Chapter 202 Her Stance
Xiao Zuo pursed his lips in disappointment, while Wen Yi floated to the side, hands on hips, smiling wildly, "Hahahahahahaha, let you hold Mrs. Wang's hands and act like a baby, hey, you deserve to be disliked!"

After entering the room, Luo Jiuli walked to the table, added a glass of water, raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

She wiped the water stains from the corner of her mouth and looked at Jun Mohan lying on the bed, "You have been lying in bed for so long, do you want to go out for a walk?"

A smile twitched at the corner of Jun Mohan's lips, "If my wife is willing to help you, I will be happy to be my husband."

"You are a patient after all, how can I still abuse you?"

Luo Jiuli put down the tea cup with a bang, stood up and was about to help Jun Mohan, when Xiao Zuo's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Sister Luo, I'm going back first. Master said before going to the capital in the morning that Mr. Jia's injury is too serious and it's not suitable to move. It's best to lie in bed for a while."

"Also, Mr. Jia had a fever due to poison last night. Master left some medicine for him. In the morning, I gave the medicine to Aunt Chen. She will add the medicine to the original medicine and boil it together."

"Got it!" Luo Jiuli shouted back. He sat back down after just standing up and pursed his lips at Jun Mohan, "Looks like we can't leave!"

Jun Mohan raised his eyebrows and responded, "Yeah."

Wen Yi floated in from outside the door. Kuang Yan went over and hugged her head. Wen Yi pulled him away and said disgustedly: "Where did you learn this bad habit? It's not good to hug people's heads. Cover your eyes. It's not dark in the middle of winter." I can’t even see it.”

Not long after Xiao Zuo left, Luo Jiuli went out to use the toilet, and the person guarding the door was changed from Mo An to Wei Yan.

Wei Yan saw Luo Jiuli coming out and called out, "Madam."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli closed the door, "You're back after sleeping for so long?"

Wei Yan said, "This is the first time in such a long time that such a big thing has happened. Lao Kang and the others are not here. I am alone with the master. I don't feel at ease even when I fall asleep. It is better to come back and continue to guard the door for peace of mind."

"Then you have to have a good rest. Otherwise, if something happens, you may lose your energy."

Luo Jiuli didn't persuade him much, and walked towards the kitchen after speaking.

When she came out again, the person guarding the door was actually Mo An again.

"Miss Luo." Chen Tingting's voice came from behind.

Luo Jiuli looked back at Chen Tingting and saw that she was holding something in her hands and walking towards her.

"What's the matter?" Luo Jiuli asked.

Chen Tingting walked to Luo Jiuli, stopped, and slightly opened her hand holding something, "I found this in my clothes when I was doing laundry in the morning. It belongs to you and Mr. Jia."

Luo Jiuli looked around and saw that the handful she was holding was full of spiritual talismans. Each spiritual talisman was black, as if it had been burned by something.

"It's no longer useful, throw it all away!"

Luo Jiuli said she was about to leave, but Chen Tingting hurriedly called her, "Hey! Miss Luo, wait a minute, there's something else."

Luo Jiuli turned around, "Huh???"

Chen Tingting trotted to the side and threw away all the dark talismans, leaving only one thing in her palm, which was shiny and reflective.

"This thing is really strange. It's shiny and clearer than a bronze mirror. It illuminates people clearly."

Luo Jiuli took the palm-sized round mirror. The back of the round mirror was engraved with retro patterns, and the word "Han Li" was engraved in the middle.

This was the mirror that Jun Mohan had obtained from the envoys of the small country before, polished and carved it and gave it to Luo Jiuli.

In Jun Mohan's words, this is a token of love.

Luo Jiuli stroked the patterns on the back of the mirror with his fingertips and smiled gently, "Thank you."

After Jun Mohan gave the mirror to her, although she always carried it with her, she had never taken it out to look at it.If Chen Tingting hadn't found it while washing her clothes and brought it back to her, she might have forgotten to bring such a thing with her.

When he saw Mo An guarding the door, Luo Jiuli thought Wei Yan had listened to her words and continued to sleep.

But when she entered the house, she realized that Wei Yan had gone to sleep. He had clearly entered the house to report to Jun Mohan all the events that had happened in the capital in the past few days after they fell off the cliff and disappeared, including the reactions of various people after they learned of their disappearance. reaction.

Wei Yan knew that while he was sleeping, a secret guard had reported the matter in the capital to Jun Mohan.

Therefore, he briefly talked about most things in one sentence, only focusing on the reactions of people from all walks of life in the capital.

When Luo Jiuli came in, Mo An at the door did not stop him. It could be seen that this was what Jun Mohan meant, and he did not want to hide anything from her.

And Luo Jiuli also explained her position from the moment she decided not to leave and to be with Jun Mohan.

This time, she didn't hide away like before, but walked over directly, sat on the edge of the bed, and listened to Wei Yan silently.

"When we first returned to Beijing, I remember that the old guy from the Ministry of Punishment showed his favor to the prince, and ordered his servants to send priceless calligraphy and paintings several times. Now when I heard that something happened to the prince, he wanted to leave us as soon as possible. relation."

Wei Yan said with anger on his face, but Jun Mohan smiled softly, slowly moved his hand to hold Luo Jiuli's hand, squeezed it hard, and said softly: "It's easy to add icing on the cake, but it's difficult to give embers when the time is right. That's how it is. Why care!"

Luo Jiu left and held his hand, "You can think about it."

"Otherwise, what do you think your wife should do as a husband?" Jun Mohan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I thought with your temperament, you would tie people up and beat them up." Luo Jiuli said jokingly.

"Oh! Really?" Jun Mohan smiled fondly, "Well, just listen to Madam."

He turned his head and looked at Wei Yan, "Can you hear me?"

Wei Yan: “…………”

These two couples are really...

He was just complaining. In fact, the Minister of Punishment knew that there would be difficulties if he went to Hushan, so he improvised according to the prevailing situation, so there seemed to be no problem.

After all, the prince never once confiscated the gifts given by the Minister of Justice, and the two of them had never been on a pirate ship.

Now they just don’t give gifts and just take a detour to see the people in their house. It’s not a rebellion at all, but now...

Just because of two words from this couple, the Minister of Human Rights and Punishment was going to be beaten in vain? ? ? ? ? ?

"Huh????" Seeing that Wei Yan didn't speak, Jun Mohan's tone increased.

"Yes, yes, I know, I know." Wei Yan responded repeatedly.

He looked at the two people holding hands and loving each other in front of him. He obviously hadn't eaten breakfast, but for some reason, he suddenly felt his stomach ache.

He felt that he had to leave this place quickly.

Otherwise, if you hold on for a long time, you may be afraid of vomiting!

"Resign from the humble position first."

Wei Yan stood up quickly and strode out, but as soon as he reached the door, he fell back again.

"What else is there?" Jun Mohan was obviously unhappy that the world between him and his wife had been delayed.

Wei Yan forced himself to take out a small rolled bamboo tube from his arms. The bamboo tube was extremely small and should have been used exclusively by flying pigeons to pass letters.

(End of this chapter)

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