Chapter 205 I just like smelly things!

Seeing Wen Yi getting more and more angry, with eyes full of rage, and looking like he was going to eat him alive, the man in black, Lao Wu, was so frightened that he stammered and changed his tone, "Well, that's really not despicable. , man, this young couple is chatting, laughing, talking, talking about love, how can it be called despicable!"

The man in black, Lao Wu, slapped his mouth hard, "It's all my fault for my mouth, I can't speak, I can't speak! Hahaha..."

"That's pretty much it!" Wen Yi put away her anger, rolled her eyes at him, turned around and continued to look at the two people in the room, lovingly and sweetly, with an aunty smile on her face.

The sound from the safe button brought Luo Jiuli back to his senses instantly.

grass!What did she just say? ? ? ?

The default is the default size! ! ! ! !
Luo Jiuli looked embarrassed, and the back of her head was restrained from moving. She blinked twice to relieve the embarrassment, "Uh, hehehe, just now, um, what..."

"I'm very happy to be my husband." Jun Mohan interrupted Luo Jiuli.

"Huh???" Luo Jiuli blinked.

Is His Majesty King Yi so easily satisfied?

However, it seems that she is also quite happy...

"I am happy that my husband has someone in this world that I can care about. Don't worry, madam, I will protect you with my life for the rest of my life!"

There was no alliance, no vows, but just a few words made Luo Jiuli feel that the most beautiful words of love in the world were nothing more than that!
"The person you care about also cares about you." Luo Jiuli did not dodge for the first time and looked directly into Jun Mohan's eyes, "Jun Mohan, I am not a dodder flower. I don't need to rely on others to live. , I don’t need you to protect me with your life, I just hope that you can include me in your plans at every stage of your life, and that we can walk side by side and spend the rest of our lives together.”

Jun Mohan said, "Okay."

"I know there is danger around you, but the moment I decided to be with you, I had the determination to face it with you." Luo Jiuli said, "I don't want to encounter danger one day. You Pushing me away in the name of my own good will only make me more worried, so no matter what happens in the future, don't push me away, okay?"

"Of course, except if one day you don't love me."

"If you don't love me anymore, just tell me directly so that we can get together and part ways."

"Haha." Jun Mohan chuckled, his fingertips slightly curved, and he scraped the tip of Luo Jiuli's nose lovingly, "What a beautiful thought. Once you marry your husband, if you don't spend the rest of your life with your husband, you can never leave!"

Jun Mohan took his hand away, and Luo Jiuli's head was finally able to move. However, as soon as she raised her head, Jun Mohan pressed her down again, "Be good, just lie down like this."

Luo Jiuli, "No, your injury..."

"The injury is on the left side of the chest, this is the right side, it's fine." Jun Mohan took a bunch of black hair from Luo Jiuli and twisted it around his fingertips.

"Okay!" Luo Jiuli compromised and just lay on his chest, returning to the topic just now, "Don't talk so full of words. You still have the rest of your life. Love is the easiest thing to change. I'm afraid that you It’s easy to get slapped in the face if you talk too much.”

Isn't it often shown in TV dramas that couples who have been in love for more than ten or twenty years often cheat on each other, and there are also those whose wives died in their fifties and sixties, and who don't get married within two or three months?

Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli were said to have been husband and wife for three years, but in fact they had only known each other for two months.

It was true that Luo Jiuli liked Jun Mohan, but if she were to say now that she would fall in love with anyone else besides him in the future, she wasn't sure.

Jun Mohan did not explain what Luo Jiuli said about love being the easiest thing to change.

Because no matter how he explains or guarantees, it seems pale and weak. It is better to wait for time to prove it.

He smiled and joked, "Love is the easiest thing to change, but the lady knows better." "Of course!" Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, "Have you never eaten pork and seen a pig run away? That's not all in the story. Is that what it’s written like?”

"What about a rich daughter and a poor scholar? Her family disagreed, and then the rich daughter decisively severed ties with her family. She accompanied the poor scholar through a lot of hardships, endured all the hardships, and finally made it to the high school for the poor scholar. I thought I would have a good life. It was about to come, but unexpectedly, what came before the good days was a divorce letter."

"Isn't it common for a poor scholar to become a rich and powerful man, and then marry a rich and noble woman?"

"So, love is not the easiest thing to change, what else is it?"

After Luo Jiuli said wait a moment, he didn't hear Jun Mohan's response, so he looked up at him and saw a thoughtful look on his face, "What are you thinking about? Did you hear what I just said?"

"Yeah... I heard it, but..."

"But what?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"However, my husband thought that such a thing would only appear in novels. Not to mention that all wealthy daughters have high aspirations, but the world is difficult. They left their parents and followed a poor scholar with no future. Could it be that they Don’t you think about how you can survive in the future?”

"The rich girls are pampered. The rouge and gouache alone every month can be worth the daily consumption of a poor scholar's family for a year or two or even several years. They have left their parents and severed ties with their parents. What can they gain by following the poor scholar?" Woolen cloth?"

"Can you get enough to eat? Have a yellow face and cracked fingers?? From being served by others to serving a poor scholar and his family???"

"It's wrong to be in a bad family. Comparing the two, I think he is a wise man and knows how to choose."

Luo Jiuli, "..."

Did she say this to make him analyze rationally?
"For the sake of love, they can overcome this small difficulty."

"Besides, what I'm talking about is just an example. There are many rich ladies and poor scholars who talk a lot, and there are also those who successfully grow old together!"

“Besides, if it’s wrong to have a poor family, aren’t we the same?”

"How come this...why does this have to do with us?"

Jun Mohan, who had been analyzing things eloquently just now, was immediately confused by Luo Jiuli's words.

Luo Jiuli clapped his fingers and said, "Scholars, farmers, workers, merchants, merchants are the last. My Luo family is a merchant's family, but you are an emperor's family, the head of the nine families. Not to mention royal, you are just ordinary." The most despised thing among the officials’ families are businessmen. In their view, businessmen smell like copper and they are afraid of the smell when they are close.”

"No matter how rich a member of the Communist Party of China is, if his daughter can marry a minor official, it will be a good thing to add glory to his face."

"The point is, people are willing to marry, but people are not willing to marry."

"So, do you know why we don't belong together?"

"I know, but..." Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli with a smile, "I like smelly things!"

 Ahhhh! ! !The single author is going crazy! ! ! !I really want to torture them and make them tired!Make them tired! !snort! ! ! !
  Jun Mo Leng's eyes flew toward the author with his knife whizzing, "How dare you! If you dare to write my wife off, believe it or not, I will send an army to level the kennel!"

  The poor author was trembling, with tears streaming down his face, "Hey, hey, hey, I don't dare, I don't dare..."

(End of this chapter)

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