Chapter 203 Master Li is missing!
"Lao Kang's letter just came. I came in before I could read it. Your Majesty happened to be awake, so let's read it together."

"What does it mean that you haven't had time to read in the future? According to my opinion, you are too lazy to bother to read the words."

Wei Yan's careful thoughts were exposed by Jun Mohan, and he scratched the back of his head with a naive smile.

"Hey, the princess is still here. The prince should save some face for his humble position."

"I'm in a humble position and I haven't married yet. If there is a woman of the right age next to the princess in the future, what should I do if I don't introduce her to my subordinates?"

"Oh, face, face, save it for you, save it."

Jun Mohan, Wei Yan and the other soldiers were close friends on the battlefield. After spending many years together, they had become like brothers.

Jun Mohan was not as cold to them as he was to outsiders.

He said he was trying to save Wei Yan's face, but in fact he gave Luo Jiuli a look that everyone understood.

Wei Yan froze on the spot, confused by the wind, and suspected that the dog was born.

Before returning to Beijing, the prince was clearly not like this...

Luo Jiuli couldn't help but want to laugh. When Wei Yan saw this, he simply refused to do anything and said, "Hey, hey, what, it makes the princess laugh."

"Before he joined the army, he was a rough country man. He didn't know a few big words. Prince Xinde took the time to teach him a few words in the army. Otherwise, he wouldn't know a word."

"It's a pity that Beizong only has one physical strength and is really stupid. The prince is a good wife, but Beizong is not a good student."

"The prince has taught everything he should be taught, but he hasn't learned anything he should learn in a humble position."

When Luo Jiuli heard this, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hehehehehe." Wei Yan, a big man, blushed and laughed shyly, "No, Lao Kang said that he can write well with flowing clouds and flowing water as strong as the wind."

"But, those good calligraphy are so sloppy in Beizi's eyes. It takes a lot of effort to recognize them, but they are not as beautiful as Beizi's handwriting."

Luo Jiuli put away his smile and nodded with rare approval, "That's right."

Although her handwriting looks like a dog now, when she was just here, she felt like an illiterate.

Those ancient traditional characters knew her, but she didn't recognize them at all.

Especially those crazy cursive words, to her, they looked like a book from heaven, like a painting.

It's still the kind of poorly drawn painting that makes people dizzy easily.

"Hey, this little bamboo tube is quite exquisite." Luo Jiuli's eyes fell on Wei Yan's hand.

I saw unique circle blessings on both sides of the small bamboo tube, like two locks, and patterns on the sides.

"This." Wei Yan picked it up so that Luo Jiuli could see it more clearly, "This is the mechanism lock developed by Lao Xia. It must be unlocked with special techniques. If it is unlocked with brute force, the lock inside will be broken. The mechanism will activate on its own and the information can be shattered in an instant.”


Sounds pretty awesome!
Luo Jiuli got closer, and after taking a closer look, he realized that the pattern on the side was actually a gear pattern.

It's kind of interesting.

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows slightly, "Lao Xia???"

"that is…………"

Before Wei Yan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jun Mohan, "The one my lady has seen is Xia Qinghe."

Jun Mohan glanced at Wei Yan lightly, his eyes filled with jealousy.

Luo Jiuli was attracted by the machine lock and didn't notice Jun Mohan's jealous behavior at all, otherwise he would have said, "Childish!" '. "Xia Qinghe." She whispered.

She knew that Xia Qinghe was the one whose soul was devoured by the ghost before and wanted to take his body as his own.

When Luo Jiuli mentioned this person, the first thing that came to his mind was that crazy look, and the bloody ear that he bit into in a frenzy and fell to the ground.

Even now, Luo Jiuli can't help but click his tongue when he thinks about it.

What a pitiful old doctor!
He went out to treat people well, but his ear was bitten off.

Luo Jiuli has never seen Xia Qinghe in normal times, but...

Being able to create such an exquisite machine lock greatly improves information security and confidentiality, so he must be a capable person.

As a soldier who had been with Jun Mohan for many years, Wei Yan certainly knew how jealous and murderous Jun Mohan was when he glanced at him just now.

He trembled, a little scared.

However, in general, he was still happy. At least after returning to Beijing and having the princess, the prince became flesh and blood. He was not like the cold face he always had before, like a... expressionless wooden man, no. It seems like everyone is making fun of him now.

Of course he was happy, but at the same time he couldn't help but laugh.

Even though Wei Yan was an honest person, when he was at the border, he also went to brothels many times with Lao Kang, Lao Xia and others!
Every time he calls Jun Mohan before going to the brothel, Jun Mohan always behaves like a cold and aloof man who is like a cold immortal, and he should not use women to taint his cold and aloof attitude.

Wei Yan's eyes fell on the hands held by the two of them.

Tsk tsk tsk, aloof, immortal, what about now?
Why don't you give it a try?

Seeing Luo Jiuli's interest in machine locks, Wei Yan didn't say anything, fearing that Jun Mohan would really get jealous and go crazy, and then find any excuse to send him to the border without even knowing.

"Aren't you reading the letter? Are you not going to open it?" Luo Jiuli raised his head and looked at Wei Yan.

Why is it so long-winded that it has not been opened for so long? She is still waiting to see what method she can use to open the lock!
"Oh! Okay!" Wei Yan simply responded with two words, not daring to say more.

Then he demonstrated how to unlock the door right under Luo Jiuli's nose.

The technique is simple. Hold down a piece of gear in the two circles with both hands, then press hard towards the middle, stop at a fixed position not far apart, then twist the two circles three times in different directions, and then two more times. The circle is magically integrated with the small bamboo tube.

Wei Yan gently broke it open, and the small bamboo tube was divided into two halves.

He opened the letter wrapped in it and handed it to Jun Mohan, "Your Majesty, please take a look."

Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's hand tightly and moved it deliberately to indicate that he had no hand to hold the letter, "Read it to me."

"Don't have any free hands? It's easy to handle!" Wei Yan used both hands to pull the letter paper open without any curling.

Before Wei Yan could put the letter in front of him, Jun Mohan said, "My eyes hurt."

However, when Wei Yan actually put the letter over, the content in the letter made his expression suddenly change.

"What's wrong?" Luo Jiuli leaned closer.

There were only four short words on the letter - 'Li Zhao is missing! '

Luo Jiuli's face also darkened visibly.

Wei Yan realized something was wrong and took back his hand to see for himself.

He discerned for a long time to recognize the content of the letter, and said in disbelief: "Impossible! Ever since that incident, Mrs. Li has shed tears every day and stayed by Mr. Li's side without leaving. Now she is missing again?!"

 Hey guys, do you still remember Li Zhao?
  It’s the Minister of the Ministry of Justice who was made into a human pig before!
(End of this chapter)

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