The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 227: As time goes by, he will become a resentful spirit!

Chapter 227: As time goes by, he will become a resentful spirit!

"I just went to the third cousin's house to look for him. My third cousin said that my third cousin had gone to the fields and asked me to go to the fields to look for him. I didn't expect that I took the wrong way when I went to the fields."

Chen Tingting patted her head as she said, "It seems that I need to get some sleep when I go back soon. Otherwise, if I continue like this, I won't be able to think clearly all day long."

"Yeah." Luo Jiuli took a deep look at Chen Tingting's dark eyes, "There are many roads in the countryside. It's normal for you to go the wrong way if you're not at home all year round."

"Yes, it's normal, it's normal." Chen Tingting turned to look at the road, then turned back to Luo Jiuli and said, "This is not far from cousin Xiuying, let me go with you!"

Luo Jiuli said 'hmm' and continued walking forward.

It was a coincidence that before I walked a few steps, I met the cowherd uncle at the same place last night.

"Hey! It's you two little girls again!" Uncle Niu led the cow and stopped in front of a few people with a smile, "Where are you going so early in the morning?"

After finishing speaking, before several people could respond, Uncle Niu looked at Xiao Zuo next to him, "Why haven't you gone back yet? I hadn't even eaten breakfast when you came over just now. Now that I've finished breakfast, the pigs have been fed." You came out to herd cattle and you haven’t gone back yet.”

"Sister Luo and I haven't seen each other for a long time, so we naturally want to talk more."

In front of outsiders, Xiao Zuo is quite stable.

"Oh!" Uncle Niu smiled and nodded, agreeing: "Yes, we have to talk more after we haven't seen each other for a long time, otherwise the relationship will fade away after being separated for a long time."

"We just finished breakfast, and now we are going to Yang Xiuying's house." Luo Jiuli looked at the cows behind Uncle Niu and asked Uncle Niu, "Where are you herding cows?"

"Why don't we take the cow to the field at the foot of the mountain like yesterday? The grass there is fresh and tender. Yesterday, it had eaten all the grass nearby and it was bare. Today we will move it to the side. "

After Uncle Niu finished speaking, he asked Luo Jiuli, "Didn't you just go to Yang Xiuying's house last night? Why are you going to go there so early in the morning?"

"Let me tell you, for you kids, it's better to go to the mourning hall less often. It's not a good thing if you get entangled with those things."

"Don't worry, we know it well. If I hadn't dropped something, I would never go there again."

Luo Jiuli felt that she must have learned bad things from Jun Mohan, otherwise why would she be telling lies now.

"Did something fall? What thing??" Uncle Niu said enthusiastically, "Otherwise, you go back first and tell me what was dropped. I will go and find it for you when I pass by after grazing the cows later. , I found it and sent it to you, and I didn’t bother you to make another trip.”

"This... No need, no need." Luo Jiuli waved his hands repeatedly, "It's a small thing that fell. It takes a lot of effort to find it. I'll go by myself. I'll just go by myself."

Uncle Niu, "Little thing?"

"Yes! It's very small! It's about the same size as a pin. If you don't look carefully or have bad eyesight, you won't be able to find it."

"That's too small." Uncle Niu pointed to the wrinkled eyelids and said, "Everything is fine for the old man, but his eyesight is not good. This man's eyesight is getting blurry as he gets older."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are in good health." Luo Jiuli stood sideways and said, "Go and herd the cows quickly, otherwise it will be noon again if you are later."

Wei Yan, Chen Tingting and Xiao Zuo followed Luo Jiuli and stood aside to make way for Uncle Niu.

"Oh! OK, OK!!! Then the old man will go to herd the cows first." Uncle Niu led the cows through the middle and said as he walked, "They are all good boys, they are all good boys."

When the four of them arrived at Yang Xiuying's house, the sun had already penetrated the clouds, and accompanied by the morning breeze, it was neither cold nor hot, just right.

'Woof woof woof woof! ! ! ! '

A vicious dog roared from the yard next door, followed closely by the owner's yelling and cursing. "Damn dog! What are you barking at so early in the morning? Shut up!!"

Yang Xiuying's house faces away from the sun, with a black wooden coffin placed in the middle, and the newly replaced evergreen lamp swaying wildly.

The room was dark and deserted, and a gentle breeze blew through, which was a bit scary.

"Luo, Miss Luo, why don't we go back first!" Chen Tingting was timid. She tugged on Luo Jiuli's sleeves and looked at the coffin in the room. "I, I am a little scared. I feel a little nervous on my back. Chill."

Luo Jiuli turned his head and glanced at the sleeve that Chen Tingting was tugging at. Although he didn't say anything, the latter loosened his hand knowingly.

Luo Jiuli then said, "If you are afraid, go back first."

"That's right, if you are afraid, go back first. We are not afraid. Anyway, Sister Luo is here, so there is nothing to be afraid of." Xiao Zuo was not only not afraid, but also looked excited.

"Then... Okay then..." Chen Tingting's voice was like a mosquito, and she followed Luo Jiuli into the mourning hall.

Luo Jiuli walked straight towards the table in the corner.

The talisman on the table is indeed missing a corner as Xiao Zuo drew.

"How about it? I'll just tell you that it doesn't exist here. You still don't believe it!"

Xiao Zuo looked proud, but Luo Jiuli's face didn't look good.

The scratches are long and thin and are caused by man-made damage!

She looked around the room, and there was no trace of the ghost here.

"Did you do it?" Luo Jiuli faced Chen Tingting with a dark face for the first time.

"No, it's not." Chen Tingting lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Luo Jiuli.

With such a guilty conscience, how could Luo Jiuli not notice it.

"Presumptuous!" Luo Jiuli yelled, "How dare you lie? Do you know what you are doing?"

Chen Tingting's heart trembled, and she knelt down, "Princess, have mercy! Princess, have mercy! I, I just felt soft-hearted for a moment, I can't bear it, I can't bear the fact that cousin Xiuying has been trapped on the table for several years."

"Bi, after all, when there was no rice at home, it was Xiuying's cousin who lent me a bowl of rice. Later, it was her eldest son Chen Eunuch who brought me to Beijing. This allowed me to survive to this day. .”

"I beg the princess to please spare me this time for the sake of repaying my kindness."

Luo Jiuli laughed angrily, "You know how to repay your kindness, so you let the whole village suffer?"

Chen Tingting was stunned for a moment and shook her head repeatedly, "No, no, I just let cousin Xiuying go. No, I don't mean to let the whole village suffer."

"Ha!" Luo Jiuli sneered, walked to Chen Tingting, and looked at her condescendingly, "Your cousin Xiuying is very evil, and she will become a resentful spirit if she lingers in the world for a long time."

"No, it won't happen. Cousin Xiuying will definitely reincarnate and won't become a wraith."

"Reincarnation?" Luo Jiuli seemed to have heard some funny joke, "She died suddenly, and her two sons were beheaded because of her deep obsession. If she is willing to reincarnate, why do you think I can see her?"

(End of this chapter)

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