Chapter 199 My Awang is eager to learn
"My Awang loves to learn. On weekdays, whenever school opens, he is always the first to arrive."

"Today was an accident. I am not in good health these days. When I was in good condition before, he would have left long ago."

"Haha, it's a good thing to be studious." Luo Jiuli's hand was filled with porridge. Instead of sitting down to eat the porridge, he picked up a spoon from the table and put it into a bowl before walking out.

She had just been seduced and pranked by Jun Mohan, and although she was very angry, she could not starve him because he was like iron rice, not to mention that he was indeed a patient and could not be hungry.

Seeing Luo Jiuli push the door open and come in, the indifferent Jun Mohan suddenly changed his face and curled his lips, feeling extremely aggrieved, "I thought my wife was angry and didn't want to feed my husband!"

"I said you are a majestic king and a god on the battlefield. Can't you look a little like a god?"

If she hadn't known that the person in front of her was Jun Mohan, there was no doubt that with his appearance, those who didn't know would have thought he was a fake.

He was obviously a shady old fox, and he pretended to be innocent and aggrieved in front of her every day.

When it comes to grievances, it’s obvious that she is the one who feels the grievances, okay!
damn thing!
He lassoed her one after another!

"No!" Jun Mohan replied simply and neatly.

Just kidding, he still wants to look like a god of war in front of his wife!

"..." Luo Jiuli was speechless for a while, "I'm really too lazy to talk to you."

"Why??" Jun Mohan looked aggrieved.

"Are you pretending to be wronged or addicted?" Luo Jiuli ruthlessly revealed his true colors, "You don't know yet, right? Your secret guards arrived last night, and Wei Yan also came with them. Even if I don't give you food, Yes, they will never starve you."

"So..." Luo Jiuli approached the bed, lowered his head and looked into Jun Mohan's eyes, "You can't pretend to be wronged anymore!"

Just before Luo Jiuli left, a secret guard had already entered the room and told Jun Mohan everything that had happened since his disappearance, including his poisonous attack last night. He already knew everything.

However, now he pretended to be confused when facing Luo Jiuli, "What? Are they coming?"

In mid-air, Kuang Yan was still holding the head of the man in black, Lao Wu. Hearing Jun Mohan's words, he opened his mouth to say something else, but was covered in time by Wen Yi beside him.

He whispered a warning in his ear: "Do you still want to find your bones? If you expose Brother Wang again this time, when Brother Wang finds out, you will really have to dig up your ancestral grave!"

Luo Jiuli looked at the three ghosts floating above his head, stuck together like conjoined twins, and felt rows of ellipses across his forehead, "..."

Is the space in the room too small for them to float separately? ? ?
Why do you have to stick together in such a weird posture? ? ?
Noticing Luo Jiuli's gaze, Wen Yi signaled Kuang Yan with her eyes from an angle that Luo Jiuli couldn't see.

After Kuang Yan blinked his big eyes to show that he understood, Wen Yi let go of his hand, floated to Luo Jiuli's side, rubbed her shoulder affectionately, and said shamelessly, "They say that one day is like three autumns, and today I finally... I have experienced that, after just one stick of incense, people already miss Mrs. Wang to death!"

Wen Yi's delicate and artificial tone gave Luo Jiuli a chill, "..."

If you really miss her, she can float out anytime, anywhere!
She leaned slightly to avoid Wen Yi, and her eyes scanned the three ghosts in the room one by one, and there was a voice in her heart telling her.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and these three are hiding something from her!
With eyes that seemed to penetrate people's souls, Wen Yi did not dare to look directly at Luo Jiuli, only lowering his head and laughing.

"Sister Luo..." Kuang Yan never lied, but now that Luo Jiuli saw it, he immediately opened his mouth to say something, but Wen Yi secretly glared at him, thinking that his bones were somewhere. , but he endured it again, "Hehehehe..."

Kuang Yan laughed awkwardly and added dryly, "My cousin is right, one day is like three autumns after not seeing each other. I miss Sister Luo all the time!"

Ha ha!

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to them.

He held the bowl of porridge in front of Jun Mohan and said, "Eat."

Jun Mohan didn't move, his eyes moved down and landed on the wound on his left chest. He looked like he couldn't move and was seriously injured. "How to eat?" Luo Jiuli said, "..."

This was not what he looked like when he was pretending to sleep with her.

"Of course you eat it with a spoon, do you still want me to feed you?"

"Of course that's good." Jun Mohan answered with a smile.

Luo Jiuli, "Huh???"

"Hello, madam." Jun Mohan sat with his mouth open, waiting to be fed.

"What a beautiful idea!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "I just said it casually. You can just refuse casually. How can I really make you agree?"

"If you really can't move, I'll ask Mo An to come in and feed you."

"No." Jun Mohan refused.

Luo Jiuli, "Huh???"

"I am afraid that they will poison me!" Jun Mohan said seriously.

Luo Jiuli wanted to laugh, "Are you serious? They are your secret guards. If you can't even trust them, why do you let them be your secret guards? ?"

Jun Mohan snorted, "I don't care anyway, my husband needs my wife to feed me!"

"Please show me some face, you are not without hands." Luo Jiuli moved the hand holding the bowl, "Hurry up, eat."

"I don't want to feed my wife!"

Looking at Jun Mohan, who was as childish as a three-year-old child, Luo Jiuli was speechless for a while.

She stopped arguing with him, sighed heavily, accepted her fate, picked up the spoon, scooped up the porridge and blew it to his mouth.

Seeing Luo Jiuli's compromise, Jun Mohan stopped acting like a monster. She fed him a bite, and he took a bite obediently.

The two of them fed and ate in perfect coordination, and the bottom of the bowl of porridge was gone in no time.

Luo Jiuli went out with an empty bowl and stopped when passing Mo An, "Can you have breakfast?"

Mo An cupped his fists and replied, "No, but don't worry, madam, we will take care of the food ourselves."

"Okay, don't worry about the money. I will reimburse you for everything when I return to Beijing. You can eat and drink as you like. If you come across something delicious, you can bring some back to your master. Of course, he can't eat spicy food these days. If he brings it back, If so, you have to pay attention to this.”

"Thank you, madam!" Mo An bowed.

"Well, thank you, but this is not the capital, nor is it in the palace. There is no need to be too formal. From now on, bowing and other such things will be dispensed with."

"Yes." Mo An changed quickly and did not bow again.

Luo Jiuli walked towards the main room. When Aunt Chen saw her coming, her eyes skipped over her and looked at Mo An in the distance, "I woke up early today and saw that young man guarding there. I must not have had breakfast, or else I would call him Let him come and eat together!”

"No need." Luo Jiuli shook his head, "You eat what you have. They will find their own way to solve the problem of food."

(End of this chapter)

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