Chapter 197 Can help find the bones

In the early morning, there was a burst of 'ta!Ta-ta! !Ta-ta-ta! ! ! ' The sound forcefully dragged Luo Jiuli out of his dream.

The inexplicable weight on her body made her breathless.

The only thing familiar to her was the sandalwood lingering around her nose. It was simple and calm, making her feel at ease.

Without opening her eyes, she turned over and prepared to continue sleeping.

'despair!Ta-ta! !Ta-ta-ta! ! ! '

It's that noisy voice again!
Luo Jiuli opened his eyes angrily, and a flawless face that looked like a demon with a certain coldness suddenly came into view. They were so close that they could even feel each other's hot breath clearly.

Looking at the sleeping Jun Mohan, Luo Jiuli's heartbeat suddenly slowed down a beat.

Oh my god!Someone come and save her! !
This man is so damn handsome! ! !

Look at those phoenix eyes!Look at these eyelashes! !

Ouch!Even with your eyes closed, you can see how seductive it is! ! !
Ahhhh! ! !And this full nose, these thin lips that pout! ! !
Beep! ! ! !

I really want to kiss you! ! ! !

Normally, Luo Jiuli would definitely have a thief's heart but not his courage.

But now, before anyone wakes up, that is her world!

It’s not like she can do whatever she wants! !

Luo Jiuli pouted and kissed him, her lips were warm and soft. She was bold enough not to retreat immediately, but blinked her apricot eyes and admired the man's tightly closed phoenix eyes.

She snickered in her heart, hey, you usually talk a lot, but now you are in my hands!

Luo Jiuli couldn't help but feel proud, but he didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

She had only tasted it briefly and was about to take back this bold move.

However, before she could take any action, a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes suddenly opened.

When their eyes met, Luo Jiuli froze on the spot.

Then, before she could react, a strong hand grabbed the back of her head, deepening the pain.

After the kiss ended, Luo Jiuli slumped down.

She hid under the quilt, but Jun Mohan dug her out.

Jun Mohan raised his eyes, "What? You dare to do it, but don't you want to admit it? You don't want to be responsible for your husband?"

Luo Jiuli's cheeks turned red and she bit her lower lip lightly, "I, I, I, who, so and so said I don't admit it! I admit it! Confirm it, admit it!!!"

"Does the lady mean that she has to be responsible for her husband?" Jun Mohan said with a smile on his face.

Luo Jiuli pursed his lips, feeling extremely aggrieved.

She didn't dare to look at Jun Mohan, so she could only look down at the quilt and muttered, "Why should I be responsible for you and not you for me? Humph, I don't want to be responsible for you!"

"Hahahahaha." Jun Mohan laughed heartily and tightened his arms around Luo Jiuli, "Okay, okay, my wife said that she must be responsible for her husband, and she must be responsible for her husband!"

Luo Jiuli puffed up his face and said, "Who wants you to be responsible for me? You don't have to be responsible."

"My husband won't agree to this." Jun Mohan placed a gentle kiss on Luo Jiuli's forehead.

'despair!Ta-ta! !Ta-ta-ta! ! ! '

Luo Jiuli's heart trembled in response to the knocking on the door.

She reached out and pushed Jun Mohan away, "Be careful of your injuries."

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. I can still hold my wife for my husband." Jun Mohan said and wanted to put Luo Jiuli into his arms again. Luo Jiuli sat up and avoided his hand.

"Madam~" Jun Mohan felt aggrieved.

Luo Jiuli lifted the quilt and glanced at him sideways, "I know how to pretend!"

Jun Mohan was stunned for a moment, "What??? Me, I'm pretending????"

In mid-air, Kuang Yan pulled away Wen Yi and covered his mouth, "Cousin, my mother has said that we can't lie. King Yi had already woken up a long time ago, so he closed it deliberately when he saw Sister Luo waking up. Your eyes are pretending to be asleep!”

Luo Jiuli put on his shoes and glared at Wen Yi, who was floating in the air and laughing, and then at Jun Mohan, who was lying on the bed pretending to be innocent.

"Humph! We are indeed a family!"

She asked how she got caught by such a coincidence!

Ah!After a long time, she woke up early and seduced her!

Looking at Luo Jiuli who slammed the door and left, a smile appeared in Jun Mohan's eyes.

He turned his eyes and looked at the midair where Luo Jiuli had just stared, where Wen Yi and Kuang Yan, one large and one small, were still floating there.

There was obviously a smile in Jun Mo Han's eyes, but his expression still made Wen Yi and Kuang Yan, who were ghosts, couldn't help but tremble.

The two of them were like children who had made a mistake, floating straight in the air.

"Look, Brother Wang is angry. He told you not to talk nonsense. If you don't believe me, are you okay now? If Brother Wang remembers it one day, believe it or not, he will dig up your grave!"

Wen Yi's words made Kuang Yan's body tremble uncontrollably, but after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong.

He looked up at Wen Yi, his voice soft and a little aggrieved, "Cousin, I don't have a grave."

"There is no grave! Then do you know where your bones are??"

Kuang Yan shook his head, the grievance on his face deepened, and his voice was slightly crying, "No, I don't know."

Wen Yi held her forehead in annoyance. She really didn't like to pick up the pot.

This stupid kid was obviously kidnapped and killed.

He didn't even know how he died. The murderer must have added some drugs to the candy, otherwise he would have felt some pain before he died!
Wen Yi was no longer trying to scare Kuang Yan. She waved her hands and coaxed softly: "Hey, darling, don't cry. My cousin is the one who lied to you. Brother Wang is so good! How can he dig our graves? They all say that men have Don’t shed tears lightly, don’t cry, don’t cry!”

Kuang Yan looked at Wen Yi with tears in his eyes, "Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Wen Yi patted her chest, "You don't know where your bones are, do you? Brother Wang, not only can he not dig our graves, but he will also help you find your bones!"

"Really??" Kuang Yan's eyes glowed.

"This..." Wen Yi was a little unsure, but looking at Kuang Yan's expectant look, she still said bravely, "Of course it's true."

"Hmm! OK, OK!!!" Kuangyan was so happy that he was floating around, "Then I want to go back to my mother. If I can't stay with my mother all the time, I will let my bones stay with my mother, etc. In the next life, I will still be my mother’s son!”

"Uh, hehe..." Wen Yi smiled awkwardly. She was already thinking about how to tell Luo Jiuli about this.

The man in black, Lao Wu, popped his head out of the safety buckle and yawned, as if he hadn't woken up. "Don't make any noise, be quiet!"

Kuang Yan floated over with a smile, hugged the head of the man in black, Lao Wu, and said excitedly, "Uncle Lao Wu, uncle Lao Wu, did you hear what Sister Wen Yiyi said?"

The man in black, Lao Wu, couldn't stop yawning, "What did you say that made you so happy?"

Kuang Yan chuckled, "My cousin said that King Yi can help me find my bones!"

"In this way, not only can I return to my mother's side, but my bones can also return to my mother's side. From now on, I can stay with my mother for the rest of my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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