Chapter 21
After a stick of incense passed, the sound of rustling came from the cellar, and then people came out one after another. Different from when they went there, their clothes were messy and stained with blood, and each one was more embarrassed than the other.

"Fuck! There's actually a trap!" Wei Yan gasped and cursed, and his cheek was cut open by a sharp blade.

Kang Xiang wasn't much better either. His sleeves were torn and his legs were scratched.

Jun Mohan held something like a piece of cloth tightly in his hand. Except for a little blood on his neck, there was nothing unusual about it.

Mo An was the last one to come out. There was nothing visible in his black robe, but with every step he took, a pool of bright red blood flowed from his feet.

I saw a bloody man on his back. The limbs of the bloody man were severed, and the bright red blood was gurgling like spring water. His swaying head was pressed against his empty eye sockets. The eyes were gone and filled with blood.

Luo Jiuli took a breath of air, "This is! Human pig!!"

She died in grotesque shapes and saw many strange ghosts.

But this was the first time she had seen a living person so miserable!

"Don't look." Jun Mohan blocked her sight with his body, covered her eyes with his clean hands, and ordered in a cold voice, "Send Mr. Li to Doctor Wan's residence as quickly as possible."

"Yes!" Mo An carried the man out with blood flowing all the way.

Luo Jiuli's heart warmed slightly, but he said harshly: "Master, I have never seen any big storms or waves, and I am not afraid of someone who dies with only one head left!"

"Well, you are so brave!" Jun Mohan let go of his hand, "Look at this."

He placed the thing in his other hand in front of Luo Jiuli.

"What is this?" Luo Jiuli took the cloth over in confusion.

I saw blood words written on the irregular cloth strips, 'You will be punished if you ask for help! '

The childlike tone, the bloody words shaped like claws crawling, seemed to understand everything in advance, making people's spines shiver and their scalp numb.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Jun Mohan rubbed Luo Jiuli's head, "Let's go back to the city first."

Luo Jiuli was distracted when he saw the word Xue. He had a bad premonition in his heart. He didn't care about Jun Mohan's actions at this time and just said, "Okay."

On the way back to the city, the two of them still rode a fast horse together. It was dark and the moon had not yet left Jiulian Mountain.

Until the heavy rain hit, several people had to find a place to hide from the rain.

There are few people in the mountains, and most of them are naturally formed caves or caves dug by hunters when they lived.

If it was the latter, there might still be storage items in the cave, but they were unlucky and encountered the former, with nothing and a few snakes instead.

The cauliflower snakes are non-venomous, and Wei Yan can't lift the knife, so they become dinner.

Jun Mohan was afraid of Luo Jiuli and didn't dare to eat snakes, so he walked out before the rain stopped.

"What are you doing?" Luo Jiuli called to him.

"I'll hunt hares for you." Jun Mohan continued to walk out.

"Isn't there snake meat in this?" Luo Jiuli was confused, "Why should I eat hare?" Do you think she has a big appetite?Afraid it’s not enough?
Jun Mohan paused and fell back, "You dare to eat?"

"Why don't I dare to eat?!" Luo Jiuli laughed, "We are all people in the world. If I were afraid of this and that, I would have died long ago when I followed the master all over the world."

Jun Mohan stopped hunting hares. He sat down, as if he was interested in Luo Jiuli's words, "Your master? Traveling around?"

"That's right!" Luo Jiuli nodded and started talking, "I remember that there was a huge snow disaster in Xuanzhuang one year, and many people died. You may not know this when you were young, but my master and I happened to be traveling there, and we met We got caught in an avalanche and were trapped in the mountains for ten days without food or water, so we survived by eating snow, drinking snow, and tree roots."

She looked at Wei Yankangxiang who was roasting snake meat and said with a smile: "If I could have met three or two snakes at that time, it would have been a piece of cake in the sky. I don't know how happy I would be."

"Xuanzhuang avalanche? I remember." Kang Xiang wanted to say something, but when he caught Jun Mohan's gaze, he immediately changed his words, "I remember my father said that a lot of people seemed to have died."

"My hometown is in Xuanzhuang. When I was 13 years old, my father, uncle, aunt, and many relatives died in the snow disaster." Wei Yan's answer made the topic suddenly become heavier. few.

"I was also in Xuanzhuang at that time." Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli and spoke lightly, but the eyes under the mask were staring at her closely, as if he wanted to see something from her face.

"Really! I didn't expect it to be quite a coincidence!" Luo Jiuli smiled, "Did you know that there was a child trapped with us at that time?"

The rain was still falling outside the cave, and several people in the cave gathered around the fire, eating roasted snake meat and chatting.

From the south of the sky to the north of the earth, from Xuancheng to the capital, the distance seems to have become smaller and disappeared without realizing it.

After the rain stopped, Kang Xiang went to explore the road and came back and said, "There is a small landslide ahead. You can cross it, but there are hanging rocks on the top of the mountain. We'd better leave tomorrow."

So everyone unanimously decided to take a night's rest.

Luo Jiuli didn't know when the rain would stop. When he woke up, there was a faint scent of sandalwood lingering on the tip of his nose. It was simple, calm, and inexplicably reassuring.

She opened her eyes and saw an enlarged handsome face. Jun Mohan took off his mask at some point, and the distance between the two made even his breath feel hot.

Luo Jiuli was startled, and wanted to leave his arms before anyone woke up, but the big hand on her waist hugged her hard, "Don't move."

The low and hoarse voice was full of weariness.

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, but really didn't move.

Jun Mohan had an ascetic face, and the sunlight scattered on his face, as if it was coated with golden light, which was very beautiful.

When he was fascinated by it, the hand on his waist suddenly squeezed it, as if he had grasped something.

Luo Jiuli's face turned red unconsciously. She pushed him away violently, stood up and rushed out.

Jun Mohan was pushed into the corner and hit, 'Ouch! With a sound, Luo Jiuli fell back again, a little angry, "I, let me tell you, I don't care what special hobbies you have, but I am an upright man, and I like graceful beauties, you"

"You crawled into my arms yourself." Jun Mohan felt aggrieved, "I slept well last night, but you insisted on crawling into my arms, and you crawled into my arms several times. I had no choice but to hold you to sleep. of."

Jun Mohan looked like a victim when he said this, as if he had forgotten who secretly held Luo Jiuli in his arms in the middle of the night. He obviously rolled out several times but was retrieved by him.

"Impossible!" Luo Jiuli denied, but felt a little annoyed in his heart.

Damn it!Could it be that he is used to sleeping alone in a big bed and rolling around? !
 Asking for comments every day! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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