Chapter 209: You still can’t believe what I say?

"Hey, you kid, yes, yes, no, no. Why are you so embarrassed? You're choking. Look at you." Sister-in-law Chen scooped a spoonful of soup for Chen Tingting, "Come on, come on, take a sip." One bite.”

Second Sister-in-law Chen was good at everything, but she was always talkative and inquisitive. There was nothing she didn't know about what happened to any household in the village.

Aunt Chen had nothing to do with Mrs. Chen. At first she changed the topic and let it go without thinking about it, but now that she remembered it, she couldn't keep changing the topic.

Otherwise, given Sister-in-law Chen's temperament, she would probably keep it in her heart, and she might not know what the arrangement would be like if she were to let it out one day.

"Did you know that besides Xiao Zuo, Dr. Qiao also has an apprentice?" Aunt Chen asked Second Sister-in-law Chen.

Second Sister-in-law Chen said, "I know, but what does it have to do with the man outside the door? Didn't you say that Dr. Qiao's apprentice is a woman? She's pretty!"

Aunt Chen glanced at her and said, "You are really an inquisitive person. You already know the incident just a short time ago."

"Harmful!" Sister-in-law Chen waved her hand, "Where are you going? The village is not big. If there is a little bit of wind, who wouldn't know? It's only you. Don't gossip with those people every day, otherwise you may know more than me. There’s more.”

"If the old woman gossips with them every day like you, the old man will be angry to death even if he is still alive."

"The female apprentice of Mr. Qiao has a filial piety and came all the way from the city to see him. But there is no place for Mr. Qiao to live in his house. It is also the home of two men, and it is not convenient for a woman to live in it. No, it's just She has been arranged to stay at my house, and as you can see, the tall man outside the door is her escort."

Aunt Chen knew she couldn't tell the real reason why Luo Jiuli showed up at her house, so she made a fuss.

Chen Wang is also a sensible person. No matter what Aunt Chen says, he only picks up his own rice. After a while, he finishes it and burps, "Auntie, Sister, I'm full."

"You kid, why are you so full? Come on, try the fish cooked by Second Sister-in-law and see if it tastes good."

Second Sister-in-law Chen pushed the fish in front of Chen Wang. She said she was busy just now, but now she was not in a hurry to leave. She sat down in an empty seat next to her, looked at Aunt Chen and said, "Is that female apprentice at your house? Also? Guard, I’m afraid my family is very rich!”

Aunt Chen didn't want to talk too much to Sister-in-law Chen on this issue, so she just nodded lightly.

Sister-in-law Chen was not bored either. She looked outside the door and saw that no one had come in. She asked Aunt Chen in a low voice, "That girl's family is so rich that she can even afford a bodyguard. Did she pay for her food when she stayed at your house?" Yet?"

"Why do you care about this!" Aunt Chen frowned tightly, "Mr. Qiao Zhong never asks for money when he treats people in the village. Now my apprentice comes to stay at home for two days. How dare you ask for money?"

"Hey! That's not what you said! You are you, I am me, he is him, Dr. Qiao is Dr. Qiao, and Dr. Qiao's apprentice is Dr. Qiao's apprentice."

Second Sister-in-law Chen said, "I know Dr. Qiao is good to us. He is good to us, so we should be good to him, but his apprentice is different, and he is not his biological son."

"You said that if she is Dr. Qiao's daughter, right? Then why do you have nothing to say to her? But the reason why an apprentice is an apprentice is that he is an outsider. You see, Dr. Qiao didn't even let his apprentice live at home. This What does it mean? It means that Dr. Qiao doesn’t regard her as a family member, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense! The old lady has already said that there are differences between men and women, so it's inconvenient!"

"How can you behave like a girl and come all the way to live with two men?" Aunt Chen said harshly, but Sister-in-law Chen was not afraid at all. She acted like Aunt Chen was obsessed with it and she was so fucked up. The look of concern.

She earnestly advised, "Aunt Chen! You must not think like this. Dr. Qiao must really treat her as a family member and the two of them as master and apprentice. It is not a shameful relationship between men and women. As long as they are honest in their hearts, there is nothing to avoid." of!"

"There are differences between men and women. That's only for outsiders to hear. We are all in our village. If he really treats her as a family member, even if he takes her back to live, it doesn't matter, right? What else can we say?"

Second Sister-in-law Chen patted Aunt Chen's hand, "You are just too kind-hearted. If people don't give you money, you won't ask. You still serve me delicious food and drinks every day."

"Aunt Chen, life is not easy for us rural people. Look at Ating. She went to the capital for two years and never returned home. She didn't save much money. Those rich people like them are extremely rich. A little leakage from between our fingers will be enough for us to eat and drink for a long time."

"I know you are kind-hearted, but I'm embarrassed to ask her for money. I'm shameless, so I'll go get it for you! That female apprentice lives in Awang's room, right? I'll go find her!"

Second Sister-in-law Chen stood up and was about to walk out. Aunt Chen grabbed her and turned into a black face. "From the second sister-in-law's house, please don't mess around..."

Before Aunt Chen could finish her words, she saw Luo Jiuli walking from outside carrying an empty bowl.

"Hey! She is really a beauty with her thin skin and tender flesh!" Seeing Luo Jiuli coming, Mrs. Chen sat back down again. She pulled out the hand held by Mrs. Chen and whispered, "Don't worry, what should I say?" Say, I know very well what I shouldn’t say, but you still can’t believe what I say?”

"Old lady, I can't believe it the most. It's really your mouth. Hurry up and go back quickly. You will be late when you go back. After a while, the little tiger will take a long time to eat, and he will be late for school again."

Aunt Chen pushed Sister-in-law Chen twice. At first she wanted to keep her here for dinner, but now she wanted to drive her away quickly.

"No, don't rush, don't rush. My little tiger can run fast. The later it is, the later it will be. Let him run more on the road and it will be used as exercise."

"Little tiger is not in a hurry, how can the second brother be in a hurry? He has to go to the fields to work in the afternoon. If you don't go back and let him eat early, he will go to the fields late. I'm afraid he won't be able to finish the work in the fields after dark. Hurry up. Go back, go back!"

Aunt Chen urged Sister-in-law Chen to leave, but Sister-in-law Chen refused to leave, "Oh, don't be in a hurry! There is not much work in the field today, and it will be done in a while, don't be in a hurry."

While the two were pushing each other, Luo Jiuli had already walked in.

"Sister Luo." Chen Wang called out, stood up, and pulled Luo Jiuli to sit down where he just sat.

Luo Jiuli looked at the empty bowl in front of him and asked Chen Wang, "You won't eat anymore? Are you full?"

"I'm full. It'll be time to go to school in a little while."

Chen Wang burped and put away the empty bowl of leftover food so that Luo Jiuli could sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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