Chapter 235 That old man is very fierce!

"Sleep." Chen Tingting obviously looked tired and her eyes were lifeless, but she pretended to be alert.

She forced a smile from the corner of her mouth and said to Luo Jiuli, "I just woke up a little earlier in the morning. I have already cooked breakfast. Miss Luo, hurry up and eat."

"Your eyes are dull and you look like you are neither human nor ghost. Are you sure you slept at night???" Luo Jiuli was skeptical.

"Well, I'm asleep. If you don't believe me, ask Wei Tong... Mr. Wei."

Chen Tingting was about to blurt out Commander Wei, but she changed it to Mr. Wei in time.

"Jiuli, come and drink porridge quickly!" Aunt Chen shouted from the main room.

"Hey, I got it, come on!" Luo Jiuli replied, his eyes falling on Chen Tingting's pale cheek again, "Could it be had another nightmare last night?"

"How do you know!" Chen Tingting was shocked.

Luo Jiuli frowned and said in a more solemn tone, "Do you still have the magic talisman you were asked to carry with you?"

After not sleeping well for two days, Chen Tingting's reaction was obviously slower.

She was stunned, "Oh! The magic talisman!! It's there!!!"

She took out the magic talisman from her arms.

I saw that the originally bright yellow spirit talisman had turned dark without knowing it, as if it had been scorched by fire.

Chen Tingting's hand holding the magic talisman shook, "This, this, how, how could it become like this! Obviously, it was still fine yesterday, how, how could it be burned out today!"

"It's the ghost that's coming." Luo Jiuli's face didn't look very good.

"Sister-in-law Wang, in the middle of the night last night, an old man came outside the door!"

Wen Yi seemed to have just woken up, stretched out from the safety buckle, and floated to Luo Jiuli's side.

Luo Jiuli, "Old man?"

"Yeah." Wen Yi yawned, with an unhappy look on her face, "That old man is very fierce, and the clothes he wears are ugly. He disturbs people's sleep in the middle of the night, and insists on pretending to be a ghost outside the door to scare people."

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

Pretending to be a ghost to scare people...Has she ever thought that really is.

Wen Yi looked at Chen Tingting, "The ugly old man kept calling her name and asked her to open the door, but she actually opened it."

"I almost gave this princess a bad look. I couldn't wake her up when I called her, and couldn't drive the old man away. Fortunately, you gave her the magic talisman. The moment the door opened, two beams of golden light scared away the ugly old man. Otherwise, she would have died! "

Luo Jiu left the door and took a look. Sure enough, the talisman posted on the door had also turned black.

"Luo, Miss Luo..." Chen Tingting followed and saw the black magic talisman at the door, feeling a little flustered.

"Now I know I'm panicking." Luo Jiuli glanced at her, "I told you not to open the door to anyone, especially in the middle of the night. Why didn't you listen?"

"I, I..." Chen Tingting's voice was trembling, with a cry, "It's... it's Grandpa Axiang, he, he's back, he, he keeps calling me, let, let me give it to him Open the door, I, I don’t want to, but, I, my body is not under control at all.”

"When I woke up, I was sitting on the bed with a cold sweat on my back. At that time, I looked around and outside the door. I also asked Mr. Wei, but he said nothing. Then I, I thought that Just, just a dream."

"It's a dream, and it's not a dream."

Luo Jiuli's words made Chen Tingting, who was already slow, even more confused, "What, what does this mean?"

"What are you two doing? Come and eat quickly, the hot porridge will get cold if you wait a little longer." Aunt Chen only knew that the two of them were talking in the main room, but she couldn't hear what they said clearly.

"Alas!" Luo Jiuli sighed heavily, "That's all, you don't understand even if I say it. In short, this door can't be opened. If it weren't for the magic talisman to protect you this time, you might have lost your life."

"Yes, yes, thank you Miss Luo, thank you Miss Luo for saving my life."

"Thank me, there's no rush." ​​Luo Jiuli looked at the black mist above Chen Tingting's eyebrows, "This is just the beginning. His purpose was to take you away and make you his wife. The purpose was not achieved. It’s so easy to give up.”

"What...what!!!" Chen Tingting's hand trembled, and the burnt talisman fell to the ground along the gap between her fingertips, "He, he, he will come again!!! Then, what should I do next??? "


Luo Jiuli only gave one word.

"Stay???" Chen Tingting didn't know what she meant.

"That's right, just survive it. Just survive it for half a month." Luo Jiuli looked at Chen Tingting, "Didn't you say that he died a normal life? There is no obsession and no evil spirit, so the possibility of him becoming a ghost is extremely small. .”

"For a normal person who dies of old age, his soul will be seduced by a bull-headed horse's face after death. He will follow him to hell. Except for the first seven days and special days, he will not be able to step out of the gate of hell."

"Grandpa Axiang has passed the first seven years of his life, so why can he still come to me now???" Chen Tingting had tears in her eyes, obviously frightened.

"You said before that after Grandpa Axiang died, you helped finish the work and went to the main house to sweep the floor, but you didn't touch anything."

After a person dies, the coffin is usually placed in the main room.

Luo Jiuli locked eyes with Chen Tingting, "If you think about it again, after you went to the main room, except for sweeping the floor, you really didn't touch anywhere?"

"I didn't!" Chen Tingting denied it outright, fearing that Luo Jiuli wouldn't believe it, so she added, "I really didn't, I really haven't encountered it anywhere."

"Impossible!" Luo Jiuli said, "If you really haven't encountered him anywhere, then it's impossible for him to pester you. No matter how carefully you think about it, think about it."

"I..." Chen Tingting opened her mouth to deny it, but a fragment suddenly appeared in her mind, "I know!"

"Huh????" Luo Jiuli, "Remember?"

"Yes! I remembered it!! I remembered it!!!" Chen Tingting recalled, "I was sweeping the floor outside, and it was Grandpa Axiang's daughter-in-law. She, she asked me to help sweep the main house, and then I, I just went."

"There is a special broom in the main room, right next to the coffin."

"It's the coffin tail, right."

It was obviously a question, but Luo Jiuli said it with certainty.

"Yes, yes, it's the end of the coffin."

The scene at that moment clearly reappeared in Chen Tingting's mind.

"The broom was placed there, originally to sweep away the ashes after the burning coins, but, but I..."

"Yes, only relatives cannot touch the coffin, especially the head and tail." Luo Jiuli asked, "Has Grandpa Axiang been a widow for many years?"

"Yes, that's right." Chen Tingting nodded, "His wife left early, not long after giving birth to the child. He has not married anyone else in the past few decades. He has raised the child alone. Now even My grandson is already several years old.”

Luo Jiuli chuckled, "That's right, you touched the end of his coffin, and he happens to be missing a wife, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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