Chapter 200 The appearance of both parents!

"This... is not good!" Aunt Chen looked at the food on the table, "Although the food is a bit poor, it can still fill her stomach. There is no need for them to solve it themselves."

Aunt Chen looked in the direction of Mo An, "Just ask the two of them to come in, and the young man last night, ask them to come in and eat together."

"Two people?" Luo Jiuli served himself a bowl of porridge and sat down. "There are more than two of them. There are many people. They just didn't come in."

"Are there many people?" Aunt Chen looked around the yard, but saw nothing except the clothes that were still wet and the hens walking around.

She didn't know what was going on outside the fence and whether there was anyone there. She just said, "It's bad, there are more people when there are more people. Just go cook some more and let them all come in and eat."

Luo Jiuli took a sip of the porridge and said with a smile: "You are really kind-hearted, but if you do good deeds and don't ask about your future, you will definitely be blessed in the future!"

"But do good deeds and don't ask about the future." Aunt Chen slowly repeated Luo Jiuli's words, with nostalgia in her cloudy eyes. "My father often told me this in the past. Later, whenever I met someone who was in trouble, , even if my family is in trouble, the old lady will do her best to help, but the child’s father still died in an accident after all!”

Luo Jiuli's hand while scooping porridge paused. She could not comfort her sadness over the death of her loved ones, so she only said: "A person's blessings may not be in this life, and maybe they will be fulfilled in the next life. His life will be miserable in this life, but as long as he If he does a lot of good deeds, he will most likely be reborn into a wealthy family in his next life."

"Or even if you are not reincarnated into a wealthy family, you will definitely live a peaceful, healthy and happy life."

"Everything happens in a cyclical cycle, and God will not mistreat those who have always done good deeds."

Thinking of her deceased husband, Aunt Chen's eyes were full of sadness, "Yes! Cause and effect are reincarnated, and I don't want him to be rich. I just hope that he will be safe, healthy, and happy in his next life."

Aunt Chen must have loved her husband terribly. Even though her husband had been dead for many years, she had never forgotten him, and her eyes filled with tears when he mentioned it.

She lowered her head and did not look at Luo Jiuli. She stood up, waved her hands and walked in, "That's it. The old lady is full. Let's go in and rest for a while."

Seeing Aunt Chen's lonely figure as she left, Luo Jiuli felt uncomfortable.

How did she come up with this topic without thinking about it?
"What do you think, Sister Luo?" Xiao Zuo came in from outside the door and patted Luo Jiuli on the shoulder.

Luo Jiuli came back to his senses and looked at Xiao Zuo who sat down opposite him, "It's okay. Is your door repaired?"

"It's been all morning, of course it's been repaired." Xiao Zuo wiped the sweat from his forehead and put the hammer on the table with a bang, "Why are you eating alone, where is Mrs. Chen?"

After working for a long time, Xiao Zuo felt a little hungry. He looked at the white porridge in the basin and took a bowl to serve himself porridge.

"Aunt Chen said she was full and just went into the room to rest." Luo Jiuli took a sip of porridge, "I seem to have accidentally mentioned her sadness."

Luo Jiuli thought for a while and felt that it was wrong to say so, so he changed his mind and said, "It's not that I mentioned it, it's just... Anyway, that's where the topic ended."

"Sad thing? What sad thing??" Xiao Zuo drank half a bowl of porridge with pickles.

Luo Jiuli glanced at the closed door in the corner and whispered, "It's about Chen Wang's father."

"Oh!" Xiao Zuo nodded clearly, "I know about this!"

"Shh! Keep your voice down, but don't let Mrs. Chen hear Tu Zeng's heartbreak." Luo Jiuli reminded.

Xiao Zuo also turned to look at the closed door in the corner, turned around and whispered mysteriously: "This matter is not a secret. Master and I heard about it when we first came to the village. "Huh???" Luo Jiuli was confused, "What do you mean? Is there any hidden secret?"

"I heard that Awang's father passed away the year Awang was born. At that time, many people in the village had spare money, especially Aunt Chen's family, because Awang's father had a business acumen, plus a lot of money. With good carpentry skills, the things he makes are beautiful, solid, and pleasing to the eye.”

"Well, what next?" Luo Jiuli put a piece of pickle into his mouth.

"Then..." Xiao Zuo drank another half of the bowl of porridge in one gulp, "Then their family became rich!"

Luo Jiuli looked at Xiao Zuo who continued to serve porridge: "..."

She asked then this and then?

"Hehe." Xiao Zuo smiled sheepishly, "Then, a rich businessman in the town took a fancy to Awang's craftsmanship. At that time, the rich businessman happened to buy a new house and spent a lot of money to buy high-quality gold from elsewhere. Silk Nanmu, so I specially invited Awang Dad to come over and build a complete set of furniture for him."

"As a result, Awang's house collapsed while he was making furniture. Everyone he brought with him, including himself, died in the accident."

"After the house collapsed, fire came from nowhere and burned the house and everyone inside."

"Burned them all?" Luo Jiuli stopped what he was doing and looked at Xiao Zuo, "Wouldn't it mean that all the corpses were burnt so black that only the skeletons were left and it was hard to tell who was who?"

"Yes!" Xiao Zuo nodded, "But fortunately, Father Awang doesn't know whether he is lame in his left leg or his right leg. Anyway, he is lame in one leg. This way he was separated from others, otherwise he would be afraid of being lame at home and in the fields. No one knows about the burial."

Luo Jiuli didn't answer any more, playing with the spoon with his fingertips, his eyes thoughtful.

With a "squeak~", the door to the courtyard was pushed open from the outside.

"Well, the door is fixed!" It was Chen Tingting's voice.

When Luo Jiuli and Xiao Zuo heard the noise, they both turned their heads and looked out the door. Chen Tingting walked a short distance and came into their sight.

"Miss Luo, this is what you want."

Chen Tingting approached and handed the wrapped thing in her hand to Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli didn't answer, but looked at Chen Tingting intently.

The left eye represents the father, and the right eye represents the mother. There are no traces of tears, the brows are straight, and the brilliance and brightness are the appearance of both parents!
"Miss Luo?" Seeing Luo Jiuli looking at her in a daze, Chen Tingting tried to shout again.

"Huh?" Luo Jiuli came back to her senses and took the things Chen Tingting handed her, "What are these?"

She didn't say that Chen Tingting's father might still be alive.

After all, she is still recovering and is not suitable for divination.

Wait until she is well, do some calculations, and then tell them the good news after she is sure!
"Didn't you say you wanted yellow talismans and cinnabar last night? My third cousin used to be a Taoist priest. I just went to his house and asked about it. I found that there was still some left, so I packed it up and brought it over for you."

(End of this chapter)

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