The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 230 What do you think of the winter melons in our village?

Chapter 230 What do you think of the winter melons in our village?
"This fairy sister said that the fish cooked by Aniang can be compared with the chef of Ruyi Restaurant, the first restaurant in the capital!"

"Really? The food in the restaurant is the same as grandma's cooking?" The little boy looked at Luo Jiuli with his big eyes open, as if I'm still young, don't lie to me.

"...Haha." Luo Jiuli smiled awkwardly.

What a fart!

She just said it casually, but who knew Mrs. Chen actually remembered it and went home to show off.

If it were her, she wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

Not hearing what Luo Jiuli said, Mrs. Chen also turned her head and looked over.

Luo Jiuli had no choice but to say again without conscience, "Hehehe, what about... The fish cooked by Sister-in-law Chen last time was indeed delicious, delicious and tender in texture, but..."

"Everyone has different tastes, so...well, the food that I think is delicious may not be delicious to you. very normal, hehe, it's normal."

After receiving such praise from Luo Jiuli, Sister-in-law Chen automatically ignored the next few words, "Did you hear it? It tastes delicious and the meat is tender. What a high praise it is, it's not like you just gave my mother one word, Chai!"

"Aniang! Come in quickly!! The vegetables are almost burnt!!!"

The anxious voice of a child came from the kitchen.

Only then did Sister-in-law Chen remember that there were still vegetables being stir-fried in the pot, and immediately let go of the little one, "Here it comes! Here it is!!"

She stood up and looked at Luo Jiuli, "You guys came at the right time. We'll have lunch at Second Sister-in-law's place."

"This... no... no need..."

Before Luo Jiuli finished speaking, Sister-in-law Chen turned to the old man who was sitting at the door and basking in the sun and said, "Auntie, please greet me, I'll go stir-fry first."

The old man has silver hair all over his hair and his ears are hard to hear clearly. "Huh?? What did you say???"

"I said you help me greet them, and I'll go stir-fry first! Otherwise, I won't have anything to eat when my second son comes back soon!"

Sister-in-law Chen's voice became louder, almost like a roar. The old man finally heard it clearly and nodded slowly, "Hey! Okay!! Okay!!! You go cook, the old lady greets them! Go ahead and get busy!!!" !”

"Mommy, the vegetables are burnt!!! Come quickly!!!!"

The anxious voice of the child came from the kitchen again.

"It's coming! It's coming!!" Sister-in-law Chen took the spatula and walked to the kitchen, "Urgent, urging, urging, it's like urging the soul!!"

"Xiaobao, go quickly and bring some stools to your brothers and sisters."

The old man's silver hair refracted in the sun, and he was as old as tree bark. His wrinkled hands supported the back of the chair as he struggled to stand up.

"Come on, little girl, come and sit here!"

The old man was talking about Luo Jiuli. Luo Jiuli passed by, but he did not sit down. Instead, he supported the trembling old man who was standing, "You sit down, you sit down. I will stand for a while. It doesn't matter."

"Hey! How can this work? You are guests, you sit down."

The old man insisted on Luo Jiuli sitting down, but Luo Jiuli refused. Just then, a six or seven-year-old boy came out of the house carrying two stools.

The little boy looks to be two years older than Xiaobao.

He placed the stool next to Luo Jiuli and called obediently, "Sister Fairy, sit down."

Before Luo Jiuli could sit down, he walked over step by step with his short legs and placed another stool on Xiao Zuo, "Brother Xiao Zuo, sit down."

"Hey! Sanbao is so good!" Xiao Zuo touched Sanbao's head.

Xiaobao looked on from the side, tilting his head and pouting, "Brother Xiaozuo, isn't Xiaobao good?"

"Be good! Be good!" Xiao Zuo laughed and reached out to touch Xiaobao's head.

Xiaobao is a girl. She dodged Xiaozuo's hand, "Huh! My mother combed my hair for me! Brother Xiaozuo, please don't touch it!"

The little left hand felt empty, "It's quite stinky."

Xiaobao said with a sweet voice, "Auntie said that children must love beauty." Sanbao brought another stool and placed it at Wei Yan's feet, "Uncle, sit down."

"Hey! Okay!" Wei Yan sat down, holding Sanbao on his lap, "Why are they either brothers or fairy sisters, and they become uncles to me?"

Sanbao said, "Because uncle has a beard!"

Wei Yan has been on the battlefield all year round and doesn't care about his own image. Now he is out all day, so he has no time to shave. There is black stubble around his mouth, and he naturally looks older.

"Hahahahaha." Wei Yan smiled roughly, "You kid is quite honest."

Wei Yan and Xiao Zuo were playing with San Bao and Xiao Bao, while Luo Jiuli and the old man were also talking about their own affairs.

The old man asked Luo Jiuli, "Little girl, how many brothers and sisters do you have in your family?"

Luo Jiuli, "Two."

"Oh! You're the only one!" The old man nodded first, then shook his head, "If you don't have one, no one will be able to support you when you get married."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

"How old is your little girl this year?" the old man asked again.

"." Luo Jiuli said.

"Oh! She's 15 years old!" The old man looked at Luo Jiuli with his cloudy eyes, "Well, she is a beautiful girl! Are you engaged at home?"


Luo Jiuli had never been so speechless in his life.

Afraid that the old man could not hear clearly, she said in a loud voice, "Auntie, I have been married for three years!"

"Oh! You haven't been engaged yet!" The old man stretched out his hand to pull Luo Jiuli, smiled kindly, patted her hand and said, "Why is such a good girl not engaged yet? In this way, can I introduce you to one?"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Xiao Zuo was laughing from the side.

The old man couldn't even hear clearly the words of Luo Jiuli who was sitting next to her, and she didn't even look at Xiao Zuo, so she didn't know he was smiling.

She patted Luo Jiuli's hand and asked, "What do you think of the winter melons in our village?"

Winter melon?

What winter melon? ?

Luo Jiuli was confused.

I don’t know why the topic suddenly came to winter melon? ? ?

It’s August and the winter melons are just in time!
Thinking of this, Luo Jiuli said, "I haven't eaten winter melon this year. I don't know what winter melon is like. Do you want to eat it?"

"What? You haven't seen a winter melon yet??" the old man muttered to himself, "They are all from the same village, how come you haven't seen one!!"

"Oh! But it's okay, you haven't seen my aunt before!!"

"Don't look at that young man. He's short and short, but he's a very nice person! He's also hard-working!"

"Like this, don't leave in a hurry after dinner. I'll ask your second sister-in-law to call Winter Melon over and you two can meet, okay?"

Luo Jiuli was embarrassed, "..."

This 'winter melon' is a person who has been doing it for a long time! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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