Chapter 212 How could she be afraid of ghosts!
"Why did she steal the child? Just to sell it for money?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"Not only because of his prodigal second son, but also because of that prodigal son, he sold his boss, and later he actually came up with the idea of ​​my A Wang!"

Even though it was a past event, Mrs. Chen still trembled with anger when she mentioned it again.

She picked up the crutch and poked the ground hard, "Her prodigal son keeps friends with fair-weather people all day long. He is not only addicted to gambling but also obsessed with sex. He often owes a lot of gambling debts in front of others. He is not a good person. "

"It was because he owed gambling debts. The gambling shop wanted to chop off both of his arms to pay off the debt. The evil woman refused to do it. She said she cut off the second son's arms. How will the second son live in the future? Then in order to save his second son's arms. With two arms, she sold the boss of her family!"

"The eldest son of her family was really born into the wrong child. Such a well-behaved child was betrayed by that evil woman!"

"However, the eldest son of his family is still up to his standards. Even though he was sold, he became a public servant through his own efforts. He was still wearing official uniforms and returning home in full splendor many years ago. He looked so grand!"

"However, it's really a crime!" Aunt Chen sighed heavily, "Even though the eldest son of her family was sold by her own mother, she didn't even bear any grudge against her mother-in-law. After she returned home in fine clothes, she even took that evil woman and her prodigal brother with her. Enjoy the blessings in the capital.”

"It's a pity that there are many big shots in the capital, and that prodigal son is still determined to change his ways. I heard that he offended a big shot for some reason some time ago, and was imprisoned without even knowing who it was. This time, even the boss can't save him. , and was beheaded along with him!"

"Do you think this is a sin? Is this a sin?"

Luo Jiuli clicked his tongue twice, "Yes! A crime! A crime!"

"Ah, commit some crime!" Aunt Chen took a sip of water and continued, "The second son came here to collect debts, and the whole family was killed. When he was a child, he loved to play with water, and insisted on jumping around the well, and almost fell into the well. , fortunately, his father rescued him in time, but the result was good, he was rescued, but his father fell into the well and drowned."

"Just like that, you still have the nerve to say that my Awang is the only star of the evil spirits. I think his second son is the only star of the evil spirits!"

"Oh, Mom, these things have already happened, why are you talking about these things?" Chen Tingting finished washing the dishes, came in with a small bamboo basket, walked up to Chen Wang, and handed the small bamboo basket to him, "There are ten eggs in it. Be careful when walking, don't get bumped into pieces and get broken."

Chen Wang took the small bamboo basket and said, "I understand, sister."

Chen Tingting touched his head and said, "Well, if you understand, then go quickly. It will get late and you will have to run. It is still early now, so you can walk slowly."

"Okay." Chen Wang put the small bamboo basket on the stool, picked up the small bag on the table and slung it over his body. Then he picked up the small bamboo basket again, "Aniang, Ajie, Sister Luo, I'm going to school."

"Well, walk slower." Luo Jiuli waved to Chen Wang.

Chen Wang walked out of the door. Aunt Chen looked at his back and shouted loudly, "Remember to give the eggs to Master first when you get to school! Don't break them!"

"Got it!" Chen Wang responded and walked out of the door.

It wasn't until her figure was completely gone that Aunt Chen looked away and said with a straight face, "Why, the old woman can't say anything after the matter is over. She originally had her idea for Awang, and I hated her so much. What did you do yesterday?" I'm going to collect her body, but the old lady didn't say anything to you, and now the old lady can't even say a few words!?"

"Oh, Auntie!" Chen Tingting sat next to Aunt Chen, holding her arms and acting coquettishly, "I can't say anything, but I can say it. My daughter is afraid that the more you talk, the more angry you will be. In the end, you will be the one who is angry. Your own body! It’s you who will suffer the consequences!!”

"Cousin Xiuying has arranged for cousin Xiuying to light the lanterns. My second and third cousins ​​have arranged it. I just need to go and light them after nightfall. There is no need to keep watch. It won't take long after lighting them. It will be done soon." came back."

Aunt Chen turned her head and looked at Chen Tingting, "You kid, have you forgotten what that evil woman said about you?"

"She said that you have a mean face and a heart of snakes and scorpions. She said that you can only die as a concubine and be beaten to death by your mistress. It's better for you to repay evil with kindness. After she died, you helped light the everlasting lamp!" Concubine! The two words made Chen Tingting's back stiffen, and her eyes subconsciously glanced at Luo Jiuli.

Aunt Chen didn't notice anything was wrong with Chen Tingting, and continued to say, "She said so about you, and she treated the three of us like this. Even if it was struck by lightning from the sky, it would be an exaggeration. Tell her about you, and why don't you go and help her with some Laoshi?" Keep the lights on!”

Aunt Chen's hatred made Chen Tingting a little aggrieved, "I, don't I also want to repay the favor? When the family was in poverty and couldn't get rid of the problem, it was his boss who took me to the capital to make money. Otherwise, otherwise I wouldn't have the skills. Craftsmanship requires connections but no connections, how can you earn so much money, right?"

"Alas!" Aunt Chen sighed, as if she had been persuaded by Chen Tingting, she waved her hand, "That's all, it's true that their boss is kind to our family."

"Now that his boss is gone, go and help him, help him, lest people call us ungrateful."

Aunt Chen stood up with her crutches and said, "I'm tired, let's go and take a nap."

"I'll help you."

Before Chen Tingting got up, Aunt Chen stopped her and said, "No, the old lady can leave by herself. You just stay here and talk to Jiuli, so that she won't feel bored by herself."

"Oh!" Chen Tingting stopped trying to get up and sat obediently.

Aunt Chen continued to walk into the room. She turned around after not taking two steps, looked at Chen Tingting and said, "I don't worry about you going alone after nightfall. Let's go after dinner then, and let Awang come with you."

"That kind of place is full of yin. It's not good if there are too many children there. I'll go. I'll accompany Ating."

This was what Luo Jiuli said.

Aunt Chen looked at Luo Jiuli, "Are you going? Aren't you afraid??"

Luo Jiuli shook his head, "What's there to be afraid of? I'm not afraid."

Just kidding, she is a descendant of the Heavenly Master!

If she really encounters Yin Hun, then Yin Hun is afraid of her. How can she be afraid of Yin Hun!
Aunt Chen looked at Luo Jiuli, her eyes full of approval. She nodded, "Okay, then you go with Ating."

After Aunt Chen finished speaking, she went into the room and lay down to rest.

Chen Tingting and Luo Jiuli didn't say anything for a while, then they put their baskets on their backs, picked up their sickles, and went up the mountain to dig wild vegetables.

Luo Jiuli went back to the room to chat with Jun Mohan, during which the two of them took medicine.

After taking the medicine, he continued to chat.

Luo Jiuli sat on the edge of the bed, "You said that Nanyang King and Xiao Hui have a cooperative relationship. Logically speaking, the relationship should be good, but why is it that this time for Xiao Hui's birthday, people from all over the world came, but Nanyang King did not Come?"

(End of this chapter)

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