Chapter 217 Who are you talking to?
"Well, it's a good thing that you girl know how to be grateful." Uncle Niu nodded.

"Everyone in the village knew that her boss took you to the capital. Now if you help light the lantern, it will be considered as repaying your kindness. No one will say anything to you. Go ahead!"

"Okay, let's go first. The roads in the fields are uneven. You should be careful when you go to lead the cows. Carefully follow your path."

Chen Tingting walked forward, Luo Jiuli followed her, "Goodbye, Uncle Niu."

"Well, you should be careful, the wealthy family's dogs are very vicious." Uncle Niu looked at Wei Yan who was passing in front of him, "Hey, who is this?"

"My bodyguard." Luo Jiuli said.

"Oh! This is a good guard. He is tall and strong. He seems to have good martial arts skills. Go ahead. You go quickly. The old man also has to go to the fields to bring the cow back. Only after he brings it back can he eat. "

Uncle Niu murmured and drifted away.

Chen Tingting led Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan and stopped in front of a house after walking for a while.

The door of the house is wide open, and there is a coffin in the center, with black wood and white flowers. There is no extra light in the house, only two white candles burning in front of the coffin.

The candle must have been lit for some time, and it had burned down to the root. The light was extremely dim and eerie.

'Woof woof woof! ! ! '

The sound of a vicious dog barking came from another house.

Normal people can't see it, but Luo Jiuli can.

Every time the dog barked, the body of the ghost leaning against the coffin would tremble unconsciously.

As soon as the barking of the dog stopped, the ghost's eyes returned to a dull look. He put his hands on the coffin and kept repeating, "It's gone, it's gone, bitch, motherfucker, head." If it’s broken, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt.”

The voice of the ghost is obviously not loud, but the sound is extremely clear and resentful. As a gust of wind blows by, it makes people's scalp numb.

Several people stood in front of the door. Chen Tingting handed the candle she was holding to Luo Jiuli and said, "I can go in alone. Miss Luo, please wait here."

Luo Jiuli hummed, took the candle, and before Chen Tingting could take a few steps, she asked, "Where is the latrine?"

Chen Tingting turned around and asked, "Girl, do you want to go to the toilet?"


Not wanting to go to the toilet, she asked what the latrine was for.
Luo Jiuli hummed softly.

Chen Tingting glanced at the gloomy mourning hall, then looked back at Luo Jiuli and said, "The latrine is behind the mourning hall, in the kitchen on the left side of the door. If the girl is not afraid..."

"Let's go!"

Before Chen Tingting could finish speaking, Luo Jiuli took two steps and walked in front of Chen Tingting.

Wei Yan followed closely behind.

Seeing this, Chen Tingting hurriedly followed her, "Miss Luo, here, it's better for us girls to have less contact with each other in this mourning hall. They all say that they are not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. What if they come back with something dirty? What? Is good?"

In Chenjiacun, generally except for close relatives, no one else would set foot in the mourning hall unless necessary.

Otherwise, according to people in Chenjia Village, strangers who step into the mourning hall will be infected with the breath of the person who died, and it is unlucky to be entangled by the person who died.

Those relatives who had funeral meals only ate in a shed outside the mourning hall, and the stoves and other things were also set up freshly.

No matter what, they would never set foot in the mourning hall unless necessary.

"It's okay! If this girl really encounters a dirty guy, it's because the dirty guy is afraid of me, so there's no reason why I should be afraid of them!"

Luo Jiuli had already entered the mourning hall, and Wei Yan followed her, "Madam is right."

"Then, let's do it!"

Everyone has already come in, and Chen Tingting can't say anything else.

She pointed to a small wooden door, "It's on the left after exiting that door." The wooden door was behind the coffin. When Luo Jiuli passed by, he glanced at the ghost next to the coffin.

Before she saw Yin Hun's face clearly, she still had a heart of salvation.

But when she saw Yinhun's face clearly...

Ouch!Unexpectedly, we are still old acquaintances!
——Eunuch Chen’s mother!
So what kind of salvation is there? It would be good if she didn't lose her soul.

It is not a good thing to raise two sons who are a disaster.

Do you want her to help you transcend?
"It's gone, it's all gone, bitch, motherfucker, my head is broken, does it hurt, does it hurt, does it hurt, does it hurt~"

The ghost is still chanting, crying and crying, which is very scary.

Even Chen Tingting and Wei Yan couldn't see the ghosts, and they still had goosebumps all over their bodies.

When Luo Jiuli came back from going to the toilet, Chen Tingting had already lit the everlasting lamp, "Girl, the everlasting lamp has been replaced, let's go back!"

"Yeah." Seeing that the ghost was Eunuch Chen's mother, Luo Jiuli didn't intend to meddle in other people's business.

Although the reason why people die has something to do with her, in general it doesn't have much to do with it.

Even if she doesn't save him, it won't lose even half of her moral character.

However, things often change in an instant.

Before they could even walk out the door, the ghost who had been repeating his words suddenly changed his lines.

"You bitch, mother, my head is broken, it hurts a lot, it doesn't matter, mother has chosen a daughter-in-law for you, mother will send her down to see you right now!"

The first half of the sentence is like a nursery rhyme, softly and slowly, as if coaxing a child.

The second half of the sentence is sharp and piercing, as if it can pierce people's eardrums.

Chen Tingting didn't know martial arts, she didn't know magic, and she couldn't see the ghost. She just felt a strong wind blowing inexplicably in the house.

Wei Yan is good at martial arts, and he knows a little bit about Luo Jiuli's skills. He has been with her a few times, and his senses are a little sharper than ordinary people.

Almost as soon as Yinhun pounced on him, Wei Yan turned around suddenly, drew his sword with a clang.

Sen Bai's cold light failed to stop the ghost from continuing to pounce towards Luo Jiuli.

However, the moment the ghost touched Luo Jiuli, a scream suddenly came, "Ah!!!"

Yinhun shrank back, white smoke emitted from his hands, as if he had been burned by something.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed down her cheeks. She looked at Luo Jiuli hatefully and gritted her teeth, "Who are you! What kind of light was emitting from your body just now! It can actually burn me!"

Luo Jiuli crossed his arms and said, "Ha! You are just a thing. I can't change my name, but I can't change my surname to Luo Jiuli!"

"You, you can actually see me!" Yinhun was surprised, "Who are you?!"

"Who do you care about me! I can see what happened to you? It's not unusual."

Seeing Luo Jiuli talking to the air, Chen Tingting was stunned for a moment, "Luo, Luo, Miss Luo, you, you, who are you talking to?"

"Whose mourning hall is here? This girl is talking to whom!"

Luo Jiuli had no intention of hiding Chen Tingting.

"Wha, what?!" Chen Tingting's face turned pale.

"Afraid?" Luo Jiuli did not answer Chen Tingting, but looked at Wei Yan, "Then take her out!"

(End of this chapter)

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