216 Bitten by a dog!

Chen Wang didn't know why Wei Yan was smiling like that. He grabbed the strap of the bag with both hands and said, "Sister Luo... you... your mouth..."

"Oh, it's okay!" Luo Jiuli took the crystal jade mirror back into his arms, "It was bitten by a dog!"

Dog. Jun Mohan: "…………"

"Dog!?" Chen Wang's eyes subconsciously moved to the little yellow dog wagging its tail happily under the eaves, and he hesitated, "Little yellow??? Bite you???"

Luo Jiuli looked along Chen Wang's line of sight. When the two looked at him like this, the little yellow tail waggled even more cheerfully and barked.


Just when Luo Jiuli didn't know how to explain, Chen Tingting walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of vegetables.

She looked at the two people in the courtyard and said, "Miss Luo, it's time to eat."

"Awang, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up, put down your bag and start eating. Sister, I have something to do later, so I have to finish quickly."

"Oh!" Chen Wang responded, but he didn't move. He pointed at Xiao Huang and complained: "Sister, Xiao Huang bullied Sister Luo while we were away and bit her until her mouth was swollen!"

"What!" Chen Tingting's hands shook.

She looked at Luo Jiuli's mouth and immediately understood what she was saying. She was speechless for a moment, "..."

If her mouth hadn't been swollen by the prince's kiss, she wouldn't have believed Chen!
Being stared at like this, Luo Jiuli felt that she was about to get cancer from embarrassment. She clenched her hands into fists and said, "Ahem, um, eat, eat."

Luo Jiu left and walked to the main room.

Chen Tingting also smiled and revealed the matter. She urged Chen Wang, "What are you still standing there for? It's time to eat. It's time to eat. Hurry up and put down your bag to eat."

Chen Wang, "That Xiao Huang..."

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Huang, you're just a kid, don't worry about so much, come on, eat and eat."

Chen Tingting interrupted Chen Wang and carried the food into the main room first. When she came out, she saw Chen Wang still standing there and urged her again, "Hurry, come in and eat! There is another dish on the stove. I'll be there soon." Come on, go in and eat first."

Luo Jiuli sat at the table, leaned over and took a deep breath of the aroma of the food, "Wow! Tonight's food is so delicious! It looks delicious at first glance. Come on, Awang!"

"Oh! Not good at all!"

Chen Wang walked under the eaves, looked at Xiao Huang and sighed deeply.

Seeing that Chen Wang had been staring at it since he came back, Xiao Huang thought he was praising it. He happily stuck out his tongue and kept wagging his tail, "Woof woof woof woof woof!!!"

Chen Wang went in and sat down next to Luo Jiuli, "Sister Luo, Xiao Huang is usually very good and obedient. Can you not argue with it this time?"

After Chen Wang finished speaking, he was afraid that Luo Jiuli would be unhappy, so he quickly explained: "No, I don't mean not to care about it. I just mean not to kill it. It has been with me and my mother for many years. You can hit it, scold it, or punish it, but can you not kill it?"

"..." Luo Jiuli was speechless, "When did I say I wanted to kill Xiao Huang?"

"Huh???" Chen Wang raised his head, "Xiao Huang bit Sister Luo, isn't Sister Luo angry?"

"Haha." Luo Jiuli smiled and touched Chen Wang's head, "It's all trivial. Why are you so angry? Come and eat!"

"All right!"

Knowing that Luo Jiuli was really not angry, Chen Wang finally felt relieved, "Sister Luo, don't worry, if you don't punish Xiao Huang, I will definitely treat him as you did. I promise, he will never dare to bite him again." you!"

Luo Jiuli's mouth twitched slightly, "Hehe, hehe, okay." Poor Xiao Huang, don't blame her if she is punished!
She just said it casually, but who knew that the little master would actually believe it!

The sun was setting in the west, but by the time a few people came out after dinner, the sun had completely hidden behind the horizon, replaced by the full moon in the sky.

Luo Jiuli spoke to Jun Mohan, but Jun Mohan was worried and ordered Wei Yan to follow her.

Outside the gate, Aunt Chen and Chen Wang watched the three of them leave, "Come back early after lighting the chandelier, and don't stay there too long."

"I know, grandma!"

Chen Tingting led the way holding the candle. Taking into account Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan who were following behind her, she would look back from time to time. The candle was always held by her side so that Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan could see clearly. road.

"This time I really appreciate the help of Princess Wei, Commander Wei, to accompany me on a trip."

"It's okay." Luo Jiuli looked at a dark figure in the distance walking towards them, "But you can't call them that. I said before, in the village I am just Miss Luo, Master Qiao's apprentice. Be careful if anyone listens to you.”

"Yes, concubine, I, I will pay attention."

Fortunately, the concubine on the lips of Chen Tingting was changed to me in time, otherwise the dark figure approaching would have overheard her.

"Oh, who is this at this late hour?"

The person speaking was the dark figure Luo Jiuli saw.

Dark clouds cover the moon, a warm breeze blows, and the candlelight flickers on and off.

He couldn't see the person's face clearly, but from the voice, Luo Jiuli immediately heard, "Uncle Niu."

"Uncle Niu." Chen Tingting shouted.

Uncle Niu walked closer and closer, and stopped beside a few people, "It turns out it's you two girls. It's already dark, why are you still walking on the road?"

"Cousin Xiuying has been burying her body at home for three days. She needs to light the lantern. I went to help light the lantern. My mother was worried, so this girl from Buluo accompanied me."

Chen Tingting's voice was very soft, not as loud as the frogs croaking in the fields.

"How come you, a girl, are allowed to go to the Changming Lantern?" Uncle Niu asked, "Who asked you to go? Can't find anyone else to go??"

Chen Tingting said, "It was arranged by my second and third cousins. There was a lot of work in the fields these two days and no one else was free, so I had to go."

"You are an unmarried girl, and you are not her daughter-in-law. I want you to help light some kind of everlasting light!"

Uncle Niu rolled up his sleeves and put his hands on his hips, obviously dissatisfied with the arrangement of the two elders.

"In this case, I will leave this matter to the old man. You go back first. I will happen to pass by when I go to the field to bring the cow back later, so just click on it."

"This..." Chen Tingting hesitated, thought about it, and refused: "No, thank you Uncle Niu for your kindness. We are already here. We will be there in just a few steps. Now go back in case you are caught by the time." It wouldn’t be good if people spread it.”

"You know, when our family had no rice to cook with, it was my cousin Xiuying's eldest son who took me to the capital."

"I have also saved some money in the capital over the years. I have rice for cooking at home and Awang can go to school. It is all thanks to her boss."

"Now that their family is gone, I'm going to help light an ever-burning lamp, which can be regarded as doing my best. It shouldn't be a big deal for the folks in my hometown."

(End of this chapter)

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