The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 20 They are all men, it is not good to be misunderstood!

Chapter 20 They are all men, it is not good to be misunderstood!
Jiang Huarong took out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve and said, "Is this okay? On weekdays, I will use this to wipe my husband after he has a meal."

"You can try."

Luo Jiuli took the silk handkerchief and sat on the floor, with his hands on his knees, slowly closing his eyes, silently reciting the mantra, and feeling the things thousands of miles away with his heart.

Everyone was walking back and forth anxiously waiting, only the pair of phoenix eyes were staring at her intently, and the corners of the lips under the mask were raised, as if they were proud.

"Dark, damp, four people, big tree, footprints." Luo Jiuli suddenly opened his eyes and mouthed the information quickly.

"How's it going!?" Wei Yan was impatient and was the first to come around with his lame leg.

Everyone followed closely, all looking at Luo Jiuli.

It takes a lot of effort to resonate with others. Luo Jiuli was born fair, and she deliberately disguised her face. At this time, no one noticed that her face was pale.

"The place Mr. Li is in is dark, damp, and smells like a... cellar. The kidnappers don't seem to be extremely vicious, but they are a family of four. They should be the people living on Jiulian Mountain."

Luo Jiuli suddenly remembered, "By the way, there seems to be a hissing sound, it's a snake!"

"Snake!" Wei Yan also thought about it. "That night when I led people to search the mountains, I searched a farmhouse. There happened to be a family of four in the yard! It was there that my foot was bitten by a snake. Their family There is also a cellar, but it is said to be abandoned, could it be that family!"

Luo Jiuli asked, "Is there a big tree in front of his door? It takes two people to hug it. It has no leaves and looks like a dead tree."

"Yes!" Wei Yan replied affirmatively, "I thought that tree was strange at the time."

After confirming their location, the group immediately set off for Jiulian Mountain without hesitation.

The situation was changing rapidly. To be on the safe side, Luo Jiuli also decided to go with them.

But Jun Mohan seemed to have noticed something was wrong with her and refused to let her ride alone. In desperation, Luo Jiuli had to find someone to ride with.

However, the other three people paid no attention to her and ran away on horseback.

Jun Mohan was left sitting on the horse looking at her with a smile.

"Otherwise, I'd better ride the horse myself!"

She doesn't want to ride with this bastard!
Although she is a man now, looking at his smiling face now, who knows if he has any thoughts about masculine style.

Luo Jiuli turned around and wanted to get on another horse, but suddenly there was a heavy weight on his waist. He was picked up by someone and put into his arms. Before he could react, the horse galloped out.

"Fuck!" Luo Jiuli cursed.

Uncle can't bear it, auntie can't bear it!
Just have to endure being a sick princess in the palace!

But now, she is a master!
The two of them can only be regarded as strangers who met each other a few times!

Why should you get used to him!
As a result, the two men fought on horseback.

However, no matter how Luo Jiuli attacked or used his palms, Jun Mohan seemed to be able to predict it in advance and resolve it easily.

After several moves, Luo Jiuli became obedient and stopped moving.

She comforted herself silently, she was just a little weak because of the effort in resonating, so it wasn't like she couldn't beat him!

"do not fight?"

The deep voice came close to my ears, and when I listened carefully, I felt like I was being doted on.


Could it be that His Majesty King Yi, the God of War on the border, is so masculine!
Luo Jiuli intuitively knew some big secret, but she didn't dare to say it. After all, she couldn't beat him now.

But she didn't want him to live too well, so she opened up old scores, "Didn't Mr. Jia say that he had some contact syndrome?"

Last time in the secret passage, he didn't even bother to reach out to help her.

"Why, it's gone now?" Jun Mohan took out his hand and rubbed the little head on his chest, "Haha, I didn't expect him to be a vengeful little guy!"

Luo Jiuli tilted his head to avoid it, "Master Jia, please don't touch anyone. They are all men. It is not good to be misunderstood. Moreover, we are just strangers who have met a few times."

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, they are all men." Jun Mohan laughed out loud, "But they say they are familiar with each other once, and we have met many times, so we can't be considered strangers!"

Luo Jiuli: "."

Why do you feel like you're being ridiculed?

Is she pretending not to be a man?
Luo Jiuli was too lazy to talk to him anymore. He nestled in his arms and watched the scenery. The warm wind blew by, bringing with it a faint fragrance and disturbing someone's heart.
With Wei Yan leading the way, they didn't take any detours. When they arrived at the small courtyard, the sun was burning brightly in the sky.

From the moment he entered Jiulian Mountain, Kang Xiang used secret signals to gather together the secret guards who were still searching the mountain.

After Luo Jiuli confirmed that the situation matched what he saw during resonance, Jun Mohan immediately ordered people to surround the small courtyard.

However, when I opened the door, there was no one in the courtyard!
The tea on the table is still hot. He must have just left!

Shi Zixuan immediately led people to chase him.

When you open the cellar, you will be greeted by a strong smell of blood coming from the deepest part of the ground, wrapped in a disgusting fishy stench that makes you feel sick to your stomach.

"Don't go down!" Luo Jiuli grabbed Wei Yan, who was leading the charge, "There are snakes down there!"

Wei Yan was frightened and immediately retracted the foot he had just put out. He didn't want to be bitten again.

After everyone heard this, they all looked at Jun Mohan.

They are Jun Mohan's secret guards, and their life or death is all a matter of his words.

Not to mention that there is a snake below, even if there is a hidden weapon shooting thousands of arrows below, even if death is certain, as long as Jun Mohan says so, they will not hesitate.

"I have realgar powder here." Luo Jiuli's words successfully made everyone turn their attention to her.

"However, the quantity is not much. It is only enough for four people at most."

When Wei Yan came to invite her last night, she saw that his brows were darkened. It seemed that the snake epidemic was not completely over yet, and she even vaguely felt that it might involve her.

Even though she was unsure, she was still so scared that Xin Yi quickly bought realgar powder and put as much realgar powder on her body as she could.

I just didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

"It's dangerous in the cellar, master, don't go down there." Jun Mohan pointed at one of the secret guards, "Mo An, you go."

"Yes!" Mo An stood behind Jun Mohan.

"Why!" Luo Jiuli refused, "This is the realgar powder I prepared!!"

"It's dangerous down there." Jun Mohan coaxed patiently, "Be good, don't make trouble!"

My own iceberg master will be able to coax people gently one day! ! !
Everyone's hearts exploded, their eyes looking back and forth between Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan.

Luo Jiuli brushed his ears and turned red.

Fuck!What the hell!

Are you afraid that no one will know that your sleeves are cut off?

Luo Jiuli couldn't resist Jun Mohan, so he stayed in the courtyard and waited.

She gave each of the four people a peace charm, which could ward off disaster if they encountered danger.

After the person went down, Luo Jiuli meditated on the spot, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

(End of this chapter)

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