Chapter 221 Why are you so clingy!

"You gave the candlelight to the old man, what will you do? No, no!"

"Don't worry, take it." Luo Jiuli persuaded with a smile, "We will be there soon, you still have some way to go!"

"Besides, we are all young people. It's okay if we fall and we'll still be alive and kicking the next day. But you, you can't fall!"

"Quick, take it, take it!!"

Luo Jiuli directly put the candle into Uncle Niu's hands.

Uncle Niu was embarrassed to refuse, "Then... Okay! Old Man Zhuhuo will accept it. You two must be careful on the road and walk carefully."

"Well, we know, don't worry, Uncle Niu."

The three of them watched Uncle Niu leave. Without the candlelight, they rested where they were for a while until their eyes got used to the night road before continuing to walk back.

When Chen Tingting knew that there were real ghosts in the world, she was scared in her heart.

Knowing that Luo Jiuli would collect those things, and that he was very powerful, I was even more shocked inside.

However, Chen Tingting is smart, but she can no longer accept it at the beginning, and can no longer imagine it. By the end of the journey, she has almost digested what she knows.

He even asked Luo Jiuli when he came to the door, "Miss Luo, if a person becomes a ghost after death, he will be afraid of water? Can he choke on water??"

Luo Jiuli, "That's natural. Otherwise, why do you think I would pour water on the magic talisman? I'm so busy?"

Chen Tingting lowered her head in embarrassment, "I thought that after death and becoming a ghost, I wouldn't be afraid of anything. I didn't expect that I would be afraid of water."

"Well, it's roughly true. Unless it's special, nothing in the world can harm the soul."

"It is true that they are not afraid of water or fire, but she is now trapped in the magic talisman by me. The magic talisman not only limits her range of activities, but also changes her..." Luo Jiuli thought about how to describe it next. "Hmm...Physique, that is to say, within the magic talisman, she is now immune to death and is afraid of even living people."

"For example, fear of water, fear of fire, fear of insects and ants..."

As soon as the three of them walked to the door, before Luo Jiuli could finish speaking, the door was opened by Chen Wang from the inside.

"Sister! Sister Luo! You are finally back! Why have you been gone so long?!"

"I met Uncle Niu on the road and talked for a while." Chen Tingting had returned to normal. When she saw Chen Wanglai, she tacitly agreed not to ask about the ghost anymore.

She took Chen Wang's hand and walked in together, "I have to go to school tomorrow, why are you still not asleep?"

"It's still early," Chen Wang said, "I haven't slept either, so I'm sitting in the house waiting for you to come back!"

As soon as I walked into the courtyard, I saw Aunt Chen sitting in the main room.

Aunt Chen also saw them at a glance, "Why did it take so long to come back after lighting the lantern?"

Ever since Chen Tingting and others went out, Aunt Chen had been sitting in the main room waiting.

"I met Uncle Niu on the road, so we talked for a while." Chen Tingting repeated what she had just said to Chen Wang.

"Old Niutou, if you are still walking out so late, you must be going to take care of the cows again."

Every household in the village is more or less related, and Aunt Chen knows them very well.

Wei Yan did not follow Luo Jiu out of the main room, but entered the room where Jun Mohan was.

Chen Tingting took Chen Wang's hand and sat down next to Aunt Chen, "Yes, Uncle Niu went to the fields to fetch the cows. The cows pushed the candlelight into the ditch. We were afraid that he would fall, so we even gave the candlelight to him. Got him."

"Well, Old Niu Tou is getting old. It would be very serious if he falls down. You are all young, so you should give the candlelight to him."

Aunt Chen had boiled water long ago. She made a bowl of sugar water and pushed it in front of Luo Jiuli, "How about it? Are you afraid to follow Ating to light the lantern? Come on, drink a bowl of sugar water to calm down, so as not to have nightmares at night. "Okay." Luo Jiuli took a symbolic sip of sugar water, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'm really not afraid."

Chen Tingting believed Luo Jiuli's words and believed them deeply.

But Aunt Chen didn't believe it. She took Luo Jiuli's hand and said earnestly, "You kid, why are you so brave in front of Auntie?"

"Auntie knows you are a good boy, so she went with you because she was worried about Ating."

"It's not a shame to be afraid of ghosts. Auntie is already so old, so she's not afraid of these things."

She pushed the sugar water and said, "Good boy, hurry up and drink a few more sips to calm down the shock, so as not to have nightmares at night."

Aunt Chen pushed another bowl of sugar water in front of Chen Tingting, "You too, drink a few more sips, otherwise you won't wake up crying like you did when you were a child."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Chen turned back and continued to coax Luo Jiuli to drink sugar water. She also tried to persuade her in various ways, saying that she should not think about anything before going to bed, especially about the mourning hall. Dreams and stuff like that.

When Chen Tingting heard this, she paused slightly while holding the sugar water, thinking to herself.

Grandma!Don’t try to persuade the princess again!
She is really not afraid!
If you really want to persuade and coax, you might as well go to Xiuying's aunt's table to persuade and coax Xiuying's cousin.

When Xiuying's cousin met the princess, it was really not the princess who was crying, but Xiuying's cousin! ! !
After Luo Jiuli finished drinking the sugar water and returned to the house, Wei Yan happened to come out of the house.

When she closed the door and went in, she met Jun Mohan's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"What are you looking at? Why are you laughing?" Luo Jiuli glared at him.

He still dared to laugh, and she hadn't even bothered him about her swollen lips when she woke up!
The smile in Jun Mohan's eyes deepened, "My wife, I want to go out. I miss you so much for my husband."

"Eh!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes unceremoniously and said in disgust: "Why are you so clingy!"

There was a smile on Jun Mohan's lips, "As a husband, I don't cling to others, I only cling to my wife."

"Bang!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes again, blew out the candle, and returned to the bed in the dark. It was rare that he didn't quarrel with Jun Mohan, "I hope you will do what you say!"

"Okay!" Jun Mo smiled coldly, even his voice was filled with a little joy.

Luo Jiuli understood Jun Mohan's urinary nature. As long as he was awake, no matter which end she slept on, and no matter how hard she tried, he would eventually sleep with her in his arms.

Therefore, Luo Jiuli was too lazy to bother this time, climbed onto the bed in the dark, avoided the injury on Jun Mohan's left chest, and hugged him.

"Hahahahaha." Jun Mohan laughed heartily and hugged Luo Jiuli's small waist, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

This is the first time that his wife has thrown herself into his arms!

"Why are you laughing? Shut up!"

Luo Jiuli was fierce and patted him gently.

He really stopped smiling, and said in a low, intoxicating voice, "Okay."

Luo Jiuli rested his head on Jun Mohan's right arm and moved to find the most comfortable position.

After closing her eyes for a while, she opened them again, and her eyes were filled with darkness.

She asked, "Did Wei Yan tell you how I dealt with the ghost?"

Jun Mohan said softly, "Yeah."

 I saw many chapter comments and paragraph comments when I was translating the article, but the author did not actually receive them in the background, so there was no way to reply!I think I saw the comments, dear, you can leave more comments in the comment area!Be careful~
(End of this chapter)

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