The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 213: Gather for profit, disperse for profit

Chapter 213: Gather for profit, disperse for profit
"Forget it if they haven't arrived, and they haven't even asked anyone to send them a decent birthday gift. Could it be that they had a falling out?"

Jun Mohan did not deny Luo Jiuli's words, and sneered: "Two grasshoppers on a rope gather for profit and disperse for profit. They will have to break up sooner or later."

"Huh???" Luo Jiuli was confused, "I know they gather for profit, but how do we start talking about dispersing for profit?"

Luo Jiuli was used to Xianyun Yehe. If Bai Hua hadn't caused trouble, she would never have gotten involved with the royal family.

Regarding the palace change three years ago, all Luo Jiuli heard and knew was the rumored version.

It is said that three years ago, the late emperor was seriously ill and a fire broke out in the palace one night. Cui Eunuch, the chamberlain's chief chamberlain, colluded with evildoers and let countless assassins into the palace with the purpose of assassinating the late emperor and murdering his heirs.

Fortunately, King Nanyang, who was in charge of the imperial army at the time, entered the palace in time to rescue him, and a palace chaos was calmed down.

It's a pity that no matter how timely King Nanyang went, many princes and princesses still died under the assassin's sword.

Although the late emperor was not killed by the assassin's sword, he was frightened. In addition, he was seriously ill and died before he could breathe.

Before he died, he made the ninth prince Jun Mozhe the crown prince in front of everyone. After his death, the crown prince can inherit the throne.

The late emperor died and the prince ascended the throne.

On the first day after he ascended the throne, King Nanyang made a great contribution to the rescue. The first imperial edict he issued was to grant three southeastern cities as fiefdoms to King Nanyang, and within three years, the local people's taxes would be reduced by 70.00%.

The second imperial edict was to use the power of the whole country to arrest Eunuch Cui who had colluded with the gangsters.

At that time, Luo Jiuli was unwilling to marry into the palace, not to mention that before entering the bridal chamber or lifting the hijab, the groom ran away to the border.

When she heard those rumors, she knew in her heart that there were problems and loopholes in the news, but it had nothing to do with her, so she just ignored it and didn't care.

Now it seems that she was right not to ask or participate after the death of the late emperor. Even the late emperor could not defeat them, let alone her new daughter-in-law who had just passed away.

If she really took care of it, really went to investigate, and then Xiao Hui took advantage of it, I'm afraid the Prince Yi's Mansion would have to be dragged into the water by her.

But, poor Eunuch Cui, for colluding with evil people, it was clearly the Xiao Hui brothers and the King of Nanyang who teamed up to put on a show. In the end, the two of them gained fame and fortune, but they used poor Eunuch Cui as a scapegoat, and were also killed along the way. He was chased and died tragically on the border.

Tut tut, how pitiful!

Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli nodding and shaking his head, and thought it was so cute.

He reached out and tapped her head with his fingers, "I haven't even clicked my tongue yet, why are you clicking?"

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli held his head and cried out in pain, bulging his face and said dissatisfied: "You care about me, I'll just click my tongue!"

"You haven't said anything about breaking up for profit yet. Hurry up, say it quickly, say it quickly. If you don't say it, I'm going to take a nap and won't talk to you anymore!"

Luo Jiuli's threats had no effect on Jun Mohan.

He smiled and joked, "Aren't you a very smart little guy? You know how to get together for profit, but you don't understand how to break up for profit?"

"It's one thing to think clearly, but it's another thing to want to hear what you say. I just want to hear what you say!"

Who told him that Ya's voice was so nice? Why did she just want to listen to it a few more times?
"Say it quickly, say it quickly, don't grind, don't grind." Luo Jiuli held Jun Mohan's hand and acted coquettishly.

Suddenly, there was a sound of 'Ouch', and Jun Mohan's handsome face wrinkled into a ball, and his expression became ugly.

Luo Jiuli's heart pounded, and she stopped shaking his hand, "You, what's wrong with you? Are you okay???"

"I'm hurt." Jun Mohan said every word, breathing heavily, as if he was in great pain.

His face was already pale after falling off the cliff, but his current appearance made Luo Jiuli even more panicked, "You, what's wrong with your wound, come on, come on, let me see, let me see!"

Luo Jiuli was in a hurry, reaching out to untie Jun Mohan's clothes, but suddenly there was a puff in her ears, and then her hand was grabbed by someone, and with another pull, she fell into his arms, and her nose was filled with sandalwood. .

It's quite miraculous. It's normal for Jun Mohan to have the scent of sandalwood when he wears his own clothes. But now that he is clearly wearing someone else's clothes, the pleasant sandalwood scent on his body has not diminished at all.

Luo Jiuli was only slightly distracted, then angrily patted Jun Mo Han's shoulder, "You are sick! How can you be so funny!"

Jun Mohan frowned and said, 'Ouch! ’ said.

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes at him, "If you play the same trick a second time, the devil will believe you! I'm not stupid!"

However, this time Jun Mohan seemed to have been really injured, his brows were furrowed and he was sweating like rain.

Seeing something was wrong, Luo Jiuli sat up and said, "No, you, you are really crying wolf, are you really just pulling on the wound?"

Jun Mohan said 'hmm', the sound was squeezed out from between his teeth, as if he was in extreme pain.

Luo Jiuli couldn't laugh or cry, "You, you, you really... deserve it! Will you suffer for lying to me? Let's see if you dare next time."

Luo Jiuli complained, but his men quickly untied Jun Mohan's clothes. The bright red blood soaked the gauze and spread into a large red area, which looked quite scary.

"You don't believe me when I tell you not to move around every day. If you have to move, you have to move. Are you feeling better now? Does it hurt?"

"Well, it hurts." Jun Mohan's voice was weak, "I know I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again next time. Madam, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry. It's not me who's in pain."

Luo Jiuli untied the gauze knot and slowly opened the gauze layer by layer until all the gauze was removed to expose the wound.

The wound has not yet formed a scab, and is a mess of blood and flesh. It is very hideous and terrifying.

Luo Jiuli has seen countless strange and bizarre deaths.

The injury of any one of them is more shocking than Jun Mohan's injury.

But without exception, Luo Jiuli watched with cold eyes and his heart was very quiet.

Go up to the sky and help them to transcend and send them into reincarnation.

Unlike now, seeing this injury made her heart twitch.

She gritted her teeth, "When we get back to Beijing, let's see how I deal with those two stupid things!"

You even dare to harm her man, do you really think she doesn't exist?
Jun Mohan liked the way Luo Jiuli stood up for him, so he smiled softly and said, "Okay."

Luo Jiuli glared at him, "You're still laughing! What a joke! You are the one who deserves to be punished. The wounds are obviously scabbed. If you hadn't moved here and there, how could you be like this!"

"Don't blame me!" Jun Mohan took Luo Jiuli's hand and said aggrievedly, "The wound has no scab in the first place. Otherwise, no matter how much I move, the wound should have cracked and there would be scars, instead of like this The raw meat is turned out and mixed with blood, which looks like there is no scab in the first place.”

(End of this chapter)

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