The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 204 Silly Ali, do you still feel sorry for me?

Chapter 204 Silly Ali, do you still feel sorry for me?

Luo Jiuli frowned slightly, "Master Li cannot walk or speak. Who on earth would arrest him? What can be done by arresting him?"

"I don't know yet." Jun Mohan pondered, "Mo An!"

'Squeak~' Mo An pushed open the door and came in, "My subordinate is here, what are your orders?"

"The former Minister of Justice, Mr. Li Zhaoli, is missing." Jun Mohan ordered in a deep voice, "You divide the secret guards into two teams. Leave one team to continue to guard nearby. You take the remaining team away and return to the capital immediately to assist Kang Xiang. Looking for people, if there is not enough manpower, if necessary, manpower can be drawn from the Xuanjia Army outside the city."

"I obey!" Mo An clasped his fists and left.

Looking at Mo An's leaving figure, Wei Yan said, "My lord, didn't you say at the beginning that the Xuanjia Army was being watched in the dark and could not be used at will? But now..."Will this cause a big stir? How much?"

Jun Mohan said 'hmm', "But we don't have to worry about so much. It's important to find Mr. Li first."

Luo Jiuli wondered, "What is so important about Mr. Li that you should keep looking for him again and again?" Let him go."

Jun Mohan did not immediately clear up Luo Jiuli's confusion, but winked at Wei Yan.

Wei Yan mentally understood and walked out the door.

After he stood guard outside the door, Jun Mohan said to Luo Jiuli without any concealment, "Master Li has in his hands the will left by Emperor Dao."

Luo Jiuli opened his mouth slightly, "The late emperor's will??!!"

"Well." Jun Mohan looked forward, his dark eyes seeming to be lost in memories, "Three years ago, on the day we got married, just after Xu Shi, before the guests dispersed, my father secretly ordered me to enter the palace. Then My father was seriously ill at that time, but when I went there, he was already wearing a dragon robe and was sitting on the dragon chair in high spirits."

"I remember that the air was filled with the smell of blood at that time, but when I entered the palace, I took a secret passage. I don't know exactly what happened. I just vaguely felt that something was wrong. My father waved to me. Let me sit next to him as before, two people crowded on the dragon chair."

"My father asked me if I wanted to be the emperor? I didn't answer him at that time. I just said that I wanted to avenge my mother and find out who poisoned my mother's food."

"Poisoned! Queen Yichun was poisoned to death?!" Luo Jiuli was surprised.

"That's right." Jun Mohan continued, "At that time, I had been investigating the murder of my mother, and therefore ignored my father. It was not until my father was seriously ill that I realized something was wrong, so I sent I sent people to investigate, but after all, I was still too young at that time, and the people I sent out were all bribed by my father in the end."

"Except for what my father wants me to know, as long as he wants to hide the rest, I don't know anything about it. Whatever happened in the past, my father will push me forward so that I can learn how to deal with things independently."

"That time, my father bribed all the people around me and the secret guards. Those who couldn't be bribed used force to control them. He arranged everything, including sending me to the border."

For some reason, it seemed that Jun Mohan was talking very calmly, but Luo Jiuli saw a lonely expression under his calm face.

Her heart trembled slightly, a little distressed, and a hint of regret.

If she knew something about or paid attention to the palace incident three years ago, she might be able to help. He would still have a father in this world, wouldn't he?
Luo Jiuli held his hand back and comforted him softly, "Perhaps, my father had already noticed the enemy's conspiracy at that time, but it was too late. He sent you to the border because he tried his best to protect you by sending you to the border. .”

Who is the enemy?

You will know who the biggest beneficiary was after the palace change.

"Yes, I know." Jun Mohan looked back at Luo Jiuli, with a bohemian smile on his lips, "Silly Ali, do you still feel sorry for me?"

Seeing that Jun Mohan was out of shape again, Luo Jiuli snorted, "I didn't... um!" Before she could finish her words, Jun Mohan pulled her hard and hit his hard member. Her chest made her unable to help but say "hiss~".

Thinking of the injury on Jun Mohan's chest, she hurriedly raised her head to get up, but as soon as she made a little movement, she was pulled back by Jun Mohan.

He pressed her head with his hand and couldn't move. She was so anxious that her eyes were rolling around, and she was a little angry. "Jun Mohan, do you have a serious brain disease? What if the wound splits? Hurry up and paw your dog." Move away and let me go! Otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Jun Mohan raised his eyebrows, with a hint of smile in his eyes, "What should I do, madam?"

The magnetic voice is slightly bewitching, making people unable to help but think about it.

I don’t know if it’s because the temperature in his chest is too hot, or because his words make people unable to help but think that way.

Luo Jiuli's cheeks were hot and her earlobes were so red that they could bleed. She gritted her teeth and said, "Otherwise, I will never be done with you!"

"It's not over yet? How can it be endless???" Jun Mohan smiled, "How about a lifetime? I allow my wife to haunt my husband for the rest of his life."

"Bah!" Luo Jiuli raised his head and put his chin on his chest, his little face flushed, "You are shameless, who wants to pester you for the rest of your life! Why should I pester you! Ha! How shameless? Why can't it be you? Badge me!"

"Okay!" Jun Mohan said with a doting smile: "Then I will pester my wife for my husband, and I will do it for the rest of my life. This is the deal, and my wife is not allowed to go back on her word!"

Jun Mohan's handsome face was still flawless even though it was pale.

There was a smile in his eyes, and the sight of her in his eyes made Luo Jiuli fall deeply into it.

Jun Mohan was very satisfied with this and continued to bewitch her softly, "Does this mean the lady has acquiesced by not speaking?"

"Well, Mo, acquiesce." Luo Jiuli stammered.

In the safe button, three ghosts floated in a row, watching the two people in the room communicating with each other.

Wen Yi smiled like an aunt, "Sister-in-law Wang agreed, brother Wang really won't have to live alone in his old age!"

Kuang Yan nodded again and again, "Yeah, yeah, cousin, it won't be long before I can hold my nephew!"

"Yes, yes! Hahahahaha!!!"

When I mention my little nephew Wen Yi, I can't help being excited and laughing.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I can't tell that His Majesty, the dignified Prince Yi, actually used such despicable means to capture the beauty's true heart!"

The contemptuous words of the man in black, Lao Wu, made Wen Yi unable to help but feel angry.

She put her hands on her hips and glared angrily, "Tell me again, princess, who used despicable means?"

The last few words were spoken almost word for word, with gritted teeth, fully expressing Wen Yi's anger.

"Isn't it true? My aunt is obviously bewitched by his beauty. Taking advantage of her absence to coax her into saying something like acquiescence, isn't that despicable..."

(End of this chapter)

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