Chapter 219: Only worthy of being a rat excrement

"Talk out dirty words, is this the rule you said?" Luo Jiuli kept drawing with his fingertips, "I now understand why your son has such a moral character. With a mother like you, even if No matter how good or outstanding he is, he only deserves to be a rat excrement and a crooked melon in this life."

"Let me see, your son must have done something bad in his last life, otherwise how could he have been so unlucky for eight lifetimes to meet such an educated mother like you!"

The word 'educated' was taken very seriously by Luo Jiuli, and its meaning was self-evident.

When Yinhun heard this, he was furious.

This time, not only did his eyes bleed and shed tears, but the blood from his neck also spurted out, dripping everywhere on the ground.

The scene is as bloody as it gets.

It was also Chen Tingting and Wei Yan who couldn't see it. Otherwise, there was a coffin and a river of blood. Chen Tingting would have fainted long ago.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Luo Jiuli raised his eyelids, "You should be glad that you are a ghost now. If you were a human being, you would have died hundreds of times if you were bleeding like this."

"You whore! How dare you say that! Believe it or not, I ate you!"

"Eat me? I don't believe it." Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise, you move first. If you can move, I will let you go this time. How about that?"

It's obviously a discussion tone, but no matter how you listen to it, it makes people feel angry.

"Ah! Ah!" Yinhun gritted his teeth and struggled, but to no avail, he glared at Luo Jiuli angrily, "Bitch! You bitch! I don't need you to let me go!!!"

"You wait for me! When I can move, I will peel off your skin and drink your blood! I will let you come down and be my son-in-law's wife!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Luo Jiuli tutted twice, "What are your tendencies? I've already done this to you, and you still want me to be your wife? Aren't you afraid that I'll beat you to death?"

"Is he worthy of being given as a wife to your Goudan? Does he have that fate? Your Goudan has been dead for so long, and he might have been reincarnated as a beast. To marry him as a wife is almost like buying a pig to breed with! "

"Ah!!!!" Yinhun couldn't move, and Luo Jiuli screamed in anger, "Bitch! Who are you calling a beast! You are the beast!! You are the beast!!! Beast!!!! "

Perhaps Yinhun was too excited, and the blood from his neck spurted out everywhere, splattering everywhere.

Luo Jiuli wiped the blood splattered on his cheek, looked at it with disgust, "Is it disgusting or not? Can you control it?"

"Forget it if you are disgusted with yourself, but what if you are disgusted with others?"

Murder is heartbreaking, but that's it.

Yin Hun was so angry that his hair stood on end, "You bitch! Bitch!! I'm going to kill you!!! Kill you!!!"

"Don't just shout slogans, you have to take action!" Luo Jiuli was so angry that he didn't pay for his life. "You said you can't even move now, how can you kill me?"

"Bitch! Bitch!!" Yinhun glared at Luo Jiuli fiercely, wishing he could eat her alive.

Luo Jiuli plucked his ears carelessly, "Can you change the lines? I'm tired of just hearing the scoldings of bitches and bitches."

"Slutty hooves! Dirty hooves!!" Yinhun gritted his teeth and changed his lines as expected.

"Alas! You know how to curse like this!"

Luo Jiuli sighed, as if she was very disappointed. She dipped her fingertips in water, put the last stroke on the bottom corner of the talisman, finished, and yawned.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I'm rushing back to get some beauty sleep!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he recited a spell, and a white light suddenly appeared on the empty desktop, and a string of incomprehensible characters floated in mid-air from the desktop.

This is the talisman Luo Jiuli just painted with water.

The spiritual talisman is different from the common ones. The common spiritual talisman emits golden light, but the spiritual talisman at this time emits white light, and has no real object, like an illusion and white light.

The magic talisman shines white light on the ghost, like a whirlpool, sucking the ghost in all at once, leaving only a shrill scream, "Ah!!!!!!"

The amulet then burned to ashes and fell to the ground.The white light disappeared, but a trace of characters appeared on the tattered table where Luo Jiuli had just drawn the talisman.

The characters are exactly the same as those floating in the air just now.

The ghost was finally able to move. If she looked straight, she could only see Luo Jiuli's waist.

She raised her head and yelled: "You little bitch! You're such a slut! Let's see how I kill you!!!"

"Oh? Really? I'll wait and see!"

Luo Jiuli picked up the water and poured it on the table carelessly.

The water did not slide down the table and drip to the ground as usual, but was sucked in by the talismans on the table.

At the same time, Yinhun's feet got wet. Gradually, more and more water flooded up to half of his waist, then slowly upward, to his navel, ribs...

Yinhun panicked, "You, you little bitch! Who are you?! What kind of evil ways are you using!"

However, only half a bowl of water could actually cover her from her feet to her waist, her ribs, and even slowly rising up.

The ghost exerted great force and tried to float to a higher place. However, it was bounced back by a beam of white light within half a foot.

The water rose higher and higher until it reached his chest.

When she couldn't go up, she turned left and right. However, within half a foot, she would be bounced back to her original position by a beam of white light.

The ghost realized that she couldn't escape, and finally got scared, "You, you are a monster!!"

"Have you ever seen monsters use magic talismans?" Luo Jiuli felt that the water was almost poured and stopped.

"You are not a monster!"

"Then what are you?!"

"What kind of evil tricks are you using??"

"Let me out quickly! Let me out!!"

"I have already said that I will not change my name in office and my surname in office, and this is the case for Luo Jiuli!"

Luo Jiuli sat down on the stool next to her, her fingertips seeming to hit the table unintentionally, and from time to time she would lightly shake the table.

It was a very ordinary action, but a very quiet sound.

However, for the ghost in the talisman, it is simply torture!
Every time Luo Jiuli knocked or shook the talisman, the water in the talisman would sway, and the water would flood the heart of Yin Hun. If the water swayed violently, it would choke into the nose, making it very uncomfortable.

"Cough cough cough cough, little bitch! No knocking! No shaking! No shaking!!!"

"You still have this attitude when asking for help?" Luo Jiuli shook his head even more fiercely.

The inside of the magic talisman was like a turbulence, and the ghost was shaken left and right, and was so frightened that he screamed, "Ah!!!!!!"

"Little! Gulu! Bitch!"

Yinhun choked on his water and continued to curse.

"Slut! Let me go now! Otherwise, when I come out, I will make you gulu~gulu~"

"You want me to gulu gulu?" Luo Jiuli smiled and asked knowingly, "What does this mean?"

"When I come out, I want you to look good! You little coquettish hoof!! Ah!!! Gulu~Gulu~"

(End of this chapter)

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