen's room. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you break the bones and raise the ashes, please keep your voice down. Don't wake anyone up."


The still loud voice made Luo Jiuli feel that he had never been so speechless in his life, "..."

She waved her hand and pushed the door open. Before closing the door, she looked at Wei Yan outside the house and said, "You have been waiting all night. If you feel sleepy, go to bed quickly. You are not the only one. The secret guards are still watching nearby." !”

"Yes!" Wei Yan responded.

Luo Jiuli closed the door and walked to the bedside in the dark. He first reached out and touched Jun Mohan's forehead. When he felt that the fever was no longer present, he climbed onto the bed in the dark and lay down undressed in the opposite corner.

Closing his eyes, sleepiness swept over him like a tidal wave.

After a while she fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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