Chapter 220 Just as stupid!
Yinhun kept choking on the water, and cursed every time he took a breath.

"Slut! Little bitch!! Slutty hooves!!! Gulu~ah! Bitch! Guluulu~"

"You want me to look good? Okay!" Luo Jiuli raised his eyebrows, "If you have the ability, come out first!"

"If you have the guts, please let me go!"

"Let you go?" Luo Jiuli refused, "That's not possible!"

"Gulu~Gulu~You... little coquettish hoof!! You Gulu~let me go! Let me go now! Little bitch! Gulu~Gulu~"

The ghost was trapped in the water for a long time, and finally learned to be afraid. When she emerged again, she gasped for air, "Spare my life! Master, have mercy! Master, have mercy!!!"

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli stood up and waved his hands, "I thought my mouth could be so tough."

She turned around and walked out, "Okay, this girl is kind-hearted. Since you have begged for mercy, I will let you go this time!"

Little brat!

The ghost cursed secretly, but said something wrong, "Thank you, master! Thank you, master!!"

"It's okay, you'll still have to endure the rest of the day."

There was so much meaning in Luo Jiuli's words that Yin Hun couldn't understand it at first.

But when she tried to leave again, but was bounced back by the white light again, she understood!
She looked at Luo Jiuli who had already walked to the door, and shouted anxiously, "Master, you, you really let me go!"

Luo Jiuli turned around and looked at the broken table, "Didn't I let you go already? I didn't shake it or knock it."

"No, no, it's not this." Yinhun pointed to the top of his head, "Yes, it's this thing."

"Huh?" Luo Jiuli pretended not to know, "What is it?"

"Oh! It's, it's the thing you just said that could suck me in."

"Oh!" Luo Jiuli suddenly realized, "Are you talking about the magic talisman?"

"Hey! Yes, yes, yes!!! It's the magic talisman! It's the magic talisman!!"

"Harm! What are you doing to me?" Luo Jiuli spread his hands, "It's not me who imprisoned you, it was the magic talisman that imprisoned you. You should have found the talisman to let you go. What are you doing to me?"

After Luo Jiuli finished speaking, he could still hear the ghosts yelling and cursing from afar.

"You whore! Let me go if you can! Don't use these dirty tricks!!"

"You little coward! I have to kill you!"

"If you dare to lock me up, you will be struck by lightning from the sky, do you know that?"

"You bitch! You bitch! You little whore no one wants..."

The sound of insults really irritated the ears, and they gradually stopped after walking far away.

Under the moonlight, frogs croaked and dogs barked, and a cool breeze blew.

Luo Jiuli walked in the front, Wei Yan followed closely behind with a candle, and Chen Tingting seemed to be frightened, and followed suit, walking at the end.

"Let her go like this?" Wei Yan asked Luo Jiuli.

"Otherwise?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"This subordinate thought you would accept her," Wei Yan said.

"Take her in?" Luo Jiuli chuckled twice, "What a beautiful idea!"

"If I really take her in, I will send her into reincarnation, which will be a relief for her."

"But it's different now. Ghosts don't die easily. I trapped her in a water prison and soaked her in the water every day. She would choke on the water if she didn't care. It's very sad!"

"In order not to choke, she will be very energetic. Isn't it wonderful to be so worried and wasted day after day!"

Luo Jiuli's light words made Wei Yan shiver inexplicably.

He secretly decided in his heart that from now on he would rather offend the prince than the princess!
If he offended the prince, at least he would die happily!
But if he offended the princess... Wei Yan couldn't help but think of the ghost again, trapped in the water prison made of the magic talisman, unable to die and unable to escape!
Really, the most poisonous woman's heart!

Fortunately, he thought that not accepting the ghost was because Luo Jiuli was kind.

In the end, he thought too much after all!

It turns out that collecting the ghosts is the most friendly thing to them!
Then again, if she had a good heart for those who offended Luo Jiuli, they would die and she would not hold them accountable.

But if she is in a bad mood, she just wants to pursue it!

I'm afraid that even if a person goes to hell, he can still bring him back!
Then, just like the ghost before...

The candle burned less and less, and Wei Yan's hand kept getting lower and farther away.

Luo Jiuli could hardly see the road clearly, "Hey! Where did your fire go!?"

Wei Yan came back to his senses, "Ah, oh, sorry, sorry!"

He hurriedly raised the candlelight and carefully illuminated the road.

"What are you thinking about? Are you so lost in thought?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"No, it's nothing!" Wei Yan shook his head.

He couldn't say that he was thinking about something that would never offend her in the future!

"Madam, how long will that ghost be trapped there?"

Hearing Wei Yan's question, Chen Tingting also raised her head and looked at the back of Luo Jiuli's head.

"How long?" Luo Jiuli thought for a moment, "As long as the talisman is not destroyed, she will be trapped there forever."

Wei Yan was surprised, "Isn't that possible for hundreds of years and thousands of years!!!!"

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, "Your very similar to Zisu's."

Wei Yan, "Ah???"

Just as stupid!
"It's nothing." Luo Jiuli walked forward and explained, "The magic talisman can last for thousands of years, but the table can't. It had two big holes when it was occupied. What's more, it's not popular now. It will only last for two or three years before it will be eaten by insects and ants until not even the dregs are left."

"What will happen to the ghosts in the talisman then?" Wei Yan asked.

"If the magic talisman is damaged, Cousin Xiuying will be released, right?"

Chen Tingting's soft voice came from behind.

Luo Jiuli looked back at her, "Yes, that's right."

"Hey! Why are you three kids going back now?"

Uncle Niu's voice suddenly came from the front.

"Lighting the lamp for so long?"

Luo Jiuli looked around, and through the moonlight, he could just barely see a dark figure, with a particularly pointed horn.

"Yes, I just finished lighting the lantern. Did you get the cow?"

"Well, I got it, I got it, why don't we go back for dinner right away!" Uncle Niu led the cow closer and closer to the few people.

Luo Jiuli looked at his two hands holding the cow rope, "Why is your candle gone?"

"Alas!" Uncle Niu sighed, and tugged twice on the cow's rope. "It's not like we were leading the cow just now. The cow bowed a few times and pushed the candlelight into the ditch. It was difficult to see clearly. , it’s not easy to pick it up, so I have to forget it. Anyway, with the moon around, I can barely see the road clearly.”

"Oh! That's it!" Luo Jiuli nodded clearly, "Old Wei, give our candle to Uncle Niu."

"it is good."

Wei Yan responded and handed the candle to Uncle Niu. Uncle Niu waved his hands repeatedly, "Oh! This is absolutely impossible! You can't do it!!"

(End of this chapter)

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