Chapter 224 Maybe he’s still alive, but not necessarily

"Oh! Grandma!" Chen Tingting put down the broom and walked out with the garbage. "Don't worry, it's okay."

"Why is it okay!" Aunt Chen said earnestly, "You kids just don't believe in evil and you have to wait until something goes wrong to regret it!"

"But you don't want to think about it. If something happens, you won't even have time to regret it!"

"Please listen to my mother-in-law. She will not harm you. You can go to your third cousin's place soon. He must have those things to ward off evil spirits."

Chen Tingting came back from taking out the garbage, put the dustpan next to the broom, walked closer, took Aunt Chen's hand and said coquettishly: "Mom, I have to do laundry soon. I was very busy in the morning, so I won't go to my third cousin's place. And Don’t I still have Zhang Lingfu on me, look!”

Chen Tingting took out the magic talisman just now and showed it to Aunt Chen.

Aunt Chen looked at the talisman and asked, "Is this painted by Jiuli?"

Luo Jiuli said, "Yeah."

"Yes, it was painted by Miss Luo." Chen Tingting leaned her head on Aunt Chen's shoulder, "Miss Luo is very good. When she was drawing the talisman yesterday, she could finish it in just a few strokes."

Chen Tingting knew that Luo Jiuli didn't want to reveal his magic skills, so she concealed the fact that Xiuying's cousin was trapped by him, and instead used the painting of talismans to praise Luo Jiuli.

However, Mrs. Chen did not accept this kind of compliment.

After all, if doodling counts as painting, she can do it!
Aunt Chen held Chen Tingting's hand and motioned her to put the talisman away.

He said politely, "How long can a magic talisman protect you? If you add something that is illuminated, it will be better."

Aunt Chen said and looked at Luo Jiuli, "Jiuli, do you think so?"

Luo Jiuli knew that Mrs. Chen could not trust her, and understood her motherly heart. He nodded and said, "Yes, a magic talisman can protect you once at most. Moreover, this is my first time to draw a talisman. Is it effective?" I do not know!"

"If there is something that is turned on at this time, it will definitely be more secure."

"Well, yes, that's it." Aunt Chen nodded and glanced at Chen Tingting, "Did you hear that? Look how sensible Jiuli is. You two are similar in age. She knows that this will be more secure. How can you kid? Are you so clueless?"

"Jiu Li got married, and look at you, you haven't even decided to get married yet, don't let me worry!"

When the marriage was mentioned, Chen Tingting stiffened and said, "Haha, my daughter also wants to stay with you at home for a few more years!"

"Stay with me for a few more years!" Aunt Chen reacted fiercely, "Count on your hands. How many times have you returned home in the past two years? During the holidays, you..."

Seeing that Aunt Chen was getting more and more enthusiastic as she spoke, Chen Tingting hurriedly interrupted her, "Oh! I know, I know!!"

She let go of Aunt Chen's hand, stood up and walked into the house, "My daughter will go wash her clothes first. After washing her clothes, she will go to her third cousin's house."

"Oh! Why do you want to wash clothes? Why do you want to wash clothes when your hands are scratched? You put them away for two days and then wash them when your hands are ready. If it doesn't work, I will wash them for you later. You go to your three tables first. Uncle, otherwise we will have to go to the fields to find him later."

While Aunt Chen was talking, Chen Tingting had already walked out of the house with her clothes.

"I want you to help me wash it! If your legs and feet are inconvenient, you should just sit and rest. I will do all the work!"

"You kid, you all say things have priorities." Aunt Chen was very anxious, "Which is more important, laundry or your life, and you can't tell the difference?!"

"Okay, okay, then I'll go now. I'll go now." Chen Tingting threw her clothes in the basin and walked out.

Aunt Chen looked at Chen Tingting's leaving figure, sighed heavily, and said to Luo Jiuli beside her, "This child cares very much about other people's affairs, but he doesn't care about his own affairs at all. Don't worry!" Luo Jiuli smiled, "Your daughter has a good heart just like you."

"Alas!" Aunt Chen sighed again, "What kind of person can be kind-hearted but not kind-hearted? The old lady is different from her. The old lady only has good intentions towards good people, but if she deals with bad people, her heart can be very hard."

A trace of nostalgia arose in Aunt Chen's eyes, "This child follows his father and feels pity when he sees someone pitiful. Even if that person was bad before, he would still be extremely sympathetic."

"Cause and reincarnation, good people will be rewarded, so you don't need to worry too much." Luo Jiuli comforted Aunt Chen.

"Alas!" Aunt Chen looked up at the sky outside, "The old man often said this before. He reminded me that no matter how difficult it is, the old woman would always do good deeds, but sometimes I can't help but think that there is really cause and effect in the world. Reincarnation?"

"If this is the case, why did the old man do so many good deeds, but in the end he died a violent death!"

Aunt Chen must have loved her deceased husband miserably, but even after so many years, her eyes still get wet when she mentions it.

Luo Jiuli couldn't bear to look at Yu, and said tentatively, "Maybe he's still alive."

"What?" Aunt Chen looked away, looked at Luo Jiuli and asked again uncertainly, "What did you just say?"

"I said, maybe it's not certain that your husband-in-law is still alive." Luo Jiuli repeated patiently.

Just treat it like giving Aunt Chen a vaccination in advance, and after her health improves, we will make a fortune for her and calculate her direction as soon as possible.

After figuring it out by then, Aunt Chen shouldn't be too excited if she knows her husband is still alive...

"Haha." Aunt Chen smiled, not taking it seriously, just thinking that Luo Jiuli was coaxing her.

She pulled Luo Jiuli to sit down beside her, patted Luo Jiuli's hand, and said with a look of relief, "Good boy, I know how to make my aunt happy."

"Although I hope what you said is true, I am still confused. Fantasy is fantasy after all, and reality is reality after all. The old man is gone, just gone."

Aunt Chen was in a low mood and started to cry a little at the end. She wiped the wet corners of her eyes with her wrinkled hands.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this so early in the morning. Madam is tired and needs to take a rest first."

Aunt Chen stood up with a cane, looking lonely.

Luo Jiuli knew that she missed her husband.

Xiao Zuo looked at Aunt Chen's leaving figure and sighed heavily, "Alas!"

Luo Jiuli tilted his head, as if he had just noticed his presence, "Didn't you leave? Why are you still here?"

"Me!" Xiao Zuo's panic and melancholy were swept away by Luo Jiuli, "Why am I not here?"

"Besides, I've always been here, okay! When did I leave?"

"Okay!" Luo Jiuli stood up, stretched and yawned, "Then you go on, I'll go take a nap first."

"Hey! No, no!" Xiao Zuo saw Luo Jiuli was about to leave and hurriedly reached out to stop her, "Didn't you say you wanted to teach me..."

(End of this chapter)

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