The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 226 If you can’t beat me, sue your parents!

Chapter 226 If you can’t beat me, sue your parents!
"Yes." Wei Yan responded.

Luo Jiuli had just walked away, and before Wei Yan could send a message, Jun Mohan's voice came from inside the house.

"You go with her and protect her."

It was clear from both words that even though Jun Mohan was not outside, he still knew quite a bit about what was going on outside.

This means that he has good internal strength. Even if he is lying on the hospital bed, he can still clearly perceive what is going on outside, including every word spoken by Luo Jiuli and Xiao Zuo. He can hear clearly and clearly.

Luo Jiuli walked towards the village very fast. She turned her head and looked at Wei Yan who was following him and asked, "What are you doing here? What will Jun Mohan do when you come? Go back quickly."

Wei Yan made no move to go back. He followed Luo Jiuli, "Master asked his subordinates to follow the madam to protect the madam."

Luo Jiuli said, "Isn't Xiao Zuo here? I don't need your protection."

Wei Yan'嘁! ' He said, without even looking at Xiao Zuo, and said, "It's because of his presence that the master is worried!"

There was no ambiguity between men and women in Wei Yan's words, but... a little contempt?Contempt? ?

despise! ?Contempt! ! ? ?
"..." When Xiao Zuo thought of this, he couldn't stop talking, "No, you, you, what do you mean? You dislike my martial arts skills? Can't protect Sister Luo???"

Wei Yan did not speak, but looked at Xiao Zuo with a look that said, "Yes, you are a weakling."

Xiao Zuo almost became so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.

He rolled up his sleeves with both hands and was very unconvinced, "Humph! You actually dare to look down on me!"

"I'm telling you, don't look down on others, I'm very powerful!"

Xiao Zuo protested, but no one paid him any attention. Luo Jiuli was busy walking, thinking too much about the missing corner of the magic talisman Xiao Zuo drew, so he couldn't care less about paying attention to him.

Wei Yan followed Luo Jiuli and didn't even bother to talk to this little brat.

That's right, it's a little brat!
He's younger than Luo Jiuli, so what is he if he's not a brat?

Xiao Zuo was depressed. He ran over and grabbed Luo Jiuli's wrist. Before he could say anything, Wei Yan forcibly separated him from him.

Xiao Zuo was stubborn and pulled Luo Jiuli's sleeves hard, refusing to let go.

He looked at Wei Yan angrily, "What are you doing! Jun Mohan asked you to protect Sister Luo, not to monitor her. What happened to me holding her hand! You don't care about that!!"

"Men and women cannot be intimate." Wei Yan pulled off Xiao Zuo's last few fingers.

"Hmph!" Xiao Zuo looked unhappy when his hand was opened, and he tried to hold Luo Jiuli's arm again, but Wei Yan stopped him from all directions and angles, causing him to even touch a piece of Luo Jiuli's sleeve. Not on.

In terms of IQ, Wei Yan is not necessarily better than Xiao Zuo.

In terms of Qing Gong, Wei Yan is not necessarily better than Xiao Zuo.

But in terms of force, Wei Yan defeated Xiao Zuo [-]%.

Xiao Zuo struggled with Wei Yan to no avail and felt very aggrieved, "Sister Luo! He bullied me!! Please take care of him quickly!!!"

Wei Yan: “…………”

He is indeed a little brat!
If you can't fight, sue your parents!
Luo Jiuli retracted his thoughts and glanced at the two people who were still entangled. "It's unclear whether men and women can accept each other. Wei Yan was right."

Luo Jiuli's words made Xiaozuo's face fall instantly, "...Sister Luo, you, you, you actually help others to speak, and you don't even help me!"

"I'm here to help with marriage, not marriage." Luo Jiuli said it matter-of-factly, but he was thinking in his heart.

Damn it, let you remember a small thing for ten years!

Let you keep calling me a scumbag!
Ah!I won’t help you! !I won’t help you! ! !

I'm so mad at you! ! ! !
Xiao Zuo may not necessarily listen to what others say, but Xiao Zuo will definitely listen to what Luo Jiuli says.Xiao Zuo pursed his lips and said aggrievedly, "Oh!"

He felt that what Luo Jiuli said was reasonable, so he really stopped entangled with Wei Yan.

But after thinking about it, I felt aggrieved and felt that something was wrong.

He looked up at Luo Jiuli and said, "Sister Luo, you have protected me since I was a child. Although we are not biological siblings, we are already better than biological siblings. We..."

Before Xiao Zuo finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wei Yan: "What's wrong with siblings? Even if they are siblings, they have to avoid suspicion when they grow up."

"Oh!" Xiao Zuo muttered, unhappy.

In fact, Xiao Zuo has been walking with Qiao Su all year round. It's not that he doesn't understand these principles, but he feels that this traditional concept cannot be applied to him and Luo Jiuli.

Because he and Luo Jiuli are really very, very close, very, very good siblings.


Seeing Xiao Zuo being unhappy, Luo Jiuli suddenly felt that he was too angry with him.

So, she turned around and patted Xiao Zuo on the shoulder, "Okay, don't be upset. I'm angry with you. We two siblings don't care about this. It's just that there are many people on the road to prevent others from making random comments. Or It’s better to avoid it.”

"Today's world is tolerant to men, but not necessarily to women. When the time comes, others will not attack you, but they will attack me with the most vicious words."

"I still have to live in the village for half a month, but I don't want to be pissed off by those messy people and their messy words."

"If others attack me, that's not what you want to see, right?"

"Of course it's not what I want to see!" Xiao Zuo clenched his fists, "If anyone dares to speak ill of Sister Luo, I will beat him to the ground!"

"Haha." Luo Jiuli smiled happily, "That's right, that little kid has grown up! Although he's not as easy to fool as he was when he was a child, he can finally protect others!"

Xiao Zuo: “…………”

Is this a compliment? ? ?

"Wang, Luo, Miss Luo!"

Luo Jiuli followed the sound and saw that it was Chen Tingting walking towards them around the corner.

"What are you doing? Where are you going??" Chen Tingting stopped in front of Luo Jiuli and asked.

"Yang Xiuying's family." Luo Jiuli said.

Chen Tingting was stunned for a moment, looking a little unnatural, "Go, what are you going to do at cousin Xiuying's house?"

Luo Jiuli glanced at Chen Tingting without saying anything, as if he had gained insight into something.

Chen Tingting was inexplicably panicked and stammered, "I, I was passing by Xiuying's cousin's house. My second cousin just changed the permanent light. No, nothing unusual."

Luo Jiuli looked at Chen Tingting, "I didn't say anything, why are you panicking?"

"No, no, I'm not panicking." Chen Tingting was so anxious that she even said the word "concubine".

To be honest, Luo Jiuli just felt something was wrong at first.

So now she just feels something is wrong with Chen Tingting.

"Huh???" Her tone increased, her eyes fixed on Chen Tingting, hoping she would tell the truth.

Chen Tingting moved her hair behind her ears unnaturally, "Look at me, look at me. I didn't sleep well at night. I didn't expect that I don't even have a clear mind today."

(End of this chapter)

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