Chapter 223: He smiled like Eunuch Chen!
Only Xiao Zuo and Chen Tingting were left sitting on the table.

Xiao Zuo had finished his porridge and looked at Luo Jiuli coming in with a smile on his face, as attentive as he wanted.

However, this smiling face made Luo Jiuli feel extremely uncomfortable, and he didn't bother to speak at all.

As for that, I just promised to teach him Xuanmen techniques. It’s not certain whether he can learn it or not!

He smiled like Eunuch Chen!
Chen Tingting didn't say anything early in the morning, she just sat on the edge and drank porridge.

Her eyes were blue and listless, as if she hadn't slept well.

When everyone finished the porridge and put away their bowls, a crisp sound broke the peace in the room.

Even Aunt Chen, who was resting in the room, hurriedly walked out with a cane and looked at the broken bowl on the floor, "Oh, what's going on? Ating, why are you so listless so early in the morning? Did you not sleep well last night? How is your hand? Are there any scratches? "

"No, I'm fine." Chen Tingting shook her head repeatedly and squatted down to pick it up, "Hiss!"

The fingertip was cut by the bowl fragment, and dark red blood oozed out.

"Ouch! Why are you so careless, kid!" Aunt Chen frowned, and hurriedly picked up a crutch and pointed it into the house, "Quickly, come here, come here, there is medicine in the house, come here and give it to you. medicine."

"Aunt Chen, please sit down. I'll help her with the medicine." Luo Jiuli volunteered, got up and walked into Aunt Chen's house.

She looked at the three cabinets in the room, one large and two small, and asked, "Which cabinet is the medicine in?"

"On the side, the biggest one on the side." Aunt Chen said, "The key is under the pillow, the one tied with the red rope is the one."

Luo Jiuli took out the key from under the pillow and opened the cabinet. The smell of meat hit his nostrils.

It turns out that this cabinet is the same cabinet where the pheasants and rabbits that Xiao Zuo brought were kept.

She took out the ointment that Aunt Chen mentioned from among the many small things in the middle of the cabinet, applied it to Chen Tingting, and then wrapped it in a cloth.

"Thank you, Wang...Miss Luo." Chen Tingting didn't know what happened, but she almost blurted out and called Luo Jiuli the princess. Fortunately, she changed her words at the end in time.

Luo Jiuli looked at Chen Tingting's haggard look and frowned slightly, "Did you not sleep well? Or something happened??"

Chen Tingting took back her hand, "It's okay, I just had a nightmare last night and didn't sleep well. It's okay."

"Nightmare?" Luo Jiuli frowned even more tightly, "What kind of nightmare is it??"

"Concubine...I, I don't remember much, anyway, it was a very scary nightmare!"

Even though Chen Tingting could no longer remember the situation in her dream, as soon as she thought of the existence of that dream, a chill ran down her spine, and her face turned a little pale, making her look very haggard.

"A very scary dream?" Luo Jiuli frowned and said in a low voice, "Is the talisman I gave you still there?"

"Spirit talisman?" Chen Tingting's mind was stuck and she couldn't react for a while.

Xiao Zuo was sweeping the floor with a broom. He couldn't see past and reminded: "Just yesterday, didn't Sister Luo draw three talismans? She gave you one and asked you to carry it with you."

"Oh! Yes, yes, the magic talisman is there, it is there." Chen Tingting suddenly remembered after Xiao Zuo reminded her.

She hurriedly took out the magic talisman from her arms and forced a smile, "I didn't expect that I didn't sleep well at night, my mind was not clear, and I couldn't even remember such a simple thing."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli responded perfunctorily, looking down at the magic talisman, "Put it away, remember, never leave!"

There was no sign of damage to the talisman, so the ghost must have not come yet, and she was making a fuss out of it. "Yes." Chen Tingting subconsciously obeyed Luo Jiuli.

She put away the talisman, stood up and grabbed the broom in her little left hand, "I'll sweep it, I'll sweep it."

"You child, how many times did the old lady tell you not to light the ever-burning lamp for that evil woman? If you don't believe it, you have to go!"

"Are you okay now? You must have been haunted by that evil woman! You must have had a nightmare!!"

Aunt Chen was so anxious that she poked the ground with her crutches.

"Go find your third cousin in a moment and ask him to take a look at it, and then buy something from him that can be illuminated so that you can ward off evil spirits!"

Chen Tingting swept the broken bowls on the floor into a pile, swept some other garbage in the house, and then shoveled the garbage up with a dustpan.

As he walked out, he said, "Mom, this has nothing to do with me going to light the chandelier, and my cousin Xiuying has been raped..."

At this point, Chen Tingting realized something was wrong and stopped in time.

Chen Tingting had already walked into the courtyard. Aunt Chen looked at the figure with her back turned and asked, "What happened? What happened to that evil woman? Just finish talking!"

Chen Tingting pretended not to hear and stopped talking.

But when she came back after taking out the trash, Aunt Chen asked again, "What did you mean by that just now? What happened to that evil woman?"

"It's nothing." Chen Tingting continued to shovel the remaining garbage, "Anyway, I haven't been pestered by cousin Xiuying."

"It's just an ordinary nightmare, nothing important."

Aunt Chen didn't know that Yang Xiuying had been trapped in the talisman by Luo Jiuli.

As long as Chen Tingting is still protecting her for the kindness she had when she followed her boss to the capital.

"I just had a nightmare the night I came back from lighting the lantern for that evil woman. You still said it had nothing to do with her? And you said you weren't pestered by her??"

The dustpan is made of bamboo. It can shovel large garbage, but can only sweep out small garbage.

Chen Tingting swept the small garbage beside the eaves, and a hen flew by, fanning the dust everywhere.

"Ahem, cough, cough." Chen Tingting choked on the dust and cleared her throat before saying, "Even if I am haunted by a ghost, I will never be Xiuying's cousin."

"Auntie, don't worry. It's okay. It's just an ordinary nightmare. It's over. It's no big deal."

"You! You kid! You really want to piss me off!" Aunt Chen looked anxious. "Do you know what the consequences will be if you really get entangled with those things?"

"Look at the guy from the next village. Such a big old man got entangled in those things and died in his bed within two days."

"Tell me about you. You just came back from lighting the chandelier, and you had nightmares at night. How can I not think more about it?"

"The old man from the next village, I heard that he was just like you two days before his death. After eating the funeral meal, he started to have nightmares when he got home."

"I just had a funeral meal and got into trouble with those dirty things without entering the mourning hall. It's better for you. Not only did you enter the mourning hall, but you also lit a lantern for me. When I came back, I started to have nightmares again. There are so many coincidences. You let my mother-in-law How can we not be afraid? How can we not think too much??"

(End of this chapter)

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