Chapter 234 I am very happy to be my husband

Jun Mohan heard the movement and turned his head to look, "My lady is back."

"Well, I'm back." Luo Jiuli walked to the table, drank three glasses of water in a row, and asked Jun Mohan, "Have you had lunch?"

"Of course I ate." Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli who was about to continue drinking water, "Madam, are you very thirsty?"

"Hey!" Luo Jiuli raised his head and drank another glass of water, "I ate at Ersao Chen's house at noon. You don't know how welcoming they are, but the food they cooked was a bit... um... difficult Swallow it."

"This is a injustice to my wife." Jun Mohan smiled evilly and hooked his hand at Luo Jiuli, "Come here."

"What?" Luo Jiuli didn't move.

"Come here and I will tell you, my husband."


Luo Jiuli said childishly, but still acted honestly, put down the cup and walked over.

"You are so old, but you are still playing mystical things. How childish!"

Before Luo Jiuli finished speaking, he felt his hand being pulled violently, and he instantly fell into a warm embrace. The scent of sandalwood hit his nostrils, simple and reassuring.

Then there was another warm feeling on the forehead.

"My wife, be good! When I return to the capital, I will hire the best cook for my husband to cook for my wife in different ways every day."

The deep voice was slightly bewitching, which made Luo Jiuli's heart tremble.

She lay on Jun Mohan's chest, "Huh! Why is it the cook and not you?"

"Me???" Jun Mohan chuckled, "Haha, if the wife wants to, then she can cook for her husband herself."

The man in black, Lao Wu, floated out from the safety buckle and covered his eyes with his hands, "Hey! There is a child here, so you can't, oh!"

Before the man in black, Lao Wu, had finished speaking, Wen Yi pulled him into the safety buckle again and warned fiercely, "Shut up, princess! Don't bother brother Wang and his wife!!!"

"If my nephew and niece are not born on time next year, let's see how I will settle the score with you two!"

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Can you give birth to a baby with just a hug? ? ?
Kuang Yan pursed his lips, looking extremely aggrieved, "Cousin, I didn't even say anything..."

The fifth man in black said, "It's okay. I will be reincarnated early next year!"

"Aren't you afraid? Then Princess, I will ask Mrs. Wang to take you in and ask you to be reincarnated!" Wen Yi threatened with her hands on her hips.

"Hey! Don't, don't, don't!" The man in black, Lao Wu, hurriedly begged for mercy, "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, why not? I promise never to disturb my aunt and King Yi again. They love each other tenderly and sweetly. , all over the world, life is as long as Nanshan, easy to get together and good to go, thousands of miles to find the king..."

Except for the first few idioms, the rest are simply messy, irrelevant and nonsense.

Wen Yi was so angry that she shouted, "Shut up! What are you talking about! Even Shoubi Nanshan has come to have a good time together!! You are the only one who can have a good time together!!! Your whole family can have a good time together!" !!!”

"I've traveled thousands of miles to find you, to find your uncle!!!!"

Luo Jiuli was also speechless for a while.

Kuang Yan laughed on the side, "Hahahaha, Uncle Lao Wu, you should say that Sister Zhu Luo and Wang Yi will grow old together, and they should raise eyebrows together."

"That's right!" Wen Yi looked at the man in black, Lao Wu, "Did you see that even children can talk better than you?"

"Uh! Yes, yes, let's grow old together and raise eyebrows together! Let's grow old together and raise eyebrows together!!" Lao Wu, the man in black, responded repeatedly, "It's all my fault that I don't read enough and am illiterate. Please show mercy! Please show mercy!" ! But don’t let my aunt accept me!!!”

"That's pretty much it!" Wen Yi proudly raised her head and said loudly to the outside of the safety button, "Sister-in-law Wang! Don't worry, you can kiss me and me with Brother Wang. You can follow me and try to give me a chubby nephew next year. Alas, no, my chubby niece can do it too!"

"I asked them to pass by, and their ears were blocked. Don't worry, we can't hear or see!" Luo Jiuli: "..."

Chen Tingting followed Luo Jiuli almost back and forth. She was afraid that Mrs. Chen would be worried, so she hid her emotions outside the door.

Luo Jiuli didn't know when Xiao Zuo left. Anyway, she had already disappeared when she came out for dinner.

The sun was still scorching during the day, and even before dinner, the full moon was in the sky. But when she came out after dinner, it was drizzling, and only a corner of the moon remained, giving off a faint halo.

Luo Jiuli returned to the house and tucked Jun Mohan into bed, holding a stool and sitting by the window.

Because Jun Mohan was blown by the wind, she did not open the window completely, but only opened a corner, which was only half the size of Mo Yue's face.

Close your eyes, feel the breeze, feel the drizzle, and feel very good.

"My wife likes rainy days." Jun Mohan was wrapped up by Luo Jiuli and only his head was left outside. His words were affirmative, not questioning.

"Yes, I like rainy days." Luo Jiuli opened his eyes and whispered softly, as if he was afraid of disturbing the night.

"Haha!" Jun Mohan chuckled, "I am very happy for my husband. It would be better for my wife to open all the windows so that my husband can hear the sound of rain."

"No." Luo Jiuli turned his head and looked at Jun Mohan, and said seriously and solemnly, "You are not well yet, so you can't catch the wind. If you catch the wind and cold, you will be gone."

"You'd better take good care of yourself first. When you're well, I'll watch and listen to you."

"Okay." Jun Mohan's lips curled up slightly.

The face is stunning, the voice is deep, disturbing people's hearts, making ripples, who knows who's hearts are disturbed?
The candlelight flickers, adding to the warmth.

A gust of breeze blew across his face, and Luo Jiuli suddenly came back to his senses, his cheeks slightly red.

She shifted her gaze and looked up at the sky, pretending to be calm, "Tomorrow is my father's birthday."

Jun Mohan said, "I know."

"Huh??? You know???? How do you know????"

She didn't seem to have mentioned it in front of him.

"My wife's father is my husband's father." Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "How can I know that it's my father's birthday?"

"Oh!" Luo Jiuli's heart warmed.

Remembering the birthday of the most important person around her, such a small gesture, in her opinion, is worth countless words of love in the world.

Luo Jiuli didn't know when the rain stopped. She climbed into bed early, nestled in Jun Mohan's arms, sniffed the scent of sandalwood that could calm her, and fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning, yawned, and opened the door.

The scene in front of the door scared Luo Jiuli to the point of reflexively stepping back, "Holy shit!! What's going on!!!"

I woke up most of the time after dozing off.

In addition to Wei Yan, there was another person standing in front of the door - Chen Tingting.

Chen Tingting looked depressed, her hair was wet, her face was pale, and her eyes were black and blue.

If it weren't for the familiar clothes, Luo Jiuli might not have recognized her.

"No, you, you, you... Why are you looking like this??? You didn't sleep last night, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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