Chapter 232 A mouthful of salt! ! !
"Come on, come on, sit down." Sister-in-law Chen enthusiastically pulled Luo Jiuli to sit down at the table. "The last dish is still burning in the pot. It will be ready soon. If you are really hungry, eat first." ,do not wait for me."

She patted Luo Jiuli on the shoulder and said, "Sit here An Xin and leave after eating. You know, I want you to have a taste of my second sister-in-law's cooking skills today."

Luo Jiuli looked at the two plates of green vegetables on the table that were fried black and green, and swallowed unconsciously.

A little panicked......

She grabbed Second Sister-in-law Chen's sleeve and tried to struggle: "No, Second Sister-in-law, I really have something to do. Besides, if I don't go back to eat at noon, Aunt Chen will definitely wait for us to go back. By then..."

"Hey! What a big deal!" Sister-in-law Chen pulled out her sleeves and put her hand on Luo Jiuli's shoulder, "Isn't it Aunt Chen's place? When the little tiger comes back from school later, I will ask him to go to Aunt Chen's place. Let me tell you this, just sit down and eat in peace, it will be fine."

After Chen Ersao finished speaking, before Luo Jiuli could quibble, she turned around and went out, saying to the two children, "Xiaobao, Sanbao, why don't you call Brother Zuo and this uncle in for dinner."

"Understood, Ma'am."

Xiaobao and the three treasures said in unison, they are very well behaved.

In this way, Luo Jiuli and the other three were forced to stay helplessly.

When the food was served, Sister-in-law Chen kept picking up vegetables for Luo Jiuli.

"Quickly try this dish and this dish to see if it tastes good or not."

"Also, this vegetable and this vegetable are both grown in our own land. Many people grow this vegetable but they all turn out shriveled up. Only our family grows watery, plump, watery, and big vegetables. Please try it quickly to see if it tastes good."

Luo Jiuli looked at the bowl of green, unable to rouse his appetite at all.

But under the expectant look on Mrs. Chen's face, she didn't want to eat it, so she picked up a piece of green vegetables, put it in her mouth, chewed it a few times, and commented decently: "Well, the vegetables are sweet and sweet, and the green vegetables are cooked." The original taste is pretty good.”

The clear soup is devoid of water and tasteless.

What's the difference between eating this and eating grass?
"Hahahaha, Second Sister-in-law knows that you must like to eat! Come on, come on, eat more if you like it!" Second Sister-in-law Chen was keen on picking up vegetables for Luo Jiuli.

After her unremitting efforts, Luo Jiuli's bowl was piled high in a short time.

Looking at the green vegetables in the bowl, Luo Jiuli suddenly felt like he wanted to die, "!!!!!!"

Ahhh! ! ! !

Help! ! ! !

Someone come and save the child! ! ! !
She doesn’t want to be a vegetarian! ! ! ! !

"Pfft!" Xiao Zuo couldn't help laughing, and the rice squirted out of his mouth. Fortunately, he reached out to cover it in time, otherwise he might have sprayed all over the table.

"Huh???" Sister-in-law Chen tilted her head and looked at Xiao Zuo, "Why are you kid laughing? What funny thing did you think of? Tell us and let us be happy too."

"No, nothing."

Xiao Zuo said it was nothing, but the smile at the corner of his mouth remained undiminished.

Luo Jiuli doesn't like vegetarian food, he doesn't like anything meaty, and he doesn't like anything spicy. These little Zuo know it all too well.

But now Mrs. Chen actually let a person who doesn't like meat and spicy food face a bowl of tasteless green vegetables, and made her speechless and forced to eat. How could Xiao Zuo endure it? laugh.

He didn't laugh out loud, it was just to save face.

Luo Jiuli glared at him.

Don't think she doesn't know what he's laughing at!
Ah!laugh!Just laugh!
Let's see how she deals with him when she goes back!
Luo Jiuli narrowed his eyes slightly, took a piece of green vegetable and put it into his mouth. Suddenly, his whole body froze and he almost spit it out.

A pinch of salt! !

What the hell is this dark cuisine! ! !
Seeing Luo Jiuli in a daze, Sister-in-law Chen asked, "What's wrong???"

"No, it's nothing." Luo Jiuli shook his head, put a mouthful of salt wrapped in vegetable leaves in his mouth, and stood up, "Um, you guys eat first, I'll go take a drink of water." After saying that, he turned around and went out. Second Sister-in-law Chen's voice came, "Hey! Jiuli! There is water on the table, where are you going!"

Luo Jiuli ran to the kitchen, found a place with plant ashes, spit out the food in his mouth, and spit out a few mouthfuls of saliva, then rinsed his mouth with water from a spoon, and finally felt better.

By the time she returned to the main room, Wei Yan had almost eaten.

I didn't take more than a few bites of the side dishes and the rice was already finished.

"Come on, come on, Jiuli. You haven't had a few mouthfuls of food yet. Drink water. You should be full after drinking water. Come on, come over and eat. Come over and eat." Ersao Chen greeted Luo Jiuli warmly.

Luo Jiuli smiled slightly, "Second sister-in-law, you don't have to worry about me. I'm really full from drinking water, and I really can't eat now."

Sister-in-law Chen Er saw Luo Jiuli still had a full bowl of food left, "You just took two bites and you can't finish it???"

"Yes." Luo Jiuli said apologetically, "Drink enough water."

Second Sister-in-law Chen, "How can this be possible? You only eat so little. No wonder you are so thin. You are so weak, you need to eat more..."

"Hey! If people say you don't want to eat, you won't eat. Why did you persuade me?"

"Girls in the city are different from those in the village. They don't have to be firm and chubby to look good."

Chen Laoer took a bite of the food and said, "I remember those rich girls like to eat some fruit after meals. If you persuade her to eat, it would be better to cut some fruit for her to eat later."

"No, it doesn't have to be like this..."

Before Luo Jiuli finished speaking, Second Sister-in-law Chen said, "That's fine! It just so happened that Aunt Five brought some oranges over yesterday. Just wait, I'll peel them for you after dinner."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Do you want someone to peel an orange when you eat it?

Is she such a pretentious person? ? ?

"No, no, really no need. We still have things to do. We have to go back in a while. You are busy with your business. Don't worry about us. You really don't need to worry about us."

Luo Jiuli said, looking at Xiao Zuo and urging: "Eat quickly, you can leave after eating."

"Oh! Okay!!" Xiao Zuo picked up the rice vigorously.

Second Sister-in-law Chen put the green vegetables with chopsticks into his bowl, "Why are you kid just eating without eating vegetables? This is not okay."

Xiao Zuo paused while picking up the rice, "...Thank you, second sister-in-law."

"It's okay, it's okay, eat more, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

After lunch, Luo Jiuli and the others wanted to leave, but Mrs. Chen refused to let her go, insisting that she eat an orange before leaving.

After finishing the oranges, they were asked to sit and play for a while before leaving.

Finally, when the three of them left Chen Ersao's house, it was past midnight, the sun was setting, and there were villagers coming and going on the road, most of them busy going to the fields.

The three of them walked side by side. Luo Jiuli asked Xiao Zuo, "Have we finished walking through all the houses in the village?"

Xiao Zuo nodded and said, "Yes, we have all left one by one."

"Hey! Xiao Zuo! Where are you going?"

Some villagers greeted Xiao Zuo.

(End of this chapter)

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