Chapter 229: Actually not that familiar

Xiao Zuo also looked back at Luo Jiuli and smiled innocently, "Hey, right? Do I look more like her brother?"

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "Boring!"

He looks old, and I don't know what's wrong with him.

I still want to be her brother, daydreaming!
"Hahahahaha." Uncle Chen smiled and opened the door, "Come in now, come in and sit down. It will be noon in a while. When your fifth aunt comes back, I will ask her to cook something good for you to eat."

"Fifth Aunt is out?" Xiao Zuo was about to visit, but Xiao Zuo was not polite and followed him in.

Uncle Chen Wu said, "Yes! She went out with me in the morning, and I went to the ground. She went back to her parents' house, and she should be on her way back now."

Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan walked at the end.

Entering the yard, Uncle Chen Wu brought melons and fruits grown at home for them to eat.

Xiao Zuo was chatting with Uncle Chen Wu, while Luo Jiuli was eating fruits and roving around the yard with his eyes, not noticing the scent of the ghost. He stuffed the fruits into his mouth, stood up and asked, "I wonder where the latrine is?" "

"The latrine?" Uncle Chen Wu pointed to the main room, "Go in from here. There is a small door there. After exiting the small door, turn left. The latrine is in the kitchen."

After speaking, Uncle Chen Wu was afraid that Luo Jiuli wouldn't be able to find him, so he pushed Xiao Zuo twice with his hand, "Quickly, take your senior sister to the latrine."

"Oh! Okay!" Xiao Zuo knew that Luo Jiuli didn't want to go to a hut at all. He must have not seen the ghost's breath in the yard, so he wanted to go to the house to take a look.

He led Luo Jiuli inside. Sure enough, Luo Jiuli was not in a hurry to go to the latrine. When he entered the main room, he looked left and right.

"What did you see?" Xiao Zuo asked.

Luo Jiuli looked around and shook his head, "No."

Luo Jiuli also took a look at the rooms connected to both sides of the main house, but found no scent of ghosts.

"Then take a look at the kitchen and latrine." Xiao Zuo led Luo Jiuli out through the small door on the side.

After looking at the kitchen and latrines, I couldn't find the scent of ghosts.

The two of them returned to the courtyard. Chen Wushu was talking to Wei Yan, "Young man, can we get married? I have a cousin who is about the same age as you. If you don't have any objections, I can introduce you to each other."

Wei Yan said, "I'm not married yet, but I already have a fiancée at home."

"That's it!" Uncle Chen Wu was a little disappointed, "I see that you are tall and tall, and you are quite popular. I think you and my cousin are a perfect match!"

"Haha!" Xiao Zuo approached with a smile, "Uncle Wu, you might as well introduce him to me! I don't have a fiancée!"

"Really?" Uncle Chen looked back at Xiao Zuo, "You kid, you didn't want to introduce me to you in the past, but now you really want Uncle Wu to introduce you to a wife?"

"Hey! No, no, no, no!" Xiao Zuo waved his hands repeatedly, "I'm kidding you! I'm still young and can't marry a wife yet!"

"16 years old is still young?" Luo Jiuli said, "Are you a giant baby??"

Although Uncle Chen Wu and Wei Yan didn't know what the giant baby meant, they also knew that it wasn't a nice thing to say, and they laughed loudly.

"You're a giant baby!" Xiao Zuo pretended to glare fiercely at Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli ignored it and rolled his eyes to let him figure it out.

The three of them sat for a while and then stood up to leave.

"Hey! Why are you leaving right now?" Uncle Chen tried to persuade him to stay, "It's not even noon yet. Let's stay and have lunch before we leave. Your fifth aunt will be back soon, so you guys should stay and have lunch before we leave!" "

"No, no, no."

Xiao Zuo and Luo Jiuli had already agreed to leave when they came out of the hut. The reason why they took so long to say goodbye was just to make it less abrupt.Xiao Zuo waved to Uncle Chen Wu, "We still have things to do here. You go and do your business. Don't worry about us. Let's go first. Let's go first."

After leaving Uncle Chen Wu's house, Xiao Zuo took Luo Jiuli and Wei Yan to sit in every house in the village.

At the beginning, they would still greet each other and chat about some gossip. Later, as it approached noon, the speed became faster and faster. They didn't care about the greetings. They just found an excuse to go in and take a look. If they didn't find the ghost's aura, they turned around and left. .

Until the last family in the village turned out to be Ersao Chen's family.

Second Sister-in-law Chen was cooking, and there were a lot of old people and children at home. When she saw Luo Jiuli coming to the door, she excitedly took the spatula and wanted to hug her.

When Wei Yan saw this, he hurriedly stood in front of Luo Jiuli.

If Mrs. Chen hadn't opened her eyes and stopped in time, she would have hugged her.

She put her hands on her hips in dissatisfaction, "Hey! You're a man, what's the matter with me holding Jiuli in front of you?!"

After Chen Ersao finished speaking, before Wei Yan could speak, she stood aside and complained to Luo Jiuli, "Jiuli, you are not a very sensible guard! When I hug you, I am not hugging him. Why is he blocking me in front of me?" "

"If I hadn't known you well! I would have thought he was a gangster trying to trick me into hugging him!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Ha ha…………

I've only met him once, but I'm actually not that familiar with him.

oh!Yes, once is raw, twice is familiar.

If you count carefully, this is the third time they have met.

The first time was at the entrance of the village, when Sister-in-law Chen went to do laundry. She happened to meet her as she was returning to the village from town on Uncle Niu's cart wearing men's clothes.

But she was wearing men's clothes at that time, so it's unclear whether Second Sister-in-law Chen recognized her.

The second time was at Aunt Chen's house. The plate of fish that was half-cooked, fishy and salty was still unforgettable to Luo Jiuli.

The third time is now...

"Hehehe." Luo Jiuli smiled awkwardly and came out from behind Wei Yan, "This guard of mine... the protector cares about the protector, second sister-in-law, don't mind, don't mind."

"Hey! Protecting the Lord is a good thing! Our relationship is so good, so why should we mind! I don't mind, I don't mind!!"

Sister-in-law Chen waved the spatula and tried to hug Luo Jiuli again, but a little girl grabbed her sleeve.

The little boy's eyes were clear and clear, black and white. He looked at Luo Jiuli and asked, "Auntie, who is this fairy sister?"

"Hey! Little baby!" Sister-in-law Chen knelt down and kissed the little girl's fair and tender face with a rare look on her face. "This fairy sister is the one with the best vision that I told you last time. Bit!"

"Have you got a good taste?" The little one blinked twice, bit a finger, tilted his head and thought for a while, then said with a cute look on his face, "Is it the fairy sister who praised grandma for the delicious fish roast last time?"

"Hey! Yes, yes!!!" Sister-in-law Chen pinched the little one's face again, "You all said that the fish I cooked was unpalatable, fishy and salty, but I see, it was you who got it in your mouths one by one. That’s right!”

"This fairy sister comes from the capital. She eats food from big restaurants. But she said, the fish that my mother cooked last time was comparable to that. What kind of restaurant is this from?"

"Ruyi Restaurant." Luo Jiuli continued.

"Oh! Yes, yes! It's Ruyi Restaurant! It's Ruyi Restaurant!!"

 I will revise the article later…………

(End of this chapter)

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