Chapter 201 Eight?Gua? ?

While Chen Tingting was talking, Luo Jiuli had already opened the package and had a clear view of the contents inside.

Three or two yellow talismans, a box of cinnabar as big as your thumb, and a slender brush with a dry red tip.

The yellow talisman is rough and the cinnabar is black, all of which are of inferior quality.

On normal days, these things would have been lost to Luo Jiuli.

But now, she took a yellow talisman, poured a glass of water, wetted the tip of the pen, and dipped it in cinnabar.

Following her flowing movements, a spiritual talisman was born.

Chen Tingting stood on the side, her mouth slightly open, extremely surprised.

I didn’t expect...the princess could really do this!

During dinner last night, Luo Jiuli said that she could draw talismans. Chen Tingting still didn't believe it, so when her third cousin was about to bring her the remaining dozen yellow talismans, she only took three in the spirit of not wasting. open.

Compared to Chen Tingting's surprise, Xiao Zuo was not surprised. Moreover, when Luo Jiuli was painting, he stared at it without blinking. When Luo Jiuli finished painting, he clapped.

"Sister Luo's movements in drawing talisman are getting more and more handsome!"

Xiao Zuo learned the word handsome from Luo Jiuli.

When they first met, Xiao Zuo was being bullied, and that's when Luo Jiuli appeared wearing men's clothes.

After beating away his bully, Luo Jiuli crossed his arms, raised his head and asked him arrogantly, "Brother, am I handsome?!"

At that time, Xiao Zuo didn't understand what handsome meant, but he still subconsciously replied: "Handsome."

Luo Jiuli drew three magic talismans in one breath. She handed two of them to Chen Tingting, "Take one and stick it in the middle of the door, and keep the other for yourself."

Chen Tingting hesitated to answer, "Miss Luo, isn't this for you and Mr. Jia? I, I can't have it."

"Okay, don't talk so much. Just take it if you are told to take it." Luo Jiuli put the magic talisman into Chen Tingting's hand, "Remember, the one posted at the door must be posted in the middle, no more than three points. No matter how crooked it is, you must wear the remaining one close to your body, even when sleeping."

Chen Tingting, "Well, then you..."

Luo Jiuli drank the last mouthful of porridge and put down the bowl, "You don't have to worry about me, it's you, but do you still remember what I told you before?"

Chen Tingting thought for a while, then lowered her head in embarrassment, "I don't remember."

"Alas!" Luo Jiuli sighed and looked at Chen Tingting, "If someone knocks on the door in the middle of the night recently and asks you to open it, you must not open it, remember?"

Luo Jiuli's serious words made Chen Tingting stunned and said nothing.

Luo Jiuli's tone increased and he asked again, "Do you remember it?"

Chen Tingting came back to her senses and nodded repeatedly, "Remember, remember, remember."

"Just remember it." Luo Jiuli lowered his gaze and landed on Chen Tingting's hand, "If you remember it, then hurry up and put the talisman on it."

"Oh, yes, yes." Chen Tingting trotted out, went to the kitchen to get some rice cereal, and took a small stool to the courtyard gate.

Xiao Zuo didn't even bother to drink porridge, he looked at Luo Jiuli with excitement, and asked in a low voice as if he was trying to find out a secret, "Sister Luo, what will happen to Chen Tingting?"

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, "Go and eat your food, it's none of your business!"

"Oh!" Xiao Zuo changed his position and sat next to Luo Jiuli, holding her hand and rubbing her shoulder coquettishly, "Just tell me, tell me!"

Wen Yi floated in from outside and happened to see this scene. She gritted her teeth in anger and floated over to slap Xiao Zuo on the head.

"You bastard, let go of this princess and Wang's sister-in-law! Let go of this Princess and Wang's sister-in-law!" Luo Jiuli looked at Wen Yi, who was slapping someone in the ear but couldn't get it, but still looked happy, and who was better than her. Xiao Zuo, who was still a head taller and bent over to rub against her shoulder, felt speechless for a while.

"Sister Luo, just tell me, tell me!" Xiao Zuo couldn't stop being coquettish, so he straightened up and looked at Luo Jiuli, accusing: "You promised me before. As long as I get familiar with the herbal medicine, You taught me Xuanmen magic, are you going to be a swindler?"

"..." Luo Jiuli said, "Who said I was going to be a cheat?"

"Then since you are not a scumbag, you should take advantage of what is about to happen to Chen Tingting and teach me together, right?"

Seeing Xiao Zuo's expectant eyes, Luo Jiuli couldn't bear to refuse.

She waved her hand, "Oh! Okay, okay!!! Then let's see it, let you see it!!!"

After Luo Jiuli finished speaking, before Xiao Zuo could be happy, he repented and said: "Forget it, forget it this time, otherwise it will be next time, next time!"

Xiao Zuo's originally happy expression turned into resentment in an instant, "Why????"

Luo Jiuli licked his fingers, "First of all, there is no corpse mud on me, and you haven't opened your eyes. Even if I take you with me this time, you won't be able to see anything."

"Secondly, my internal injuries have not healed, and my magic talismans are not enough. There is no problem in protecting myself, but if I add you, it won't be possible."

"So..." Luo Jiuli touched his little left head, "Next time, next time!"

Xiao Zuo was unhappy, "When will the next time be?"

"Hmm..." Luo Jiuli thought for a while, "When I return to the capital, you will come with me. There is corpse mud at my master's place. You can see the ghosts and other things as long as you are not afraid."

"I'm not afraid." Little Zuo curled his lips, "What about the technique you promised to teach me?"

"This..." Luo Jiuli took his hand out of Xiaozuo's arms, "Can we teach you together then?"

"Hahaha, yes." Xiao Zuo smiled with satisfaction, "Then what will happen to Chen Tingting this time? You tell me first!"

"You are really..." Luo Jiuli thought about how to describe it, "You are really gossipy."

"Gossip???" Xiao Zuo was confused, "What do you mean???"

"It's okay." Luo Jiuli shook his head and said seriously, "Xuanmen's latest technique."

Xiao Zuo, "Oh! The latest technique, Ba? Gua? Then I..."

"Miss Luo, I have posted the talisman you just gave me at the gate. Do you want to go take a look?"

Chen Tingting's voice came from the courtyard. Luo Jiuli hurriedly got up and walked out, "Let me take a look!"

"Hey, Sister Luo..."

Xiao Zuo wanted to call Luo Jiuli, but unexpectedly the more he called Luo Jiuli, the faster he walked away.

Just kidding, if you don't walk faster and wait for him to ask the question, she really doesn't know how to deceive him!

When he arrived at the gate, Luo Jiuli gave it a false look, nodded and praised seriously: "Well, it's very well posted."

Chen Tingting smiled shyly, "Miss Luo is so complimentary."

After reading the talisman posted on the door, Luo Jiuli turned back. When he walked into the courtyard, Xiao Zuo looked at her expectantly, thinking that she would go to the main room.

Unexpectedly, Luo Jiuli turned around and entered the room where Jun Mohan was.

(End of this chapter)

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