Chapter 231 explains loneliness
"No, no need." Luo Jiuli waved his hands repeatedly, imitating Sister-in-law Chen's roar and explaining, "Auntie, I'm already married! I'm married!! I've been married for three years!!!"

"Oh, you kid, why are you so embarrassed about what happened to my aunt? It's okay, your marriage will be taken care of by my aunt!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

She really explained the loneliness!

'Squeak! With a sound, the courtyard door was pushed open, and a man in his thirties came in from the outside carrying two bundles of firewood.

"Hey, there are so many people at home! Hahaha, I was wondering why I heard my mother's voice from so far away. It turns out there are guests."



Seeing the man's figure, Sanbao and Xiaobao immediately ran over.

The man also dropped the two bundles of firewood in his hand, caught the two children who were running towards him, and kissed them hard on their little faces, "Be good, little treasure, be good, three treasures, have you two listened today? What are you saying, mother?"

"Xiaobao is obedient."

"Sambo is also obedient. I have learned all the words my brother taught me when he went to school in the morning!"

"Oh! Really? Our Sambo is so powerful!" The man rubbed Sambo's head, broke off a branch and handed it over, "How about Sambo write it to Dad and read it?"

"Okay!" Sanbao agreed immediately, took the branch and started drawing on the ground. After a while, he wrote a big Chinese character "Chen".

The man was very happy when he saw it, "Oh! Our Three Treasures are so powerful! Then do you know what the written word means?"

Sanbao looked up at the man and thought for a while, "My brother said this character is pronounced Chen, and our surname is Chen, so I taught Sanbao how to write this character first."

"Hey! Yes! This character is Nian Chen! Hahahaha."

The man's face was filled with a happy smile. He held Sanbao and Xiaobao in his arms, got up effortlessly, and walked into the yard.

The old man looked at him and said, "The second child is back!"

It turns out that the man is the master of the family, Chen Laoer.

"Hey! I'm back, grandma."

Chen Laoer has a loud voice, like a walking tweeter. Even if he doesn't shout specifically, the elderly can hear him clearly.

"It's good to be back. Put the child down quickly and put the firewood in the stove. It's time to eat later."

After the old man finished speaking, he continued to say to Luo Jiuli earnestly, "Auntie has a very good sense. That kid from Donggua is not bad, and he is also very diligent. If you believe in Auntie, if you follow him, you will definitely have no worries about food and clothing in the next life." !”

"Don't leave in a hurry after dinner. Auntie asked your second sister-in-law to call the kid Donggua over so that you two can meet."


Just as Luo Jiuli was about to explain, Chen Laoer put down the child and said.

"Auntie, you are such a deaf ear. You have told me many times. You have already been married for several years. Why do you still insist on introducing winter melon to others?"

"What? Got married??" The old man looked at Luo Jiuli and then Chen Laoer with a surprised look on his face, "You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. This kid is obviously 15 years old and hasn't gotten engaged yet!" "Oh, you have such ears!" Chen Laoer fell back to the door and picked up the two bundles of firewood thrown on the ground. "I could hear clearly from a distance outside the door. The girl said that we are getting married. We are getting married." Now, we’ve been married for three years!”

"Oh! That's it!" The old man suddenly realized and turned his head to look at Luo Jiuli, "Getting married???"

Luo Jiuli knew that the old man couldn't hear her clearly, so he nodded and said, "Yeah."

Seeing Luo Jiuli nodding, the old man realized that she had misheard all along. She smiled and apologized: "Oh! My child! I'm sorry! I'm so old and hard of hearing. I can't hear some words." Taiqing, you just waved your hand to prevent the old lady from introducing you, right? Hahahaha, the old lady thought you were embarrassed!"

Luo Jiuli smiled and said nothing, feeling relieved.

Fortunately, Chen Laoer was back, otherwise she would have had to spend a lot of effort explaining.

Knowing that Luo Jiuli was married, the old man stopped trying to introduce her to winter melons and watermelons, and instead talked about how husband and wife should get along.

Luo Jiuli couldn't get a word in, and her eyelids were twitching when she heard it. Taking advantage of the old man's breath, she hurriedly made an excuse. Regardless of whether the old man heard it clearly, she quickly got up and pulled Xiao Zuo over as a substitute. .

Xiao Zuo: “…………”

The older one is busy taking care of the family, while the younger one is too young. No one can talk to the elderly person on weekdays.

The old man was lonely, even if the person in front of her was changed from Luo Jiuli to Xiao Zuo, she could still talk non-stop.

"Xiao Zuo, you kid, you must be nineteen or twenty years old. Why are you still not married? How about I find you a wife?"

Xiao Zuo, who had just sat down, was immediately frightened by the old man's words. He shook his head and waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, I don't want a wife, I don't want a wife."

The old man couldn't hear clearly what Xiao Zuo was saying, but he could understand his movements, "Hey! How can I do it alone without starting a family! When I was young, my aunt didn't want to start a family just like you, but in the end she fell into the hands of your uncle. Let me tell you that when Auntie was young..."

Luo Jiuli looked at all the houses and found no ghosts.

When she came out again, she almost laughed out loud when she saw her little left eyelids were closed and she looked lifeless.

"Ahem." Luo Jiuli cleared his throat, "Let's go and tell Sister-in-law Chen that we're going back first."

"Hey! Okay!!" Xiao Zuo suddenly became energetic and stood up to go to the kitchen to say goodbye to Mrs. Chen.

Sister-in-law Chen came out of the kitchen just in time to carry a plate of dishes, and the two almost bumped into each other. Fortunately, they had quick eyes and quick hands and stopped in time.

"Ouch, what are you kid doing in such a panic!"

"It's nothing." Xiao Zuo regained his usual composure, "Second sister-in-law, Sister Luo and I will leave first if we have anything else to do."

"Leave?!" Sister-in-law Chen's voice became louder, "That's not okay! It's already noon, why do you have to eat before leaving!"

Second Sister-in-law Chen carried the dishes and walked to the main room, "I saw you guys coming just now. I have specially prepared your meals. It will be a waste if you don't eat them."

Second sister-in-law Chen put the dishes on the table and turned to look at Luo Jiuli, "Didn't you say that the food cooked by second sister-in-law is delicious? You happened to be here today, so second sister-in-law prepared a few more dishes, all of which are vegetarian. If you grow it, don’t worry, it won’t taste fishy and you can definitely eat it.”

Luo Jiuli cracked on the spot, "..."

All vegetarian! ! ! ! !
She was just making random nonsense, how could she... take it seriously! ! ! !
Woohoo... She's not a rabbit, she's not a vegetarian! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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