The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 210 As long as you can’t die from eating, you will be blessed and blessed!

Chapter 210 As long as you can’t die from eating, you will be blessed and blessed!
Watching Luo Jiuli sit down, Sister-in-law Chen put away Aunt Chen's hand and asked with a smile, "What's the girl's name?"

Luo Jiuli took the rice that Chen Tingting served for her and said, "Luo Jiuli."

Wen Yi was originally baring her teeth and making faces at Second Sister-in-law Chen, but when she saw Luo Jiuli approaching, she floated to her side with her hands on her hips and an angry look on her face.

"Sister-in-law Wang, this old woman does one thing in front of you but another behind her back. Don't look at her smiling now. When you weren't here just now, she was saying bad things about you!"

"You said that you lived and ate for free at Aunt Chen's house, and that they served you delicious food and drinks, but you didn't know how to give them money, so you were said to be thick-skinned!"

"You must ignore her!"

Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows indifferently, looking unconcerned.

Free food, free drink, free accommodation?

You are right!

She is just eating and drinking for free!

"Look at your dewy skin, girl! With your thin arms and legs, you can't tell she's from the countryside!" Sister-in-law Chen opened her mouth and praised Luo Jiuli. No matter how much Mrs. Chen pulled her under the table, she still couldn't help it. Regardless, he continued to ask with a smile, "Where is this girl from?"

Luo Jiuli took a piece of green vegetables and said with the rice, "Beijing."

"Oh! It's the capital! It's really amazing. I wonder where you can raise such a beautiful girl! Her skin is also smooth, tender, and beautiful!"

"Hey, don't just eat all the vegetables. Try the fish and see how it goes."

Sister-in-law Chen, with a smile as bright as a chrysanthemum, pushed the fish bowl in front of Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli didn't refuse. He picked up the fish with chopsticks and tasted it seriously: "Yes, it's good, it's full of color and flavor, and the meat is fresh and tender. It's delicious. It can compete with the number one Ruyi Restaurant in the capital!"

Chen Tingting's hand holding the vegetables paused slightly.

If she remembered correctly, the number one restaurants in the capital were Fengmanlou and Zuixianju.

Ruyi Restaurant?

What place? ?

Why hasn't she heard of it? ? ?

Sister-in-law Chen, who was originally smiling in a fake way, was really happy when she heard Luo Jiuli's words.

This was the first time someone praised the delicious food she cooked.

She excitedly held Luo Jiuli's hand, "Really??? Second sister-in-law, my cooking skills can compare with those of the chefs at the big restaurants in Beijing??? Is it really so delicious???"


There were lumps of salt all over, and Yu was so panicked that he even wanted to compete with the old bear!
Let’s go back and recreate it for a few decades!

With the fish in his mouth, Luo Jiuli resisted the urge to spit it out and swallowed it.

A smile appeared on her lips, "Of course it's true. Sister-in-law, your cooking skills are so good. I really envy your family for being able to eat such good meals every day!"

Don’t even think about it if it’s delicious. As long as she doesn’t die from eating it, her family will be blessed and prosperous!
Look, look, the scales are still there!

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, this, this, and this, there are still red blood streaks!
"Hey! There's nothing to envy! If you really like it, how about you go to your sister-in-law's house for dinner tonight!"

Sister-in-law Chen Er was so overwhelmed by Luo Jiuli's praise that she even forgot the purpose of finding trouble in the first place.

With a smile on her face, she took Luo Jiuli's hand and patted it affectionately.

"Look at this sweet-mouthed guy. He knows how to pick up nice things to make my sister-in-law happy. He is also good-looking. My sister-in-law really likes her. Hahahaha..."

"It just so happens that the fish at home hasn't been cooked yet. Come to my sister-in-law's house as soon as it gets dark, and my sister-in-law will cook fish for you again!" Luo Jiuli: "......"

But spare her!
Just one bite of this fish made her feel uneasy. If she took another bite, she would die!

Wen Yi's time with Luo Jiuli was neither long nor short. It's hard to say anything else. Luo Jiuli was very picky about eating.

Even though she said nice things, seeing her frowning inadvertently, Wen Yi knew that what Luo Jiuli said must be lies.

You can’t tell why the food tastes bad!

Originally, Wen Yi was angry at Luo Jiuli for supporting someone who spoke ill of her.

But now, seeing Luo Jiuli's embarrassed face when faced with Ersao Chen's warm invitation, she couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!"

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes at Wen Yi and said to Second Sister-in-law Chen with an apologetic expression, "Sister-in-law, the fish you cooked is really delicious. It's a pity that I'm not in good health these days and can't eat meat, otherwise it wouldn't be called a fish. As long as it is cooked by you, sister-in-law, even if it is two fish or three fish, I can eat it and clean it!"

"Oh, I'm not in good health. What's wrong? Come on, let my sister-in-law take a look and tell me about you. If you're not in good health, you should have told your sister-in-law earlier. She can still force you to eat meat!"

Sister-in-law Chen pulled Luo Jiuli over and over looking anxiously.

"I don't see any injuries here. You girls in the city are just squeamish. So you, you just had a bite of fish, is that okay?"

Sister-in-law Chen just said something about city girls being squeamish. There was no malice in her words, and Luo Jiuli wouldn't really care about her.

He just shook his head and said, "It's okay to take one bite, but you must not take a second bite."

Otherwise, if she were to eat something so hard to swallow, she would really die!

"It doesn't matter if you take one bite, it doesn't matter!" Sister-in-law Chen felt relieved, "You girls in the city are always served by servants when you come in and out. You may have a good life, but your body bones look weak. Feng Yi You can even blow it over, you’re so delicate!”

"Not as good as the girls in our village. They are a bit darker, but they are strong and easy to feed and have children!"

"A-Ting, you too, you used to be able to eat three bowls of rice when you were at home, but now after two years in the city, you can't eat more than a few mouthfuls. I see, your body and bones are getting weaker and weaker. What's wrong!"

Luo Jiuli and Chen Tingting smiled and said nothing.

Second Sister-in-law Chen looked at Luo Jiuli and said, "When will you get better? If it doesn't work, I will keep the fish for you and cook it for you when you get better."

"No, no, no, no, no, no." Luo Jiuli was so frightened that he waved his hands reflexively, "How long can the fish that landed on the shore live? I don't know when my health will recover."

"Fish must be fresh to taste. You don't need to stay with me. You don't need to stay with me."

"Keep it until the time comes and you'll die. It's not a waste of things."

"It's better to burn the fish while it's fresh to replenish the health of the children at home."

Seeing that Sister-in-law Chen had no intention of asking Luo Jiuli to get money, Aunt Chen ignored her and only ate her own food.

"Oh! That's true! Fish must be fresh to taste!"

Luo Jiuli was the first person to praise Second Sister Chen's cooking for how delicious the food was. Second Sister Chen didn't want to give up.

She thought for a while and then said, "How about this? My sister-in-law's house will be penning pigs in two days. Come then, and my sister-in-law will prepare some other light dishes for you!"

Faced with Ersao Chen's enthusiasm, Luo Jiuli couldn't refuse for a moment.

I can only bite the bullet and say, "Okay then."

Wuwuwu~ Luo Jiuli regretted it!

Why did she have to compliment her so meanly!
(End of this chapter)

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