The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 228 Let’s see who will be unlucky enough to be entangled with her

Chapter 228 Let’s see who will be unlucky enough to be entangled with her
Chen Tingting's face turned pale and she froze in place, "No, it's impossible, it won't, it won't..."

"Her evil aura is not worse than that of ordinary ghosts. Do you think I really just want to trap her in the talisman?"

Facing Luo Jiuli's question, Chen Tingting's eyes were filled with tears and she kept repeating, "I don't know who I am! I don't know who I am!!"

"I don't know? Then let me tell you, if she stays in the talisman obediently, for at least two years, the evil spirit in her body will be completely dissipated, and reincarnation will not be a problem by then."

Luo Jiuli knelt down and forcibly looked into Chen Tingting's eyes.

"But she is no longer alive now thanks to your blessing. If she does not reincarnate within a month, the evil spirit will be so strong that she will not be able to reincarnate even if she wants to. Even if she does, she will not be able to reincarnate. Chicken, duck, pig." The dog is her best reincarnation."

"What...what!!" Chen Tingting fell to the ground weakly, tears welling up in her eyes, "Chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs?"

"Oh, you still have time to worry about the dead. You might as well free up your time to worry about the living and see who will be unlucky enough to be entangled by her and become the next undead."

He is really not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.

Luo Jiuli didn't bother to look at her anymore, got up and walked out.

Wei Yan and Xiao Zuo followed closely behind.

After walking a certain distance, Xiao Zuo asked, "Sister Luo, what should I do next? If she runs away, let her run away???"

"Let her run away!" Luo Jiuli was furious, "What a dog! Pig teammate! I don't have enough internal strength, and I worked hard to collect the ghost, but in the end, she was killed by her after just one night Let it go!"

Luo Jiuli turned to look at Wei Yan, "You too! Aren't you always guarding the door? When she goes out, you don't know how to stop her! You are also a pig teammate!"

Wei Yan, who was innocently lying at gunpoint: "..."

So, blame him!
"People went out at dawn, saying they were hunting wild boar grass, so I..."

"Bah! What kind of wild boar grass are you trying to fight? Even pigs don't even have wild boar grass to fight with!"

"If you don't admit it when she says you are a pig teammate, you will believe whatever she says!"

"Even if you don't go with me, you should let a secret guard follow you. There are so many secret guards who can't even keep a lookout for a woman. What's the point of eating?"

Once back before liberation, Luo Jiuli was really angry!

Do you really think that it takes no effort for her to draw the magic talisman?

Wei Yan was so scolded that he dared not speak.

Xiao Zuo asked, "What should we do next? Let her run away and run away? Ignore it???"

"What the hell! Never mind!!"

Luo Jiuli waved his hand and walked forward angrily, leaving Wei Yan alone and Xiao Zuo stopped in place.

However, after a while, Luo Jiuli, who had not taken a few steps, fell back again.

She pointed at Xiao Zuo and said, "You, take me to the village."

"Ah????" Xiao Zuo was confused.

"Ah, what? I want you to take me to the village."

Xiao Zuo scratched the back of his head and looked left and right with a confused look. There were rows of neat houses on both sides.

"Aren't you in the village now?"

"Well, let's start shopping from there."

Luo Jiuli pointed to a house at the front of the row and took the lead to walk over.Wei Yan and Xiao Zuo were left confused. They looked at each other and hurriedly followed Luo Jiuli's footsteps.

The three of them walked to the house at the front.

Looking at the closed courtyard door, Luo Jiuli tilted his chin towards Xiao Zuo and signaled, "Go and call the door."

"Huh??? Why should I go?" Xiao Zuo looked unhappy.

"Besides you, is there anyone among the three of us who is familiar with the villagers?" Luo Jiuli said matter-of-factly, "If you take us to visit, who will if you don't knock on the door?"

"Visiting?" Xiao Zuo said, "Aren't you visiting the village???"

Luo Jiuli crossed his arms and said, "It's changed now, can't it?"

"Yes, yes, but you have to tell me why you changed it temporarily, right?"

"I like it, I'm happy." Luo Jiuli gave two reasons casually, then raised his foot and kicked Xiao Zuo, "Hurry up, I'm asking you to call the door and you're still lingering."

Xiao Zuo staggered forward two steps after being kicked, covered his buttocks, and said stubbornly: "I don't! Unless you tell me first why we came to visit you instead? You were obviously very angry just now and wanted to go back, and now you suddenly fell back and wanted to go back." string…………"

"Oh!" Xiao Zuo said, his eyes suddenly lit up, "I know!! I know!!"

"You know what the heck, hurry up and call the door!" Luo Jiuli urged impatiently.

"So what you just said was angry, right? What do you mean by not caring about the ghost after it runs away? You obviously want to take care of it, but you have to take care of it!"

"Otherwise, why would you drag me here to visit? Isn't it just to see who the ghost is haunting so that you can subdue it again!"

Xiao Zuozheng was happy that he had seen through Luo Jiuli's behavior. He circled around Luo Jiuli with a smile, but was suddenly kicked in the butt by Luo Jiuli.

"Ouch!" Xiao Zuo held his buttocks in pain, "Why did you kick me again!"

"I asked you to call the door, but you insist on talking so much nonsense, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, chirping, nagging, you insist on talking so much nonsense!"

The ghost that he had worked so hard to collect was suddenly released by Chen Tingting, and Luo Jiuli was indeed very angry.

However, human life was at stake, and it was over after she had vented her feelings. She could still figure out what was light and what was serious.

We can't really watch the people in the village being entangled by Yang Xiuying and end up dying in vain for no reason!

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't use her internal strength and her energy was limited, it wouldn't be appropriate to count. Otherwise, there would be no need for her to search for each house, she could just count with her fingers and it would be over.

"Hey! Xiao Zuo! Why are you here?"

A middle-aged man as thin as a bamboo pole, wearing coarse clothes, approaching from a distance with a hoe on his shoulder, looked at Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan, "Who are these two?"

"This is my senior sister, this is me..." The little left hand pointed at Wei Yan and smiled slyly, "Junior brother, this is my junior brother."

"Junior brother???" The middle-aged man placed the hoe against the wall. He must be the male owner of the house that Luo Jiuli and the others wanted to enter.

He held the wall with his hands, stepped hard on his feet, and shook off the excess mud on his shoes. He looked back at Luo Jiuli, then looked at Wei Yan seriously, and said suspiciously: "Why do I think that your junior brother is better than me?" Are you older?"


Wei Yan opened his mouth to say something, but Xiao Zuo hurriedly interrupted: "Oh! Fifth Uncle! We don't judge brothers by their age, but by the time they entered the school. He started before me. Late, naturally he is junior brother."

"Oh!" The person Xiao Zuo called fifth uncle nodded clearly, and his eyes moved to Luo Jiuli, "Then this little girl looks younger than you, but she is your senior sister. She entered the school before you. Earlier???”

(End of this chapter)

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