Chapter 233: Such a mistake must be remembered
"Go to Aunt Chen's house." Xiao Zuo looked at the man who greeted him and was carrying a hoe, "Uncle, it's hot today, why are you going to the fields so early?"

"Oh! There is a lot of work in my field. If I don't go now, I won't be able to do much if it's late. It will be dark again, so I don't have to go early."

The man walked in front carrying a hoe.

"I won't tell you anymore. You have to go to the ground quickly, otherwise you won't be able to do anything if you're too late."

"Hey! Okay, okay, you go first! Go first!!" Xiao Zuo watched the man walk away for a while, and then asked Luo Jiuli in a low voice, "Sister Luo, all the villagers have looked at the houses and there is no trace of the ghost, so what should we do now? what to do?"

"Is it possible that the ghost has already left Chenjiacun and gone to another place?" Wei Yan said from the side.

Luo Jiuli said 'hmm', "It's possible, but..."

"But what?" Xiao Zuo asked.

"It's nothing." Luo Jiuli frowned slightly, having a vague suspicion in his heart, but he didn't say it aloud.

I just hope it's not what she thought.

She said, "Maybe the ghost has left, so let's do this for now!"

"Oh!" Xiao Zuo was a little disappointed.

He thought he could see Sister Luo collect the ghost this time!
With luck, maybe he can also be entrusted with important tasks.


After all, it’s all in vain!
There is a must-pass path back to Aunt Chen's house, which leads directly to the door. Chen Tingting was standing in the middle of the road. When she saw Luo Jiuli's figure, she rushed towards her and burst into tears.

"Uuuuuuuuuah~ Everything is my fault. I beg the princess not to involve other people in the village..."

Luo Jiuli was furious after hearing the words "Don't involve other people in the village."

Before Chen Tingting could continue, she interrupted: "What do you mean I don't want to involve other people in the village? You should understand clearly that it was you who released the ghosts. If you want to involve them, you also involved them. Fuck me." Bullshit!"

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant! That's not what I meant!!"

Chen Tingting shook her head repeatedly and hugged Luo Jiuli's skirt tightly.

"What I mean is that I beg you not to care about the life or death of the people in the village just because of the mistakes I made in a moment of confusion."

As soon as Chen Tingting finished speaking, she shook her head again and again, "No, no, no, I don't mean this, I don't mean this, I mean, yes, yes..."

Chen Tingting's brain was in a mess, she was stammering, and she couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

"Okay!" Luo Jiuli took half a step back, avoided Chen Tingting's hand, looked at her expressionlessly and said, "I know what you mean, I didn't leave the people in the village alone, otherwise, I wouldn't Visit one house after another to see whose house the ghost is."

"But it's a pity. We have been to all the villagers' houses and found no ghost. It is very likely that she has left Chenjia Village. Of course, she may also be reincarnated as you wish."

Chen Tingting paused in tears, "What...what..."

"If Yang Xiuying really enters reincarnation, it would be the best outcome for everyone, but... what if she leaves Chenjiacun?"

Luo Jiuli met Chen Tingting's eyes.

"The people in Chenjiacun can be spared, but what about the other people?"

"The resentment in her body will definitely be vented on the living people." Chen Tingting fell to the ground helplessly, with two lines of clear tears flowing down her cheeks, murmuring to herself, "I...I am the executioner...I It's the executioner..."

Chen Tingting's pitiful appearance did not gain any sympathy from Luo Jiuli.

She said, "This is just one of the worst outcomes. Another outcome is that she will hide her aura."

"Huh???" Xiao Zuo's head was full of questions, "What does this mean????"

"Normally, no matter how powerful the resentment of a new ghost is, it is only mediocre, but Yang Xiuying is different. The strength in her body is several times stronger than that of ordinary ghosts, and she does not seem to resent herself."

Xiao Zuo didn't understand, "Didn't you say that her two sons died, and then she also died a violent death, so her resentment became even more intense?"

"That's right." Luo Jiuli said, "But even so, the resentment in her body is beyond the scope of a newborn ghost."

Xiao Zuo was confused, "?????????"

Wei Yan also looked like he didn't understand.

"Alas!" Luo Jiuli looked at the two of them and sighed heavily, "I told you two to study more, I don't believe you."

"In short, what I mean is that Yang Xiuying should be very resentful, but as a new ghost, no matter how heavy her resentment is, it cannot reach this level."

"I suspect that someone has manipulated it."

"Doing tricks??? What kind of tricks????" Xiao Zuo was extremely surprised, "Could it be that... there are also tricks that can make the resentment of ghosts become worse???? Impossible!!!"

"Look at your ignorant look." Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes at him, "Why is it impossible? It's possible! And, it's extremely possible."

When Luo Jiuli said he was ignorant, Xiao Zuo didn't care, "What should we do then?"

"How do I know what to do?" Luo Jiuli spread his hands, "I can't use my inner strength now, and my energy is limited. There is no good solution for the time being."

Xiao Zuo, "What about the hidden aura you were talking about at the beginning????"

"Why are you so stupid!" Luo Jiuli glanced at him with disgust, "I suspect that someone did something to make her resentful, and I also suspect that someone did something to help her hide her aura and avoid me. Eye."

"Hidden from your eyes!" Xiao Zuo opened his mouth in surprise, "You mean, she, she, she is still in the village??? And in the home of a villager we visited???"

"It's just speculation, don't take it seriously." Luo Jiuli waved his hand, bypassed Chen Tingting, and passed by her, "She is such a beauty, but don't cry so much, get up quickly! Wipe your nose and tears clean, don't I want to make Aunt Chen nervous."

Wei Yan and Xiao Zuo followed closely behind Luo Jiuli, showing no intention of helping Chen Tingting up.

Just because she was soft-hearted for a moment, she might kill one or several people.

This kind of mistake should be remembered.

Walking into the courtyard, Luo Jiuli saw the person guarding Jun Mohan's door at a glance. He was a stranger, dressed in black. He must be a secret guard she had never seen before.

Aunt Chen was sitting in the main room. When she saw Luo Jiuli and the others coming in, she asked, "Jiuli is back? Why are there just the three of you? Where is Ating? Didn't she go out to look for you??? You haven't met her yet?" Fuck her????”

"We met, we met, the person is right behind!"

Luo Jiuli did not go to the main room, but entered the room where Jun Mohan was.

 Happy New Year’s Eve, little Kana!May your dreams come true!Get rich, get rich, get rich in the new year! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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