Chapter 218 Your mouth really stinks
"Want to leave? It's not that easy!!"

The ghost couldn't do anything to Luo Jiuli, bared his teeth, turned around and pounced towards Chen Tingting.

Chen Tingting couldn't see the ghost, but felt the strong wind blowing towards her face, making her unable to open her eyes. She subconsciously crossed her hands in front of her and staggered back two steps.

At the critical moment, Luo Jiuli took out Zhang Lingfu from his waist, "Urgent like a law, determined!"

The magic talisman automatically moved without wind, fixing the ghost in time only half a foot away from Chen Tingting.

The strong wind suddenly stopped, and Chen Tingting slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at the spiritual talisman floating above her head for no reason and emitting golden light. Her face turned pale and her feet felt weak.

"This, this, isn't this your remaining talisman?"

Luo Jiuli drew a total of three talismans and posted one at the door of the Chen family. One was given to Chen Tingting to carry with her, while Luo Jiuli kept the other one.

"Who are you?!" Yinhun tried to break free from the talisman's grip, but she couldn't. She stared at Luo Jiuli with tears-filled eyes and said viciously, "Let me go quickly! Otherwise, you won't be able to eat anymore." Walk around!"

"Ha!" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms and said calmly, "Can't eat and carry around? Have you ever thought that the person who can't eat and carry around is not me, but you?"

"Whore! Fuck your mother's stinky fart! You can't bear to eat and walk around!"

Yinhun gritted his teeth and struggled, but he couldn't break free from the clutches of the talisman.

Even though the cinnabar and yellow talismans used by Luo Jiuli to draw the talismans were inferior, she could still make the talisman play its maximum role.

"Whore! Let me go! Let me go!"

"You are a mother-in-law but not a mother-in-law! You might have jumped out of a crack in the rock somewhere!"

No matter how she scolded Luo Jiu for leaving office, she looked careless.

Of course, is it better to have a mother-in-law or not?

Hearing these words, Luo Jiuli immediately changed his face, "It seems that you really want to lose your mind!"

"Bah! If you can, kill me! If I frown, I will take your last name!"

The ghost thinks she has become a ghost, and living people can't do anything to her.

The reason why it is being frozen now is just an accident, and it is also a short-lived accident.

When the time passed and she was able to move, she would definitely peel off the skin of the little bitch in front of her and drink up her blood!

"You're a fucking whore. If you can, let me go and let's fight openly!"

"It's nothing to use dirty tricks to make me unable to move now!"

"Your mouth really stinks."

There was a four-cornered table in the corner of the mourning hall. There were two big holes in the table. There was a pot of tea and two water bowls upside down. There was also a bowl on the side. The mouth of the bowl was facing up. There was only a mouthful of water in it. The man drank the rest.

Luo Jiuli walked towards the four-corner table. When he passed by Chen Tingting, she took two steps forward and grabbed her hand.

Her face turned pale, and she looked like she was scared to death, but she still advised Luo Jiuli, "Miss Luo, let's go back first, and then let the third cousin come over and take a look."

The third cousin mentioned by Chen Tingting was a Taoist priest before.

Even though she had seen Luo Jiuli's ability to make the talisman fly into the air and stay there for a long time.

But in her opinion, Luo Jiuli is still a delicate and weak woman. Although she doesn't need to take a breath in three steps like she did in the palace, she still needs someone to protect her.Unlike the third cousin, he is a rough guy with a strong yang energy, unlike a woman who has a weak yang energy. Therefore, it is better to let the third cousin do a better job in this kind of thing.

Luo Jiuli did not respond to Chen Tingting.

It was just a new ghost that had only been dead for two days. What did she have to be afraid of?

Even if she was injured, she could still be crushed to death with one hand.

Luo Jiuli glanced at Chen Tingting. Above her were Yinhun's eyes that were shedding tears of blood.

Bloody tears dripped onto the top of Chen Tingting's head and slid down her forehead. More and more tears fell, and they flowed all over her face.

"Do you feel anything wrong with your head and face?" Luo Jiuli asked Chen Tingting.

Chen Tingting was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't know why Luo Jiuli asked, she still felt it seriously and said, "It's a bit cold, every now and then, like... water, water dripping on my head!"

"Well, it feels good, but it's not water, it's blood!"

Luo Jiuli's words made Chen Tingting freeze in place, her face became paler and her voice trembled, "Blood~"

Luo Jiuli glanced up, "Her blood is constantly flowing from her eyes. If you don't get out of the way, the blood will probably flow all over your body."

A chill ran down Chen Tingting's spine. She reflexively let go of Luo Jiuli's hand and stepped back. Perhaps she retreated too quickly and bumped into Wei Yan who was standing behind.

Yinhun looked at Chen Tingting's scared look and opened his mouth to curse, "You little bitch, you know how to be afraid now. When the family had no food to eat, why didn't you know how to be afraid when you came to borrow rice from me, and you kept calling me uncle." "

"Bah! Little bitch! Why do you think you can live so well now? Isn't it because I lent you rice in the first place? Otherwise, do you think you can live well until now?"

"Little coquettish hooves! You've made my little bitch crazy!"

"I'm telling you, if Goudan hadn't insisted on lending me rice to you, you would have starved to death. Now what's wrong with you if I ask you to come down and be Goudan's wife? Are you still being wronged?"

"Slut! You're still not happy! It's your blessing that I can like you as my daughter-in-law! It's you who has favored my old Chen family, and you're still not happy! Bah!"

No matter how much the ghost cursed, Chen Tingting could not see or hear it.

Luo Jiuli had already walked to the four-corner table. She turned over one of the bowls and poured some water into it.

Dip your fingertips in water and slowly draw on the areas without holes on the table.

While drawing, he said, "Your mouth really stinks. Please give me a chance to clean it up for you."

"Who do you think your son is? Isn't he an emperor? He's so high-spirited, haha!"

Luo Jiuli's disdainful tone angered Yinhun. She turned to glare at Luo Jiuli, with blood and tears flowing from her eyes faster and faster, "Bitch! Long-tongued woman! Did I say anything to you? You're here to be scolded, right? You're a mother-in-law. You're such a bastard! Do you know what the rules are?"

Luo Jiuli's fingertips paused slightly. She was originally going to make an arc on the left, but after hearing Yinhun's words, she decisively changed her direction and placed the arc on the right.

People who don't understand Xuanmen magic only think that Luo Jiuli is scribbling.

But anyone who knows a little bit about it can tell by just standing there and looking at it. Whether the arc falls on the left or the right, those are two completely different effects.

The left arc is open and the right arc is closed.

Luo Jiuli originally wanted to lock her up for two days to scare her, but the ghost touched her bottom line again and again, so no wonder she wanted to trap it here forever!
(End of this chapter)

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