Chapter 211 The evil woman steals the child
Let’s be honest, doesn’t it smell good!

"Okay, it's settled!" Sister-in-law Chen slapped the table to finalize the decision, and moved her gaze to Chen Tingting with a smile, "Ating, you will come too when the time comes. My little tiger likes to play with Awang, so don't forget to bring it when you come. Bring Ah Wang with you too."

After finishing speaking, Second Sister-in-law Chen looked at Aunt Chen, "Auntie, do you want to come when the time comes?"

Aunt Chen was eating her meal and said, "I won't join in the fun anymore. My legs and feet are inconvenient, so I can't help much."

"Hey, let's talk about this. You can come if you want to eat at my house. I don't need any help from you. Come on, come on, just watch the fun."

Second Sister-in-law Chen said that for such a reason, Aunt Chen still refused, "I won't go."

Sister-in-law Chen did not dissuade her, "That's okay, then let A-Ting and A-Wang come, and I will ask them to bring you food."

Aunt Chen didn't say anything, so Second Sister-in-law Chen took her as her acquiescence, "Then the matter is settled. When the time comes, A-Ting, A-Wang, Jiuli, you all will come. If one of you is missing, Sister-in-law will be angry."

Second Sister-in-law Chen stood up and picked up the basin she brought, "Okay, that's it, you guys eat slowly, my sister-in-law has gone back first, and everyone at home is still waiting for her to start eating!"

Sister-in-law Chen walked out with the basin, walked to the door and fell back, "Oh, look at my memory, I even forgot why I came here."

Upon hearing this, except Luo Jiuli, Chen Wang, Aunt Chen and Chen Tingting, their hearts tightened. They looked at each other and all looked at Sister-in-law Chen.

Just when they thought Ersao Chen came back to let Luo Jiuli get the money, they were about to stop her.

Second Sister-in-law Chen spoke first, "Madam, I've been out for so long, and when I came back, I didn't forget to bring gifts to Xiao Huzi and the others. I don't think it's a good idea to just keep them like this, so I'm asking you, do you think we should return some?" A gift? If I pay it back, what else can I give it back?"

After finishing the rice in the bowl, Mrs. Chen put down her bowl and chopsticks and said, "The old woman is going to return the gift with a dozen eggs from the rice vat. When Awang goes to school later, I will let him take it with me."

"Yeah." Sister-in-law Chen nodded, "That's okay. My chickens don't lay many eggs, so there's not enough to eat. However, duck eggs are pretty good. If you give me a dozen eggs, I'll give you a dozen duck eggs." "

After settling the matter of repaying the gift, Sister-in-law Chen chatted casually again, "I heard from Xiao Huzi that everything the master gave them this time was very thoughtful, and everyone received it differently. My little Huzi's is a pair of shoes. What did your Awang receive?"

"How does this old woman know? A Wang didn't tell me. You have to ask A Wang." Aunt Chen wiped her mouth.

When Second Sister-in-law Chen heard this, she looked at Chen Wang. Chen Wang didn't need Second Sister-in-law Chen to ask any more questions and said, "Bi, mine is a writing brush."

"Huh? My little tiger's shoes are shoes, how come yours are brushes? So different?"

"It's not bad!" Chen Wang explained, "Little Huzi's shoes have a lot of holes. He needs shoes, so the master gives him shoes. My writing brush has split for a long time. If I don't change it, I won't be able to write with it." ”

"Master buys things for these little babies, just because of your heart is good." Aunt Chen looked at Sister-in-law Chen and said, "Whether it's light or heavy, just accept it. It's time to go to school soon, don't do it again." No delay, go back quickly!”

Sister-in-law Chen turned her head and looked at the sky, then turned around and walked out, "Hey! It's so late! I'm leaving! I'll have a pig pen at home in two days, so remember to come!"

Sister-in-law Chen walked to the courtyard and passed by Wei Yan, waving to him, "Young master, you will come with us then!"

Wei Yan glanced at Mrs. Chen twice but said nothing.

As soon as Mrs. Chen left, Luo Jiuli finished her meal. Chen Tingting put away the bowls and chopsticks. Aunt Chen said to her, "There's no rush for the bowls and chopsticks. You go to the rice vat to get ten eggs first, and let Awang take them away later." Don't forget in a hurry when the time comes." "Okay." Chen Tingting packed up the dishes and took them to the kitchen, and said as she walked, "Mommy, the long burning lamp in front of cousin Xiuying's coffin was the third cousin yesterday. My uncle is here, it’s my turn today, my second cousin’s family will help tomorrow, and the burial will be the day after tomorrow.”

"Go! What are you doing, a young girl who has not yet left the government? You are not allowed to go!" Aunt Chen was dissatisfied, "There are so many people in the village, your second and third cousins ​​can't find anyone, right? They even called you Let’s go.”

"I have already agreed. There is a lot of work in the fields these two days, so my second cousin and my third cousin can spare some time to help. There is only one day left. I don't care if I am okay, so just call me. Make up the numbers.”

There was warm water in the pot. Chen Tingting put the bowl in the pot without washing it. She turned around and took out a small bamboo basket. She squatted in front of the rice vat at the corner of the stove, rolled up her sleeves and took out the eggs hidden in the rice one by one. Put it in a small bamboo basket.

The eggs just taken out of the rice have a layer of off-white ash on the eggshells.

Chen Tingting scooped up two spoons of water, wetted it with a handkerchief, wiped the eggs clean one by one, and arranged them neatly.

She put the small bamboo basket containing the eggs aside, returned to the stove and started washing the dishes.

"Tell me, you, a girl who has not yet left the government, why did you agree to this? How did that evil bitch scold you before when she was still alive? Have you forgotten?"

After spending so many days together, Luo Jiuli knew that Aunt Chen had a good temper.

If the other party hadn't gone too far, I'm afraid Aunt Chen wouldn't have screamed like a bitch.

Even though everyone has passed away, Aunt Chen is still very dissatisfied, "You are not her child, so you still have to be responsible for sending her to her death, right?"

"When your father first went there, do you know what she said about our third son?"

"That woman has a very venomous mouth. She said that our father died when Awang was born. She was afraid that he was a lone star from the sky. She asked me to sell Awang for money, otherwise he would kill him one day. Know!"

"Listen to what she said. Is that human language?"

"Awang was only a few years old at that time. She was said to be a evil star just one day after he was born. The second child in her family was always lazy and good at gambling. Why didn't she say that the second child in her family was a prodigal son and kept making eyeballs with her every day? It’s like a treasure.”

Aunt Chen looked angry when she recalled what happened.

She looked at Luo Jiuli and told her, "You don't even know how shameless that evil woman is! She is also very cruel!"

"You actually took advantage of the fact that I had just given birth and my blood was low and I couldn't get out of bed, so I wanted to steal my Awang and sell it."

"Fortunately, fortunately, my mother-in-law was the one who took care of my wife during her confinement. She was always close to me and the child, but I didn't know she went out to fetch water, and that evil woman came to steal the child. .”

"It turned out to be a good thing. Fortunately, the lady who came back from carrying water happened to catch her, otherwise my Awang would probably not know where he was sold to now!"

 The story of Second Sister-in-law Chen is a foreshadowing and a transition. It must be written. Even if it is boring, there is no way! ! ! !
  However, soon, soon, the heroine’s career highlight moment is coming! ! ! ! !
  Once the highlight moment of the heroine's career is over, the story of Chenjiacun will be about to turn over again! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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